(PDF) Transdermal Rotigotine for the Perioperative Management of RLS - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

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Högl et al. BMC Neurology 2012, 12:106http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/12/106


Transdermal rotigotine for the perioperativemanagement of restless legs syndromeBirgit Högl1*, Wolfgang H Oertel2, Erwin Schollmayer3 and Lars Bauer3


Background: Immobilisation, blood loss, sleep deficiency, and (concomitant) medications during perioperativeperiods might lead to acute exacerbation of symptoms in patients with the restless legs syndrome (RLS).Continuous transdermal delivery of the dopamine agonist rotigotine provides stable plasma levels over 24 h andmay provide RLS patients with a feasible treatment option for perioperative situations. To assess the feasibility ofuse of rotigotine transdermal patch for the perioperative management of moderate to severe RLS, long-term dataof an open-label extension of a rotigotine dose-finding study were retrospectively reviewed.

Methods: The data of all 295 patients who had entered the 5-year study were screened independently by tworeviewers for the occurrence of surgical interventions during the study period. The following data were included inthis post-hoc analysis: patient age, sex, surgical intervention and outcome, duration of hospital stay, rotigotinemaintenance dose at the time of surgery, rotigotine dose adjustment, and continuation/discontinuation ofrotigotine treatment. All parameters were analysed descriptively. No pre-specified efficacy assessments (e.g. IRLSscores) were available for the perioperative period.

Results: During the study period, 61 surgical interventions were reported for 52 patients (median age, 63 years;67% female); the majority of patients (85%) had one surgical intervention. The mean rotigotine maintenance doseat time of surgery was 3.1 ± 1.1 mg/24 h. For most interventions (95%), rotigotine dosing regimens weremaintained during the perioperative period. Administration was temporarily suspended in one patient andpermanently discontinued in another two. The majority (96%) of the patients undergoing surgery remained in thestudy following the perioperative period and 30 of these patients (61%) completed the 5-year study.

Conclusions: Although the data were obtained from a study which was not designed to assess rotigotine use inthe perioperative setting, this post-hoc analysis suggests that treatment with rotigotine transdermal patch can bemaintained during the perioperative period in the majority of patients and may allow for uninterrupted alleviationof RLS symptoms.

Trial Registration: The 5-year rotigotine extension study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, identifierNCT00498186.

BackgroundRestless legs syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a common neurological disorder withsubstantial human and economic costs [1-3]. The diseaseremains underdiagnosed and also misdiagnosed in pri-mary care [4] which recently prompted the proposalof diagnosis and treatment algorithms for primary carephysicians/general practitioners by a task force sponsored

* Correspondence: [emailprotected] of Neurology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, AustriaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2012 Högl et al.; licensee BioMed Central LtCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

by the European RLS study group [4]. RLS patients havean urge to move their legs (and sometimes arms and otherbody parts) during periods of rest and inactivity; this isusually accompanied or caused by unpleasant sensationsin these limbs. The general circadian pattern (worseningin the evening and at night) can change as disease severityincreases, and daytime symptoms develop [5].One of the essential diagnostic criteria for RLS is the

induction or exacerbation of symptoms by rest [6]; anyform of immobilisation might therefore substantially in-crease symptom severity. Both leg discomfort and pe-riodic leg movements indeed significantly worsened due

d. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creativeommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly cited.


