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New York Sun, Oct 7, 1887, p. 1 | NewspaperArchive (1)

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New York Sun (Newspaper) - October 7, 1887, New York, New YorkJew we j 4 i Tatj do 4 h i by in ii ivol i if f i j Leno 37 j new York Friday of tobit 7 1887 puce two cents Goy Lull to tile Farmers a philosophical address 41 in taxes cur Taitt he told the Farmer that they a bold have life More Attra Eltre is a to keep their de an i Oehlka to the crowded Clelle Penn Tan oct Otho Yates county fair waa in pro Arom today nov Hill arrived this morning on the night train from Albany accompanied by col e l Judson his staff to wits Mot it Tho do Dot by assemblyman Cornwell and n comm too of cltlon1spoke this afternoon to an immense Cirard at Tho fair grounds upon the by Ljcata of equal tax quod preservation of forests and the labor quest los Ilo Siso Poko upon the Law the cd Tola and thar increased pout a compared with Tho country dub taut rally As follows i am Roll Hood upon this occasion that in county that boars Tho honoured namoi named in Honor of Joseph dyads so eighth governor this Batto you was formed Early in 1823 and its Boun Cut Novor Boon changed Sunoo Tho data of its erection i do scorer that the census Dis closes Tho remarkable tact that from 18co to 1875 Tho population of your Oonner did not in Creaso but really diminished and from 1875 to 1880 Thoro was Only a slight addition yours is emphatically an agricultural Community and other agricultural counties in Batto exhibit a similar falling off Ino population according to Tho Fodora Ceng Osof 1880 Tho counties of Washington Ulster sch Nylon Putnam Sullivan and Broom actually diminished in population from 1875 t1880 while a larger number of Interior you Neloa Roma nod substantially stationary Tho statistics seem to Domo strato that Tho Imo increase of population of Tato in our Groat cities Ando ban Largo tillage in Tho Rural districts there seems to exist a disposition on Tho Par of Tho people to crowd into Tho clues for employment rather than seek it upon Tho farm and in Tho Pam air of Tho country Tho terrors of crowded and tenement nausea Are not enough deter them but thoe Oit Mont and Tot of City Ulfo appear to attract the boat interests of the Kioto and of All concerned would to Subserve if this unfortunate tendency could to chocked Tho cultivation of Thoplas an employ mentioned Inonu Laured Public sentiment0inokod favor of building up the country As Well As Tho cities and inducing the people to follow agricultural pursuits our cities Are crowded with workingmen clamouring for an Opportunity to engage in honest labor while the Tho Interior Are comparatively def aral Fields Are Only halt cultivated regrowth of our cities and the Tadini status of our population will soon Mako Tho Rathe centres of political Power As Well Hes dictating and the Stato upon All Public Auest Lons another enumeration whenever it shall Tako place and lust apportionment based thereon will inevitably still further increase the representation St the clues in the legislature of the state and add to their Power and influence the will of Tho majority must Rule and if the cities of our state continue to increase at the expanse of the Rural districts there is no escape lag the conclusion that a diminution of Power influence and position will rust in Tho Ocris cultural portions of Ouri our farms Are too Large and they should a subdivided and inducements held out to Che employed to become tillers of the toll and to share with you the responsibilities duties and advantages of a Farmers Ulfo As Olener Rule you attempt to cultivate too anti he usual result is that there is on inferior exhibition of husbandry smaller farms and More thorough Bolon till and intelligent farm is will or Cauca hotter results and afford needed opportunities for others to onto agon thoame honorable vocation there u land enough torn in Elohim is Rich enough to Giro Al farm is a baying founded upon j try it la difficult to comprehend the anxiety of Tho masses Oscity Ute the Emigrant we too Mot our shores naturally Infin Shoho first lands desirous of getting his form to engage in Tho Uncertain vontatlr1 some Commora business Man Farmers who a competency by the slow but sure process of tilling the soil As their fathers did before them seem anxious to go into the City to got Rich faster and then usually terminate Thor careers by the loss of Evort Henlin hopeless bankruptcy the True e things lies in making country Ulfo More pleasant and acceptable and Tho Fol lowing of agricultural pursuits loss monotonous and burdensome Thoris no necessity in any department of life excessive labor that characterized former tile Jaylor saving machinery and improvements in All kinds of farm implements pave lightened much of the Drudgery formerly incident to farming there wer times when men hat to work fourteen a Day to there was a reduction to hour and now Tho demand for oven Les Shourti labor is receiving Rosec Fiul attention worn for orly hold 01 Day on Over saturday a Holdys and ministers to preach four times use sunday All those things Are changed Tow and Tho occupation of farming Basolt some Oxton Tho in Lonco of these altered conditions Thom should to More recreation among to normor farm ers picnics on saturdays and More sociability among neighbors in Winter Sac More opportunities for travel at All times tie Farmers son can be kept at hom*o if that Home Shalbo made is attractive As 1 oily Cowper appropriately says god made Tho country and Man made Tho town end surely Tho works of the almighty Aro to those of poor human nature peaking of Tho expense of living in Tho close and narrow streets of pontus City As com pared with country life Brydon Well observes Sweet country seats Are purchased everywhere with lends and gardens at Lees Price than hero you hire n dark some Dot Hole by the year othe Rural portions of our Stato should not to permitted to deteriorate they need in in flux of new Ere nowed greater Civ if it Lis related that a Farmer m no lad who owned farm of 900 acres gave lotto his eldest daughter on her wedding Day and to found the next your that by greater Diligence and More thorough and Onciul cultivation he raised As much remaining 20acres As he bad raised on the whole before so that when his next daughter was married to was easily persuaded to give her 10u acres and Tho next year by still greater Industry and increased thoroughness to raised As much from what remained a to had Over raised before this incident illustrates what can to of the soil and loads to Tho suggestion that the Farmers of the state should Al muh the Stone of their farms and eel portions ofed new Corners and Thor Incabo the to Muon i our real ooh an increase is Only for the retention of jut oat Power but is desirable upon Ocon Mother grounds int while there is evinced a disposition on the part of Tho working classes to remain in our Large cities it is nevertheless evident that the e advantages of countr life Are becoming More and mor appreciated especially on the Buttof Means and our Public mop every Wel Todo City Man Nogoda Rooma Tod Oslo a hom*o in the