Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (2024)

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Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (26)

Here's what you should know about this increasingly popular — and incredibly sweet — drink.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (27)

“When you see the ring light come out, you know it's going to be a bad table."

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (28)

Even if they’re well-meaning, these remarks can make some people feel judged, shamed and self-conscious.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (29)

Gastro doctors and dietitians explain how your diet may be making your bathroom problems worse.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (30)

Changing your diet can make a huge difference in kidney stone formation and recurrence.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (31)

And it costs absolutely nothing but a few minutes of patience.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (32)

You already know drinking coffee late in the day can keep you up. But you’ll be surprised at these sneaky sleep disruptors.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (33)

A fast food copycat, peanut butter ramen and two different versions of garlicky chicken.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (34)

Celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern is asking you to save them.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (35)

GI experts break down exactly why alcohol can trigger diarrhea, fecal urgency and other unpleasant side effects.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (36)

We asked three top longevity experts what’s in their grocery carts. Here’s what they told us.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (37)

Do you even know how many milligrams you eat per day?

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (38)

These are the dishes first- and second-generation Chinese restaurant kids know not to order.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (39)

Lacking access to culturally appropriate foods can contribute to shame, mental health concerns and a loss of identity.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (40)

There’s good news, and there’s bad news.

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"I came to a realization — there was no representation in food media doing what I do who looked like me — no Black men, no men of color, and no openly queer men."

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (42)

Some ingredients can regulate your hormones, while others only provide temporary relief before sending you crashing.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (43)

Plant-based eating is more popular than ever, but does completely giving up animal products have more of an impact than the Mediterranean diet?

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (44)

Google shared the most uniquely searched game day dips across the U.S.

Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (45)

Straight from the mouths of cardiologists and a heart health nutritionist.

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Food and Drink - Recipes, Inspiration (2024)


Does delish have an app? ›

Our Delish recipe app has easy recipes with clear ingredients list and simple instructions for you to follow.

How do you keep meals interesting? ›

How to: 4 Key Components to Make a Meal Look Appealing
  1. Color. We eat first with our eyes so just like a painting the colors on our plate need to work together. ...
  2. Shape. The shape of the food draws your interest by bringing movement to the plate. ...
  3. Size. Different sizes of food in a dish are meant for two reasons: ...
  4. Texture.

How can I motivate myself to cook everyday? ›

7 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Cook More Meals at Home
  1. Stock up on core ingredients. ...
  2. Take shortcuts with convenience items. ...
  3. Reduce prep work by using minimally processed whole foods. ...
  4. Incorporate entertainment. ...
  5. Invest in a fun kitchen gadget. ...
  6. Always cook for more than one meal. ...
  7. Plan at least three meals per week.

How do you find joy in cooking? ›

Being fully present and engaged in the cooking process can help you appreciate each step and savor the aromas, flavors, and textures of the ingredients. This mindful approach can turn cooking into a meditative experience, helping to reduce stress and anxiety while increasing overall well-being.

Who has the most delicious food in the world? ›

  • Italy. #1 in Has great food. #15 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Spain. #2 in Has great food. #17 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Mexico. #3 in Has great food. #33 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • France. #4 in Has great food. ...
  • Greece. #5 in Has great food. ...
  • Thailand. #6 in Has great food. ...
  • Turkey. #7 in Has great food. ...
  • Portugal. #8 in Has great food.

Is Delish no longer free? ›

What can I still get for free? If you're not a Delish Unlimited member, you can enjoy 3 articles and/or recipes during a 30-day period at absolutely no cost.

Is the delish app free? ›

Download the free Tasty Recipes app today. Let's get cookin'!

Is the yummy app free? ›

The Yummly app is free to download, and you can use the thermometer controls in the app without a paid subscription. Yummly also has millions of recipes that you can search and save into your account for free. You can use the Yummly bookmarklet to add recipes from around the internet to your saved recipes for free.

What is a fun eating habit? ›

Fun eating is eating foods we love to eat, regardless of nutritional content of the food. Fun foods have a time and a place, but usually offer little to no nutritional value, explains Dr Michaelides.

What is a colorful diet? ›

Simply put, eating the rainbow involves eating fruits and vegetables of different colors every day. Plants contain different pigments, or phytonutrients, which give them their color.

What makes a meal look appealing? ›

Colors: The colors of a meal's ingredients play a significant role. While bright, vibrant colors can add energy, complementary colors create a contrast that adds visual layers to the meal, and too many dull colors may seem unappealing. By seeing what we eat, we can assume a food's flavor before we even taste it.

What inspires people to cook? ›

7 Appealing Ideas That Will Inspire You To Cook
  • Explore Cultural Dishes. ...
  • Build Summer Kitchen. ...
  • Clean Kitchen Regularly. ...
  • Challenge Yourself. ...
  • Sharpen Your Knives. ...
  • Plan Your Meals. ...
  • Learn from Other People.
Oct 26, 2022

How do I get excited about cooking? ›

7 Simple Ways I Get Excited to Cook When I Really Don't Feel Like...
  1. Start with in-season ingredients. ...
  2. Recreate a dish from your favorite restaurant. ...
  3. Utilize meal delivery kits. ...
  4. Read cookbooks. ...
  5. Try one new food every week. ...
  6. Experiment with new tools. ...
  7. Perfect a couple of easy recipes you love.
Nov 5, 2022

How can I start to enjoy cooking? ›

How to enjoy cooking even on busy or stressful days
  1. Clear you counter. ...
  2. Choose healthy and fresh ingredients. ...
  3. Learn how to cut with a chef's knife. ...
  4. Start with some recipes or meals that are your favorite. ...
  5. Take your time and enjoy your meal with family and friends. ...
  6. Focus on the benefits.

Why do I find cooking therapeutic? ›

As self-care, cooking therapy may help improve overall mental well-being in several ways. For example, people may experience a sense of accomplishment, focus, and mindfulness while cooking. By working with food, individuals can connect to cultural roots and family memories, which may boost comfort and belonging.

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Article information

Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated:

Views: 6685

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.