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Högl et al. BMC Neurology 2012, 12:106 Page 2 of 10http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/12/106

to immobility in RLS patients but not in healthy controls[7]. Hospital stays for surgical interventions involvingbed rest and possibly forced immobilisation during thepostoperative period might therefore trigger or worsensymptoms in RLS patients. Additional factors poten-tially contributing to this exacerbation are illness- orpain-induced sleep deprivation, iron deficiency due toperioperative blood loss, and possibly the use of certainanaesthesia and concomitant medications such as neu-roleptic agents, antiemetic agents with dopamine anta-gonistic properties, other dopamine antagonists, opioidantagonists, and some antihistamines and antidepres-sants [8,9]. New onset of RLS has also been reportedfollowing surgery with spinal anaesthesia. However,as lower mean corpuscular volume and haemoglobinpre-surgery were associated with new-onset RLS aftersurgery in this series, it cannot be excluded that iron de-ficiency accounted for new onset or exacerbation ofRLS in that study [10]. Worsening of RLS symptomsmight result in agitated patients with involuntary limbjerks during surgery, and general restlessness and majorpain during recovery with ensuing postoperative com-plications and poor RLS symptom control for a pro-longed period following surgery [11,12].Current recommendations for perioperative RLS ma-

nagement suggest maintenance of RLS medication untiljust before surgery and resumption after surgery at fulldose [13]. When using oral dopaminergic agents with ashort half life, this temporary discontinuation might wor-sen RLS symptoms. Resuming full-dose treatment tooquickly might also be problematic with dopamine agonistswhich require slow titration to avoid side effects. The do-pamine agonist rotigotine, an efficacious and generallywell tolerated treatment for RLS and Parkinson’s disease

4 mg/24 h

3 mg/24 h

2 mg/24 h

1 mg/24 h

0.5 mg/24 h

Placebo 15 patients didnot participate further

SP709 Baseline

Up to 1 week treatment free

n=341 Rn=310

Titration: 2 weeksMaintenance: 4 weeksTaper phase: 1 week

Double-blind (SP709)


*Up-titration and down-titration of rotigotine dose was permit

Figure 1 Design of the 5-year open-label extension study with rotigoOertel et al. [19,21]). Patients completing the double-blind study had therotigotine (0.5-4 mg/24 h) in the open-label extension.

(PD) [14], might provide a suitable treatment alternativefor RLS patients in the perioperative setting. Formulatedin a transdermal patch, the continuous drug delivery ge-nerates stable rotigotine plasma concentrations over 24 hwith once-daily application [15]. Administration of rotigo-tine transdermal patch may thus permit continuous alle-viation of RLS symptoms in the perioperative setting.Previous studies considered rotigotine transdermal patcha feasible alternative for perioperative PD management[16,17]. Treatment was associated with good control ofPD symptoms, easy switching and re-switching of regularPD medication, and a high patient acceptance [16].In order to assess rotigotine transdermal patch for the

perioperative management of RLS, long-term data of arotigotine 5-year study were retrospectively reviewed.

MethodsData for this post-hoc analysis were obtained from a5-year prospective open-label study of rotigotine treatmentfor moderate to severe RLS (SP710, NCT00498186, [18]),which is the extension of a 6-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled rotigotine dose-finding study(SP709, NCT00243217) [19]. The study design is sum-marised in Figure 1. Patients eligible for participating inthe dose-finding study were 18–75 years of age, had metthe diagnosis of idiopathic RLS based on the four essen-tial diagnostic criteria according to the International RLSStudy Group (IRLSSG [6]), and had an IRLSSG severityrating scale (IRLS [20]) sum score ≥ 15 (= at least mode-rate RLS); complete inclusion/exclusion criteria are des-cribed elsewhere [19]. Study completers were given theoption of long-term treatment with their optimal rotigo-tine dose (dose range 0.5-4 mg/24 h) provided they hadno ongoing serious adverse events (AEs) suspected to be

Rotigotine optimal dose* (0.5 4 mg/24 h)

End of maintenance:126 completers

Open-label extension(SP710)

Titration: up to 4 weeksMaintenance: up to 5 years

Taper phase: 1 week


ted, as required, during the open-label maintenance period

tine transdermal patch in restless legs syndrome (adapted fromoption of long-term treatment with their optimal dose of transdermal

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Table 1 Characteristics of the patients included in the post-hoc analysis

Patient Sex Agea


Concomitant medication priorto surgery

Surgery related concomitantmedication

Rotigotinedose at timeof surgery(mg/24 h)

Rotigotinedose followingsurgery(mg/24 h)

Outcome ofsurgery

10306 Female 60 Bypass and tricuspidalreconstruction

Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg/day, fluvastatin80 mg/day, pantoprazole sodium 40 mg/day, telmisartan 1 mg/day.