Whol to canal lowly pass the summer month former Avort resort Tho being de for the Rountr Village the farm and Tho whor* nature i loveliness holds Sway supreme oar distinguished Public Mon from the of the country have preferred Tho quiet Rural borne to Tho Busy streets of tile crowded c1tii Pasha newtons hom*o was in Tho country his Beautiful Retreat mount Vernon on the oui of the Jeffersons happiest Potomis were pcs Mountain Home Mon to 0 Jackson rusticated at his hermitagewerpafsoulil3lolauro hour upon ills Iaru iat a old Horatio lived Tho life of a Deerfield and served repeatedly a Pat master of his town boy Lldon had so Idous summer residence Ureys Tono onto Banks of the Hudson and in isl onto Ovolon preferring the privacy Rural Home to that of the White que has disown romantic Oak flow Heights overlooking the capital City the eloquent Brooklyn Drynel Onward Doe Ohar studied nature natures Dod from us Beautt Lul Peekskill fan Hor amid the music of the rein Tho the tree the fragrance of the Lowers the perfume Anion new mown Hay and Grain pure air an the magnificent scenery of the Highlands rethought out those eloquent and scholarly ser Mon which charmed his hearers at 1lymouthuburab anti made Lila reputation a Tho great est Iiron Lier of his Tim hint Tho proper Fly of the farming regions will1 not to advanced by All our use fiend it will not assume the our Bank telegraphs and to retarded by say attempt to Oon vacate the property of r f which Nave and to Uselto rights or of whip Famor takes no in the Ubo pin Schom*o of those to furl economists who Felto have a vision of property Ito ii the in Tho Coral Muncy mid believes in proving i hold no fast that Chioti 1 1 How the Ato Ca reached by to abolition of the human of taxation in Phi specie of property o 8t01foral us blog it All upon land itself Volt cannot see now men who own no property and pay no taxes whatever Are to to particularly relieved by Aoh Ango in Tho Fons or methods of taxation Thor was in enter abolition then As no of All to an ownership Thonas now sept Ilia Lett it toned ouf this Ilen Moriho Loop Ctorn tackles 1j la her Csc a Cloud that has Boon hovering Over the apartments in the Bargo office occupied by the women inspectors of Surveyor Beatt Loo staff Burt at 1 Oclock yesterday afternoon and Tho Racket attracted the attention of pastors by in Tho hallway Tho sudden Squall was a very serious disagreement Between superintendent John a Talon of Tho Barge off co and Marmary e Williams Tho head of the corps of women Idoe Torrs is known about the Barge off co n Captain chief inspect Ross an sometimes she is facetiously addressed Doss Flo is n Willowy widow with Black or08 and she resented yesterday what she was an unwarrantable interference by superintendent Whalon in Tho performance other duties the superintendent Lia a big Man with a fierce Black moustache shortly after noon superintendent Whalen wits informed that Tho steamships City of hom*o and Waaland had been sighted it was Tho City of hom*os lost trip of Tho season and she was pm Wood with passengers Tho woes land was snugly loaded and Tho superintendent scented smugglers to had assigned his Mon inspectors to the two steamships and to visited the women inspector department to As the names of those who Onn been assigned to look out for women smugglers mrs Voll 1lams in always made out the assignment superintendent raced into Tho office and not seeing mrs Williams asked where she was to was told that mrs William a had gone to luncheon Tho superintendent fretted an fumed anti declared that with two such steam ships expected it was to delay the assignment of women inspectors Tolie pranced about thl Omo talking Temshiv Tessness and occurred again Thorn would be trouble grabbed the assignment Book that he would out Tho assignments mar Elf Mae he had about completed them when a Williams walked in Bho resented the suite dents and was parti Gully in censor prs Loat n because to had out the assignment Mao what Are you list her1rwilliamssaid As her Black eyes whalenia began the big superintendent dont want you Here you have no Busi Ness hero if you made out Tho assignment it von can have the Job permanently i 1not have you interfering with me mrs Liam rattled on Tho superintendent talked Back and pretty loud and a crowd had got about the doorway when or Whalen vowing that hereafter he would make the assignments himself beat a Retreat for Ira Williams it is said that she was an noyed because or Whalen had come into the apartments and before her associates Hod questioned her competency for or whales Side it is said that mrs Williams has been sent from the Omen several times of late a important occasions that she assumed the Power to suspend mrs Anna m Parkland has Ocomo a czarina Over her of flu tubes onto Baime Morkri Falb the convert enc or Celo Octola Hee cola de Kiuei to won by popular fait Imansha Garden is As prosperous d sign of diminishing popularity so far at Tendance and apparent enjoyment Acon corned Tho copy of Tho encyclopaedia Brit Annoca which is to to raffled for bar this sign Tho president of the Ond in encyclopaedia very useful in the for the most popular Assembly District the seventh has a decided loathe eighteenth holding second place r Blaine still Lead the candidates for president with 584 votes or George has 861 votes Goy Mill 140 president Cleveland and t v powder re votes each and a faint an has been inserted in Tho list to record the one vote which has been cast for John p 8t John Gus Sundstrom holds the record 500 on Tho lung he reached this Point several times tester and Al Sundstrom made 405 i of Forleo has 400 to his credit and w this City 885 blow yer lungs out fur a Nickel a Small boy last night and Many Yel trod to do it but wore Content to top Short of their Nickels Worth miss Munler Lis still in the Load As the hardest worker for the fair miss Landau As the mos popular lady chief Fisher As the most popular la Robiin or Burwell is the most popular Clergyman at Tho so Garth Arpon Bot hand or Curran at our pastors table in utile namesakes of or Mog Lynn Are con testing for baby quilt pro Richard Ely of Johns Hopkins University has Given to the fair copies of his labor movement and they Are Selling rapidly there were three novelties on exhibition last night at Tho anti cruelty stand Al presented by mrs James h Hackett who l thing genl us of that Corner one Silver badge about four Inch Lin diameter the in Lilia of Tho Black Pince of Odd Ray Points Thal Ternate longer Points surmounted with ver bulls the Centre in a painting on Ivory of Tho Black Prince surrounded by Throe wreaths of Rose Shamrock and Thistle mrs Hackett thinks it 1 300 years Oldie was once owned by David Garrick and the late or Hackett wore it in his impersonations of Jan Mart mrs Hackett proposes to present it to the most popular police Captain Tho decision to be made at her stand hanging beside the framed modal was an Oll silk Tarpaulin which is to go to the most popular Loveroff the cause As shown by her Patron votes its value Llesly its hav ing been worn by tile skipper of the yacht amoral cd during the famous race in 1851 which in the capture of the America cup the third Novelty Lis a 10lecuon of old place of Money an i roman sit Sci Isoo o As As chalet in errand a Colonia la Vodovar note111778 1000 Yon a loan of 98 bin Coo Gune Story or sow she was swindled out or her furniture mrs William roof fun of 422 West for fifth Street told Justice Murray in to Vullo court yesterday that valued at 1100 and which Sho had stored in John j Tom Moss Storako warehouse at 800 West 124th Street had Boon seized and sold fora loan of in secured by mortgage on the Tirol hire she said that Tummons sent her husband to Arthur Lope of 3 West four tooth Street tomorrow and that Hope sent him to Law yer i Survoy Weed in the Rotter building have a mortgage for 12 drawn up Wood she says took another Morl Gnu for 113 for Lila services and also demanded the surrender the Ware House receipt Tymn or Coovaa a orals 8 about the time or Coop que was ready to pay Back the borrowed Money he got u letter from Joseph Hill Lens attorney for mortgagee 181nassau street1 notifying him that unless repaid the amount tube mortgages find Allex lenses amounting to 61 the Gros would be sold on Sopt 20 the letter was dated hiept23 and received by or Coogan on the 27th mrs Ofloinn called on or turn Mons and found that her furniture had Boon taken away on at auction for about Sod As oho vt1 Milso Iutok her Case to Lawyor moshing of or Tamra on was summoned to court he told Justice Murray that no had nothing to do with the matter to had surrendered the goods on presentation of Tho warehouse to Justice Murray warned him that he had bet Tor get the furniture and Rotor tit looks to to he Al this were a outrageous swindle defraud these poor people out of Over 1000 Worth of Lur Alturo on a loan of to to wit Tara Rainsb examination Down for and said that he would Pur sue the matter an far of the Law would allow him Toic Raer Botao e 1 Economy in Euphela elea Auasi i june rites Reutita Anutt 1 another stay my Sharp sino Aalto my Ted at saut a Huttt til of Urr a Ojuita a e Borer Don act ass the Stuy Rynanen Ted Andis the will it to t Ken Albany oct Otho hearing on Tho motion of Jacob Sharps counsel to Oxton the temporary stay of execution of Tho prisoners sentence until the ease shall have Beta finally Hoard and determined by the cur of appeals on Appeal from its by Tho supreme court in general term was held at 8 Oclock this afternoon before chief judge Rug or in Tho court of appeals chamber at Ted Capitol the room was Well filled with Law Yoland student from the Law school District attorney Marino and assistant District attorney appeared for the people Tho prisoner was represented by w Bourke co*ck ran Edward w Falgo Albert a Ticknor and Homer a Nelson judge Roger said that the discussion must necessarily to Brief Tor the court sits from i till 7 Oclock for the purpose consultation so to would have to lie Achsie in Tho arguments to half an or Coo Kane shall till mainly on endeavouring to show error wee committed in this trial court in admitting the evident Sharp taken before the sen-ate1 committee judge Rugur n can Only be0a reasonable doubt of the correctness of that ruling then that a stay can bigoted or Paige Thon arose and addressed Tho court upon the Legal Points by which they sought to Matash Tho motion being Manly Tho same ones presented by or co*ckran general Ter District attorney Martina in reply told Tattoo general term huts passed on All Points and sustained judge Barrett or Nicoll argued the Legal Points of Tho Case Ruger asked i Tho respective make a to the time when a decision should rendered upon said that it was a matter of it importance to Tho prisoner who lies at t of death and a urged that to be spathe humiliation of incarceration in sing sinn until the two shall p*rno u Over Tat the norms the said this Aue suon of Sharps dying did not enter berprpl11rd Ito was no bettor than he jihad Boon recently Jedi Oahley examined by order of the court toudtbei10 danger of a Suduen-demisejtidrruprthes5 qty Doai Hyben the a rygrst2iacsseloa with to a Lala in lever of the ree Cros of Tot Jedi Ial authorities upon Tho other Side which i by of great Deal of seriousness la my of re Rul ing hey beep very ably cupid doubt Baa Bee thrown upon them and the doubt in my mind a to the legality of the rang the fact that a Rul ing of this kind require a lengthy argument Ansi refer 5501 to authorities remove toil Eue from Thep he re of Ordinary easel this Oslo in Justice the question involved require a am Ninon the record and references t ii Dorl the argumenti think i should b of i or before the carrying of the Lentene should undertake to sex Arian e this Cue with a View of coming t Lorn final conclusions to the Marl of the eat it would not be potable forme to be before this ease would be Beard in thai court i Moin lined to think this a Cue which i should i must Corfu on torn of theone in the a before the leg ulat Lve committee sad i think on the Boi i vagrant a Cert Lacate now without considering tar Leand i think upon the whole i had better Gran Grant a stay extend till the Cue has men heard and determined Bothe noun Jacob Sharp received the news in Lomow at 0 Clook from his Soninlaw Geore Taler Belmes had been lawyer Tod who got n Telegram from Bourke co*ckran his partner or and i Sharp received the news As though i District attorney Marle Dolam 001and Bourke Cookman Abathe 1045 train last night they rounded by reporters in the grand Centra depot mrs Artlyn Aid i i judge Finger ha5 made the stay to Mia Shtob Monr permanent in the o appeals Sita of dance in judge linger and believe1 the when he Cornea look Over this Case he trill vote in the cur Tot appeals for an Abacot the e general term-i0 have no a ont that All the judges think so too the Points upon which Huger seemed to have doubt wore the admission of Sharps own testimony the Tes Timony about the flight of do Lacey Moloney and the other to Canada and abut the pea session Largo Bills by de pendants and Tho admission of Sharps test Mony before Tho Senate committee to said that he haunt time to examine these Points ecu that further he thought they ought to exam ined the thing that seemed to strike judge ruler hardest said or Noou was the a violation of constitutional right in the admission of Sharps testimony before the h Alt in Oom Mattso lie said that to did think it would do any harm to keep Sharp in Ludlow Street a Little time while tide question was looked Itati and he asked or Marine to join with him in giving Shaa Sty Marin said that although like regarding made by the chief judge yet under the Circum stances he could not consent to Tho stay the card 1 St Down for argument in Fullon but i hardly think it will Bedour then it 11undoubtedly be reached though by the the month of course Sharp will not be admitted to Ball meanwhile dont suppose judge Ruger would entertain such a motion for an instant officeholders hot marked the Unitta if tier Pat str be at political and politic party this tear the general comm too of Tho met last night in of Hal John Mcmackin the chairman was it was announced that he had gone to fulfil some engagements which Rev Hugh o font Cost who is running for mayor of Newark Hamade to speak in this state the Engineer