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

10311 Female 30 Abortion No concomitant medications recorded No concomitant medications recorded 2 Discontinued17 days prior tosurgery


10402 Female 54 Right kneereplacement

Zopiclone 3.75 mg/as needed Ibuprofen 1800 mg/day after surgery 4 4 recovered/resolved withsequelae

10404 Female 63 Surgery for dislocatedfracture of left distalradius

Levothyroxine 100 μg/day Furosemide 20 mg/day, acemetacin60 mg- 180 mg/day, paracetamol 4 g/day

2 2 recovered/resolved

10429 Female 58 Right hipreplacement

Estradiol valerate twice weekly (unknowndose), levothyroxine sodium 50 mg/day,siccaprotect 3 drops/day (unknown dose)

Indometacin 75 mg/day 3 3 not recovered/resolved(osteoarthritis wasconsidered to beongoing)

10702 Male 64 Cardiac bypasssurgeryRight shouldersurgery (osteoarthritis)Angioplasty (internalcarotid artery)

Cardiac bypass surgery: fenofibrate160 mg/day, serenoa repens extract320 mg/day, Sidros 80.5 mg/day,tamsulosin 0.4 mg/day Right shouldersurgery: heparin-fraction, sodium salt (doseunknown), torasemide 10 mg/day,bisoprolol 5 mg/day, simvastatin 40 mg/day Angioplasty: no additional medication

Cardiac bypass surgery: acetylsalicylic acid100 mg/day, torasemide 10 mg/day,bisoprolol 5 mg/day, simvastatin 40 mg/day Right shoulder surgery: Ultracet (1tab/as needed), esomeprazole 20 mg/day,diclofenac 100 mg/day Angioplasty: noadditional medication

2 2 Cardiac bypass surgery:recovered/resolvedRight shoulder surgery:recovered/resolvedAngioplasty: recovered/resolved

10708 Female 62 Hip replacement Diclofenac 150 mg/day, estradiol valerate1 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 3 3 recovered/resolved

10713 Female 70 Thyroid surgeryHip replacement

Thyroid surgery: simvastatin 40 mg/day,carbamazepine 400 mg/day Hipreplacement: simvastatin 40 mg/day.levothyroxine 75 mg/day

Thyroid surgery: no concomitantmedications recorded Hip replacement: noconcomitant medications recorded

4 4 Thyroid surgery:recovered/resolved Hipreplacement: recovered/resolved

10801 Female 49 Surgery for left lowerleg fracture

Calcium with vitamin D (dose unknown),risedronate sodium 35 mg/weekly,omeprazole 40 mg/day.

No concomitant medications recorded 3 3 (trialmedication wastemporarilysuspended forthe surgery andlater resumed)


10806 Female 43 Hysterectomy Timolol 1drop/day, domperidone 20 mg/day, acetylcysteine 600 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

10906 Female 70 Right kneereplacement

Lisinopril 5 mg/day, acetylsalicylic acid100 mg/day, trospium chloride 5 mg/day,ibuprofen 600 mg/every other day.