Frank Ferroli took his place prof William d Clarke Secretary of the executive committee reported that this Resolution had Ben adopted at the or meeting of oct 3 that we recommend to the county general committee the adoption of a Resolution Deel arenc that no person holding a Federal a state or a municipal office judicial or educational office excepted Shell be eligible for Nomi nation a a candidate of this party this woke up the delegates and John t Burke from the second District started in to smash Tho scheme of the Exa Lutiao committee Delegate Murphy of the fourteenth i Ariot said that to had been investigated Tho charges of rottenness in the eighteenth dlstrl9t and to found Thorn was an Melni of the City government who Wah intriguing for a nomination bythe United labor part comm too postponed action and adjourned body to attend i Antipoverty fair in a Tho executive committee also cleared the skirts of William p Omeara who had been charged with intriguing with the two other political parties it was voted to establish a naturalization Bureau and county hour our joint p Foley and Joseph w Parker two of the committee which had been instructed to devise ways anti Means for establishing a Dally journal which shall be the Organ of Tho United labor party reported that they have succeeded in raising null Clef capital to begin the pub location James w Sullivan Tho other member of the committee did not Eig Tho report it was said Joc Osely by Joseph w Parker that Tho literary scion of Tho Vond Erblic fatally had Given the Money he escaped of Tox Bijo by Leo arrest or the men wit one Al Lott a new York Central be me Ute Osco oct Olmes Wilson and we Payton two noted pickpockets Wear rested in the at Columbia Lustro night Haser Ved in several Eastern penitentiaries Wilson arrested in 1871 i Philadelphia on the Charlie of Pool the pocket of Thoma Budd by i was sent to and la 1872 went to staging for two Yea sin company with a fellow convict he scaled the Walls and under fro from the guards Rathe Railroad track and captured an engine with which they their escape jumping Oil just Belorit Mal and thrown into the they we recaptured in Hiya sing Lenl in l87wilson was arrested again of Ohar Goot Obb Agthe British Consul Wilson went to p again on these k and his release went to Ore to get us Wall be Thel Penitentiary j i Jwj a a Vino to task fat Jet Lau mask to Klye oat Leoo Kre to overdraw cd Bank Allt la alleged Baa no wrong but Hoha not to Canada is Arthur h Basil the paying toilet of the Fulton flank at 301 Pulton Street Brooklyn to waa arrested yesterday Forenoon while bully engaged at his desk in Tho Bank hop Ole and trembled and away he 1s car Gold with grand larceny in using his official place in the bunk to assist in a conspiracy by which Tho Init Sutlon was robbed about 119000 president William h to Ezrd discovered on wednesday night that the Bank was Bldr systematically robbed and that Tho pay ing Teller had been Mado Tho tool of the conspirators yesterday meriting accompanied by of assistant United states District attorney Angell the counsel of Tho Bank Lull card went to the Adams Street Polce cur and after presenting All the sworn Plain against Knoll and the John son Cor in this City and lives in Brooklyn Edward Lowler an agent Tor a Patent fuel company with a office i Ridge near Whitehall Street an oper Ator in mining Stock and against two other men whose names Aro suppressed for Tho pres ent Justice Walsh immediately is Nevarr ants for the Jive persons lied and Mahor arraigned Beforce to Walsh Heaed not guilty and want o jail in default o 60balis a Fin looking Man about 8l and has Boon employed in the Fulton Hank since its organization Itol years ago he Hasa Young wife and a cd 1 on his Way to the jail he was greatly Down cast but assorted that to had never been benefited a Coats Worth by the moneys taken from Fowler was arrested in now York to is a Well dressed and very gentle Manly looking Man about 88 years old 1011a brother of win a Fowler who Somo was very conspicuous in democratic politics i Brooklyn and at Ono time held Tho off co of water commissioner after Sneila president Hanson this Arba tub Sun please contradict Thermal Tuii been an def Alcarion in this and the Lam dots not teach l3oou the lads ct5 very Elm ale one Imp notly trusted Paylun Teller i been cubing checks he had no right to Honor Andthil he Bee or eight month 1 am pretty Well attuned that he id Lono the Money bums Elzbut simply let Iii Good one of our customer outrun his discretion i do not wish to full particular until All the persons i into been arrested there Are three or tour the Moat deeply involved pen Onwu a the Bank doing business in new frequently got checks cashed by our paying to tilt he had no fund with ill to meet 11m ought not to Hare Given him the customer Pronitis Ato Flake Mot doom or Neu and la Bai had dose kept cubing a Betti h Baor rate the amount Beck so squared i Dit covered the Den Elency Mysel accounts the Ion ii Lolly covered by the paying tellers Bonds a Hepburn need 48 years who Wane broker of so West Thiry four it ret for whom Ono of Tho a was arrested Idt at Histel Lnla b Harrison Street a was taken to 3rooklyn Ion and locked up the Adsms Street Johnston who live in Jersey had not been found up to a late hour last night inspector Ite Illi sad lat night the work Baa mostly the put while cashier Tureen was Bundar nco00111wlfel Elthea a we Aro or Leauard ran against a number of there Worth Eta checks in saute department remarked that the Checke were for some ladle Esdia Buignet with the Bank Fowler end ills others a la a risk company Rowle would bring this checks drawn on a a Yerk blk end Knell would Cash them and place them Bank Cash which was Nib control we account were Bank off Cal mod Send them Over to the tint nation saps to the Clearing for the Rolton Bank the checks course be beak in which owe of the others Tab 000010111 but the had rot through Nall would lend Over Cash to balance the amounts of the Chaski and the Check would be returned to him he would then plat hem in his Money to much Cash and in Way bet it Back and Forth Kne lira to the ext motor remand Ide Ohnoki for that amount Tow Leland Knoll no cousins one a Thede the Olves says that the former remarked after ills arrest Batho was alone responsible Tor the be Able to explain them i Pajutee ribs bits jobs shwe mow Little Comfort science Canali Oto to a broken near the Rev Josephh Parker d d of London lectured at thicker Long Hall last evening upon Tho subject jobs comforters sympathy from science he was introduced by the novo or Abbott e Elt Tredgo or Parker said he knew nothing about lecturing but to had been told by the late John b Tough when hereto fore asked to lecture in this c*nt that the sort of lecture Best to pleas american audience was on which took a Hiat moral standpoint it was wit this advice 1view that he had now conic country required to name the three Mot Ordo he said that in select prof Huxley pro Tyndall and John Tutar Mill Dut even they had a Dmit the Phenomena of matter and fore lying within our intellectual sight the mystery of the universe is unsolved and o far As they wore concerned would remain unsolved it was his Mission he said to Dis Pute those Learned men and to ask what do they offer to a broken her1the speaker then tory of Job Para phrased to suit the ease As the comforte Rouwho sought him in his misery he named Hutley the Jille Cullet Stuart the Allt and Tyndall Iho a adduced who 1lay before Job the wealth of their learning the Glrst said that the trouble was entirely molecular mor disturbance of Gray matter and that As vowed scientifically his was a singularly Case the next that the gases of his children bal simply been liberated to mingle with the Economy of nature the last that we live upon one nother through life by converting dead no Tomason into living nuttier and they offered to lend him docks Totol Comfort him the tortured Job finally drove them away and found rest by trusting in god thus it was that science offered but Little real Comfort to Man and that when she had done her boat Thor remained Depths of the human Heartso could never Roach a flood cars cd by a my Satnat 1dt a Hole a the hunk of a Mill Hudlet the water out in torrent Nashua n h oct of Muskrat dug whole through Tho Bank of Tho canal of Tho Nashua manufacturing company about a mile above the City and this morning the water bran to trickle through in a Short time the Stream had swelled into a torrent and a disastrous flood followed cant in m Shaw Tho agent was in the i when suddenly Tho Power wont Down going out a discovered the water rapidly lowering Teall zing that a burst roust have occurred some hereto hurried out his team and drove along the right Bank to about a mile above the Mill opposite the lower Pond Thor to behold a Bono of destruction that has not been equalled in 1 this City for Over a Quarter of a on the left Bank was a break Contursi Long through which the water of the canal rushed and foamed the Banks on either Side above and below Tho opening wore rapidly crumbling away under the Force of the torrent and it threatened the destruction of the left Hanka Man was hastily despatched to the House at mine Falls to shut Down Tim Gat through which water comes to run Tho mils and Threeths the Jackson company below the torrent swept away into this Woods directly Iti front carrying Trees and All the waste around to Tho Nashua River behind the River rapidly Rose and was covered by the yellow foam Tor a mile below the Mills in Down and there is no telling when they will resume work As the damage will take weeks to repair the water is now opening from the upper Pond and until that is dope the flood has thrown 80employeeslout of work for an indefinite to senator in Liczek Waibl note Washington oct Benato Frank Hoock Gap Pullo the City Tell qut Tolj today of the molottr1 in lbs Arlington for his hot Dud not Register although ibis oversight a afterwards remedied by the Dirk after breakout or Hoock buns a of paper and Viville Deverel of the department at noon he dropped Lute the Offlie of the supervising ambit it of Treasury and talked for an hour with that official the condition of toe work in the Public building at or Ranee the senator waa very anxious that certain Gran Cheet the work 1101 he a Peckally mentioned loud carried on word Between mryl end or it tract the new architect who Iii a old or Reret reminded thelot Iii oort be waa tin in charge of the once the senator Ina cited toil he knew what he i talking about and a pleasant was anally re afternoon several men called Tipon the Lena tar but he Ean fees cud left lot new York on the umbel up i Brm Ertz flirt and tilt hell fax c1iab1o Otth Vax a Otto amrut blocks ate Iuie Retler wiggles its Vintere asset Mart Senewe th3cbecetht crowd1lpt liuabg4iaysd bar at Pelleu ambut he at Gaudiosi Broadway Saloon in a Wiliams to uhf Man of handsome Lull and delicate complexion keeps it and he and Iris very at Tractive wife blvd on the floors above the building is a three Story brows Tono Structure and its front is marked by Many ornamental Carol nos and som attempts at gothic Art Tho Interior is finished in polished Cherry Tho Salon usual full of sporting Menor was leaning placidly on his Beautiful bar wednesday afternoon when his Wilfo dressed very fashionably and become ugly bounced from the Street into Tho hallway next Tho Saloon and then into Tho Saloon catching her husband by Tho Arm Sho pointed toward Tho Street and exclaimed hurry up Louis Hes out there the Fel Low who has been insulting me thou Sho Allied her husband to the door and pointed to a Mledd Lagod Man who was fault Lessly dressed that Tho follow urged Smortz nudging or Mortz As it to reassure him Tho Fol Low was standing on Tho Corner of Kent ave nue and Broadway abut two rods from Brand mrs Murz or tarried Only Lon enough to a Good look at the Man who was about two sizes larger than to and Thon started talk toward Himi expected explained or marts yesterday Togo up and ask him what Tho blazes to meant and then if to said anything punch him in the Noso hut or Mortz proceeded Only a few Steps when his wife admirer took to his Hoel Down Kent Avenue or Hertz in the wind and Blush big with anger took after him Tho spectacle brought out a crowd before the Man had reached South eighth Trent he turned up that Street running like a door a hesitated at Tho Cornol the Man mor0ld1 slowing up a indiscreet at to place thumb to his and wiggle his lingers atm Mortz then or Mona took after him at full sped again Tho of Small boys and others Hogan shying stones and bricks at the stranger returned with or Mertz an the heels up the Avenue to Broadway and up Broadway the Chase con tinned the Man drawing his bilk hat tight Onishea Danu bounding off As if for dear life near ferry Street a policeman came in Plicht and the now thoroughly scared Man collided with him and then dropped on his Knees exclaiming have Mel kill Mol whats the matter asked the done anything no i no what you running for then 1 the Man didst have Titan to answer that question for just then breathless and excite sir menu came up and shaking his pet in the mans face said fiercely lies Boon insulting my wife Tho Man insisted that to haunt and mrm Ertz reiterated that to had the policeman tightened his grip on the alleged culprit ant invited All hands to the station House but mrm Ertz refused to go he said to did not want to make it a court matter and drag his wife name into print but to intimated that he should consider himself satisfied if the police Man would Only allow him a Chance to have a single round with Tho Man the Man said Lila name was John w Barton and that he was the proprietor of a hotel atop Onaway he said he had gone into Cogert plumb Nosho on Broadway to do some Busi then gone to stovers store on Bedford Avenue then he walked Down Broad Way and tile crowd began chasing him the policeman saw no Way but to let the Man go and he went agility and1tlat jump into a Horsell this pretty my marts was or Anent a Bonton handsome apartments in Groa excitement and wondering it Louis had a re Volver with which to jul Irto Man she said he was in stovers store shopping when Sho hotbed the Well dressed villain standing at a counter near by sad staring at her she recognized him a Tho Sato Man who had followed her twice before and had tried desperately to engage her attention she at once left the Tore and started for Home and the Man Fol Lowed her at the Corner of Bedford Avenue my Broadway be caught her Eye end flour shed Olor Roll of Bills at her Thi Mode Ler by she went faster faster till she uncut into the Saloon ant he husband or of out yesterday Hetha rear Totham he bad not had the said to know who he was and whor* to fluid him the fellow didst come from Rockaway at All he said but was a Wlliams burgler who had been up to similar pranks before say tilt in Goirl to have him arrested said or Hertz Fiat Ards that May scare the fool out of to the Nisu errors depart or caulk plea Ted with their reception Day the two representatives of Tho Irish parliamentary party whom Farnell sent Over Here in the persons of sir Thomas Henry Rattan Esmonde and Arthur Oconnoll left the City yesterday after haying son All the sights and visited no the places of interest that they had been of they were greatly pleased with Tho magnificent reception Given them in Coop or Union on wednesday evening when Tho meeting Over John p Lynch who bore theft the work in had a Cosey Little party arranged hotel Brunswick and thither the two Irish envoys with a score or so of or la chs friends went to enjoy supper president Beekman of the Dor of aldermen was a Inorg those on Bend also assist ant District attorney Fluhr Eralte j cured avg maitre or William Brev j j Doherty John p Bellman mayor Cleveland of Jersey City major Edward Duffy and commissioner Coleman in Lar Lynch took the who a hero from Dublin to Delmon icon downtown House for lunch they wont through to principal exchanges visited mayor Hewitt at the City Hall and several of Tho judges in Tho county court hopi an finally drove to the fall Elvor bos ton they will address a big mass meeting on sunday evening Coad Clyo t the peace of Europe a Root 0the Job Rufi German oat terms to the rorer Cordal Meinl Sernor or lips says Gairlie it a Trout proof of the old and tried Friendship existing Between the rulers and people of Germany and Italy sad Bee Stubli itched the tact that both statesmen have one Dell Nunn conjunction with a Irta to preserve a european War anti in oils of neck Ltd Ward it Oil together peace Loren of Cli Liena ready 1 Welcome loj Fullr Freih gear autos of peace retard with no the visits of1count Kalnoky so for or lips Kent of Tho socialist conference Beni oct Otho socialist conf Ronco at 8t Hale Dodd today the general result of the deliberation it Ili billeted will be to consolidate the throughout Europe the conference decided 10 convoke an International labor Congress during i88h suit adopted resolutions Prolet inf against anarchical Lleren Ager Behel and Liebknecht were empowered to com Trust a More advanced platform than that upon which the Soola leu have hitherto 100d to l Itti out 6the nl1ln prepared Forre Chita imposes a expelled even Tor a Paula forbidden towns new in Mbura Tea Uerah a Bobo oat Gat a meeting of the Stock Holder of the Ila Burf american Racket company to Day it wee decided increase the Capitol stuck of the Pompan by the amount of 92600000 this amount la to be need let the of two steamers for the blew York service la la proposed to Hays Titei Teamore ready by the sprint of rare they Are to Hays twin screws with two separate Entine the machinery i t to be of the latest pattern and the steamers Are to be of the Barteit and fastest class to Keeon Elu Summ and Bli que a Btu not amme by stick wife of the Servian Premier Baa arrived Al Baden where Queen Natalie la staying the Ohlert of Momeni Ilce la to edict a Econe upon Between King Milan and his con sort the Mamlon he Alao pout Leal Purpo Nethat ofor Evelln partly Hoede to Kwh Milan from Utlang the name of the Queen in a attack upon the Wervlan out a Runcel liar Flat liar Lino ii Ita Frt Allt oct 8the fighting Between the Force of the Amer of afghan Sun end the rebels 1is continuous the warfare is carded on with varied sue noises the salient feature or the in Nylon omra Bane Lulea in Najaar and swat and Bulan a gels Ful Tuia Daki a for Artitie 1 it i ii j j Kil dats boxes Mitt in mar Bern experts think limit vont fled it key to whelp the american Kcf Terttu 1887 by Iii sos or intent ant Nalum nth Moc Tatum London oct Cija to he Iraln boxed Throo rounds with Mitchell in Jamess Hall to night while 8800 englishmen looked on eager to form an opinion of the Man who has Como to fight Thor Champion Khz sons build and Freedom of action wore much admired Al though Tho boxing to too Tamo to give any idea of the Force with which to can hit Smith eat near Tho boxers keeping his eyes steadily upon a Loralu and wearing a smile which seemed to be Ono of Confidence and satisfaction americans Whoso patriotism takes the torn of Devotion to Tho prize fighting repro Eonta Tilro of Thor country Are deeply incensed at Smiths apparent conviction that he will win the crowd was typical and competent to judge of prize fighting matters including As it did All the lights of the sporting world from the mauls of quo Onsberry Down the opinion universally expressed was that Kilran had Boon greatly underestimated but Halo a few Good judges including Donnelly the Best eng Lish boxing teacher consider Ell rain Tho better Roan the Confidence in Smith is practically Universal among englishmen and Odds Wilt be easily obtainable against the Man from America a Well known Patron of boxing Here has do Elded to put 1000 on Kilran end has Given the Money to professor Donnelly to obtain the Best possible terms this May tend awhile to keep up the Price Kilran is living with or Moore Mitchells wealthy father inlaw and is Busy making acquaintances he appears to be personally wok liked among his class of men Rizw of tur lord 314 you it u triumphantly acquitted ass Dublin v be jubilant a Damn oct 8the trial of lord mayor Sullivan for publishing in the newspapers con trolled by him reports of meetings of suppressed branches of the National league opened at the mansion House court this afternoon the lord mayor was driven to court in a Carriage which was followed by messes John Dillon sex lord mayors e Dwyer Gray and Charles Daw son Oxsher Iff Peter Mcdonald and others or Obrien joined the procession soon after it started the streets were thronged and the lord mayor and or Obrien received a great demonstration after the ease had been called a warm Dis Pute occurred Between the police and or sex ton member of parliament and High sheriff of Dublin arising from the desire of the latter to place the City sword and Mace before the mag Istrate the police attempted to prevent the placing of Tho City emblems on the table where upon or Sexton and other municipal officers seized the sword and attempted to plate it there by tone the police and municipal officers struggled hard for the Possession of the sword while the spectators a hovered or Sexton and exhorted him to hold on alter a few minutes both sides desisted and after a Par Ley a Compromise was erected and the sword was placed on the magistrates Bench when quiet was restored the Case of or sul Alvan was proofed a Wii or Cio son a Penrod As Punsel apr the Crown and air tipi Othy holy for the defence after hearing the evidence the court dismissed the Case on the ground that the Crown had not proved that the meeting reported in the nation or sullivans newspaper was a meeting of a suppressed Branch of the National league the specie Tore and the crowd outside the court room were wildly enthusiastic Over the decision the ease of or Obrien will be called tomorrow it is said that Twenty members of the police Force engaged in the work of eviction at Avroe Doro have intimated to their commander that they will not Wren Ponther people it ordered Todos Tomais Sola to to the Teal Stason whee have been asked for Callinan who tamed Queens evade no against his confederates in the murder of Constable Whelehan at in hit testimony today at Ennis declared that he had Boon an informer for six years Post and Allis expenses had Boon paid by the government the Freeman journal publishes today four columns of reports of National league pied Hiss held on sunday in the counties of Clare Cork Kerry and Wexford at All the meetings resolutions wore passed denouncing the at tempts of the government to suppress the league and the prosecution of or Obrien and lord mayor Sullivan by the authorities the work of eviction was continued at Goodon today a widow named Doogan was turned out of her House after a fierce struggle Between the bailiffs and neighbors whom Tho widow had called to her Aid it is reported that a gunboat with troops on Board is off the coast at Gwee Dore anti the belief is expressed that soldiers have been sent to assist the bailiffs and police in evicting tenants Jolly Betta at Speaks this of bad Purnell sulk and skulls and a gang la new York plate murder London oct 6mr Bright in a letter to or Ellis a scotch unionist says the defenders of the Union ought to explain clearly their difference with other liberals who Are led they know not whor* by or Gladstone a parliament in Dublin once created would be difficult to Deal with or Parnoll sulks and skulls at Avondale silent amid the tumult to has created while his lieutenants Are in deep rebellion and Are keep lag the cot boiling in three provinces of ire land his right hand clasps glad stones on this Side of the Atlantic the other giving a Fra eternal greeting to the gang in new York by whom the outrages and murders Are All de signed and who collect the funds from which on half or the Irish party receives pay to in sult the speaker of the Rouse of commons and to make useful legislation impossible or Gladstone says that suture Irish legis lation must satisfy Ireland meaning Farnell to the coming Gladstone Bill must run on the lines of leaders who Are paid to play at rebel lion and to discredit parliament the Liberal party Ila to forget its honorable past and adopt tills hideous policy for its future and All this at the bidding of one Man a statesman of great Eminence but who is no More tree from liability to err than Are other statesmen surely the liberals will never make a surrender so fatal so humiliating and ignominious Larry Donovan jumps Waterloo Bridge London oct 0 Larry Donovan of new York who gained the Content of the police by assuring them that there was no danger jumped from the Waterloo Bridge today before thousand of spectators this was not much of a jump for Larry after the Brooklyn Hildee the Flat elliptical Arete of the water Loo Urlage have Arlie of Only so feet a gentle hint to Prince Fordland St pets Bubo oct 67f de Giora minis Ter of foreign affair declares that the to Neklih pro Pooch looking to the appointment of a omm Lazion to temporarily govern Bulgaria cannot a sonic substantial form until the Sultan summon Prince Ferdinand to leave Bulgaria the advice of England auit la and Italy to the Sultan to abstain from violence in Bulgaria Peralte his us Petyt action the women victorious aubid oct 6the strike of the Cigar women he ended delegates from the women had an interview today with jul alter Camacho and the Prei Dent of the tobacco company and a a remit the old wages were retired and promises were made to the women that their grievance would be red Reed a Steamboat at Tomb Zatae paws oct 0the niger expedition has re turned to Homann the gunboat accompanying the expedition reached Tomb us toe Sparks fx03i the Telegraph Frank Sanders aged 40 of cd haul Landing we drowned in the Hudson River at Newburg yesterday or Trenholm comptroller of the Ourremey a re turned to Stu Hington from a month1 vacation in new England the funeral of sex Oev we b wat born Wilt be held at his late residence in Greenfield ease Al Imp m on saturday the Baa appointed denial w net Brook postmaster at romper Oen Lre n t and Nathan n Moon at Tinute n i the contract for building a life saying station at tar Rockaway Long Island has Ben awarded to Wranel it Smith of new York at his hid of us Malor Daniel Madden seventh cavalry i capt Arthur Morris fourth artillery and rapt Charles o Gordon sixth cavalry have been placed on the retired list the report of the appraiser of the feel Ned icicle of the in Terrie brewing company of Philadelphia shows of tout of Juuso and saute amounting to leu than l7ouj the report that Jadic Ifan Niu dulled Tau itt Niter to mule Bee re alged u positively denied at the department of state and it la not pelleted that he a Cut Tendon of giving of ate Mutto of j appealing anew to Rome Nisanov Arotta wants i Zrnic Wafon in Cetl Llam 31glynn on prop Tondut to tto opon the c be cad attain the slant Gibbons fled Flat arrive it became known yesterday that Bishop � John Moore of by Augustine Florida had soul another application to the Pope to have the l Case of or to Lynn reopened whoa Cardinal Gibbons was in hom*o to received from or Burtsell or my Lynns counsel a defence of or Moo Lynns course it was addressed not to the prefect of the propaganda u it should have Boon if it was intended As a formal defence butt was lathe shape of plotter to car Dinal in Gibbons Cardinal Gibbons therefore did not hand the letter to the propaganda but is communicated its contents to Cardinal Simoon As a document in the once Cardinal a Lobono was in no Way authorized to not As an inter 4 a Dolnry in the Case Between or to Lynn and his archbishop and scrupulously avoided in t Telfer Long to was surprised when the so called defence arrived addressed to him and was annoyed when a few Days later be re calved a Cable despatch from Bishop Moore asking the Cardinal to request the propaganda to suspend sentence until the defence could a forwarded to the proper authorities in Rome i the conduct of Bishop Moore was open to a construction of discourtesy to archbishop Licor Rigan and of interference by the Bishop la a matter outside of his jurisdiction lint Bishop Moore has All along insisted that 1 the propaganda should reopen the Case and yesterday to forwarded a second request to Rome asking that it my Lynns counsel to Hoard with a View to annulling the sentence of excommunication cat Hollo author tit Les hero wore of the opinion that Bishop y Moores efforts would to fruitless inasmuch As or Mclynn had refused to obey tha Man Date calling him to Rome the Rod hat of the can Lalata conferred on Cardinal Gibbons has arrived from Rome anti is now at the hom*o of or John d Kelley or 213 dormant Avenue Brooklyn the hat and four life size Oil paintings of tire Cardinal arrived on the Britannic one of the paintings ii is for the cardinals brother or John t olb Bone of new Orleans another for the parochial residence in Baltimore and the other two Are intimate friends of the Cardinal the Rod hat will remain with or Kelley until the Cardinal 4 returns from Portland Ore where he went to Confer the pallium on archbishop Oross for Merly Bishop of Savannah the Cardinal will take the hat to Baltimore himself the red h hat of the late Cardinal Mocloskey will remain suspended from the High dome in the Cathe dral until another now York Clergyman u Mado Cardinal tub Cua Sider of costs butt it wants at reduction of the re tannic and s j testimonial for designer flu gees the first mooting of the members of the chamber of Commerce since june was held yesterday and this Resolution introduced by or f b Thurber was passed that Bailiff i men of All Par Lei i honed militia de manding speedy action by Congress looking to such a reduction of our revenues a will make the income of 11 the nation a practicable to the Asci sail expenditure of the nation i i w Hayward Resolution calling Tor a National testimonial to designer Burgess was 4unanimously r1ed comm Lotta will go to Washington to present the matter to con Gress and in the mean time subscription Book will be opened the chamber workmen sharing the a Robt incur Twatt oct 6a Holiday and celeb no ii lion was enjoyed today by 200 employees of Procter a Gamble on the of Catlon of the firm paying it Flat Semi annual share of prom to the workmen the shares paid the men were 13u per cent of their wages toy a Montha Arrefa tent to Ohio some workmen got As much As fill this u the flirt dividend under the share plan Alec its adoption the weather Teeter Day indicated by Rud Nuta thermometer 3 a set 6 a m b2� i of m 50t u 03t5341t k a inc i Uttel 3 p 5 04 9 1 5 61t 12 Nii night 8 59l average oct 0 Laeo 004 ftta1 office prediction Eastern now York warmer fair weather Fol Lowed by Light Rains Light to fresh southerly winds t Jot Alnos about Toi rtt i � the Thakore Samb of Orvi is in town again George Francis train left for Chicago yesterday mom lug never to return u he said lord John Browns of Ireland arrived on the City of Rome and u stopping at the Ictor hotel or John Jacob Astor who a been us since her re Tutu from Newport a feeling much beg Lster Slevon he appointed Theodore Gnu Derlink a clerk to the mutilated record department of thl Regis pcs once j Rier pout Morgan we reflected treasurer of the Peabody Lund yesterday and the trustees adjourned for the year the available income the past year 1ii sudoku or Henry Nichols will open the annual Lettero Goonra of the Liberal club tonight in the Herman masonic tempi ills subject will be the fallacies of usury George afr at t 30 yesterday morning in the stable Veorie Woodbury at 4t Hank Street caused damage of Foo to the building six hones valued at a Loo wire burned to death or Thomm 0 Manning our minister to Mexico who arrived Here several Days ago to attend a Meeyung of the y Trust Sion the Peabody education solid in 111 at the 4ruth Avenue hotel Lor Marmaduke of Missouri congressman Ohel flyer Mangham m p and time Rork Newton the bwe Norima Donna were among the passenger by the City Mchome which strive yesterday b u Abel and Thomas j tardy of tire ele outlive Hoard of Bru workers have invited John a Orson president of the press club to address the brags worker at the Ball Twenty eighth Street and eighth Avenue to night Bridget Melau Gallnot thirty ninth it reel and tenth etches was knocked Down and injured ser Louisr by a locomotive of the Hudson Julver Railroad at the Thea Street and tenth Avenue where the track an unprotected Edward Fjames owner of the Bijou opera House a aled Plant to Cut an opening Between the siege and an adjoining room and erect doubt fireproof wire doors therein with the View to relieve the stare of All la rpt scenery not actuary in uie and thus reduce the danger Tro Noru your member of the stable gang knocked Down Wil Liam Kapp a newly landed Midi Franl in Greenwich Street on wednesday night and robbed him of his watch pad Chain and a draft for lib Bollan captured one of his assailant and held turn Taul a policeman took him in in addition to their political business the police Corn t my Moniri found time yesterday to dismiss policeman Conner of the Mercer cited squad for drunkenness to retire policeman Lle Langey of lbs highly Elx Hub Street 1ua soil to receive the resignation of policeman hollows of the Morelia la squad Charles Rowe it Down to front of my bul my it track Oyster Injoon at third Avenue and thirty fourth Street on wed Neelay and helped himself to a dozen of ters which he ate on the half Shell Trout the baskets i front of the Saloon when Fate Patrick caught Howe hebrew a razor and stashed him in the face hit Pallek a tent to Hellene i Wilt be marked fur life Stowe a locked up an old employee of the Adams express company Peter Oconnor died on tuesday aged 63 years Uro Connor a Foreman of the stable department and hid been in the company employ for nearly jul year he leave a widow and six Young daughters the fun Octal will be today Al i Oclock at his Home m Trinity place William Cotter of 724 East tooth it reel Joseph Norton of adj East Faith Street and Frank Harrington of Lone third Avenue were arrested yesterday charged wit breaking into a shanty at third Avenue cud i nth Street on monday and stealing two Bull terriers valued at toot of Justice Welde in the Harlem court held them for tha american Temperance Union Wilt hold memo rial service in Honor of the late John Pinch at Chick Erling Lylall next sunday afternoon at hoc Loeb Clen Clinton b risk Theodore u Cutler i John Stearns Esq or 1 ii Mann or i k took Kreder Wheeler cot k 8 cd sets and others will take part James Mulvaney and Hobart Vaughan the accomplice of James Kelly in a Highway Rou brr on Only i near the thread citral depot pleaded guilty in the general sessions oort yesterday Mulveny we sea to the Elmira reformatory and Vaughan to the House of Refuge Frank a Verann John Murray who were wrongfully con titled of the crime will be release from custody Sailor Man Peter Larsen who stabbed Steward Abe English of the Schooner nettle Chat Melon of monday we taken before u i commits tons in leads yesterday 1he insisted Moll no during the exam Tauoa and when objection was made he became violent and rolled under table and moaned the Eim Littlon we Adan turned and lit Hogan will examine into Larsene mental condition the rates of George Kummu and Morris Keh Uhmann who Are nth under arrest on a charge of conspiracy to swindle Friedman a co of his Spring Street Tate upon an adjourned bearing before judge Llu Rhulu the Jefferson mutes court yesterday afternoon and we aisle a stoned until Todar ulc Nous and he Huemina were Jim Ball each which we furnished for Tilmen by Lisul Biog Anil for Thomas tas Paoa;

New York Sun, Oct 7, 1887, p. 1 | NewspaperArchive (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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