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 resolved with sequelae








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Table 1 Characteristics of the patients included in the post-hoc analysis (Continued)

10907 Female 68 Hallux valgus surgery Propranolol 50 mg/day, bisoprolol 50 mg/day, estriol 0.5 mg/biweekly

Heparin (dose unknown), ibuprofen1800 mg/day

4 4 recovered/resolved withsequelae

10908 Female 44 Arthroscopy of rightknee

No concomitant medication reported Ibuprofen 600 mg/day 2 2 not recovered/notresolved

10914 Female 71 Right kneereplacementLeft kneereplacement

Right knee replacement: bisoprolol142.5 mg/day, ramipril 1.25 mg/day Leftknee replacement: bisoprolol 142.5 mg/day,ramipril 1.25 mg/day

Right knee replacement: no concomitantmedications recorded Left kneereplacement: omeprazole 20 mg/day,enoxaparin 40 mg/day, tilidinehydrochloride 200 mg/day, indometacin75 mg/day, metamizole 20 drops/asneeded, gabapentin 900 mg/day

4 4 Right knee replacement:resolved with sequelaeLeft knee replacement:recovered/resolved withsequelae

10915 Female 53 Cholecystectomy Opipramol 150 mg/day, pantoprazolesodium 20 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 0.5 0.5 recovered/resolved

11108 Female 49 Left shoulder surgery(impingementsyndrome)

Estradiol valerat/norgestrel (administeredin monthly cycle; 21 doses over 28 days)

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

11110 Female 70 Hysterectomy Theophylline 400 mg/day, ibuprofen400 mg/day, fluticasone propionate/salmeterol xinafoate (dose unknown),cromoglicate sodium/reproterolhydrochloride (dose unknown), allopurinol300 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 2 2 recovered/resolved

11112 Female 23 Submandibular cystresection

No concomitant medications recorded No concomitant medications recorded 2 2 recovered/resolved

11209 Male 47 Perianal abscessresection

Diltiazem 90 mg/day, pentaerithrityltetranitrate 80 mg/day

Ibuprofen 1600 mg/day (discontinuedbecause of an allergic reaction) thereaftertramadol 60 drops/day

3 3 recovered/resolved

11211 Male 62 Left kneereplacement

Candesartan cilexetil (dose unknown)/day,celecoxib 100 mg/day, doxazosin mesilate(dose unknown)/day, dyazide 1tab/day,etoricoxib 60 mg/day, ibuprofen 600 mg/day, metoprolol succinate 95 mg/day,rofecoxib (dose unknown)/day

Heparin-fraction/sodium salt 2 mL /day,metamizole sodium 2000 mg/mL/day,tramadol hydrochloride 200 mg/day

4 4 (after surgery),discontinued23 days aftersurgery owing torehabilitation


11405 Female 64 Surgery for lumbarspinal cord stenosisLeft shoulder surgery(frozen shoulder)

Surgery for lumbar spinal cord stenosis: noconcomitant medications recorded Leftshoulder surgery: cefuroxime 1000 mg/day.

Surgery for lumbar spinal cord stenosis: noconcomitant medications recorded Leftshoulder surgery: no concomitantmedications recorded

4 4 Surgery for lumbar spinalcord stenosis: recovered/resolved Left shouldersurgery: recovered/resolved

11408 Female 63 Vein stripping (bothlegs)

Olmesartan medoxomil 20 mg/day Initially alfetanil, mepivacaine, midazolam,propofol (doses unknown). Thereafteribuprofen (dose unknown)

3 3 recovered/resolved

11419 Male 45 Right shoulder surgery No concomitant medications recorded Ibuprofen 400 mg/as needed 4 4 recovered/resolved

11428 Female 76 Right thumb surgery(arthrosismetacarpophalangeal)

Cyanocobalamin 1 mL/month,pantoprazole sodium 40 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved








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Table 1 Characteristics of the patients included in the post-hoc analysis (Continued)

11430 Female 60 Hallux valgus surgery No concomitant medications recorded Diclofenac 50 mg/as needed 2 2 recovered/resolved

11501 Male 74 Hip replacement Alprostadi cream 10 μg/day, candesartancilexetil 4 mg/day, itraconazole solution(dose unknown)/day, nifedipine 10 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

11503 Female 63 Tendon repair(supraspinatus)

Captopril 17.5 mg/day, levothyroxinesodium 50 μg/day, simvastatin 20 mg/dayplus unspecified pain medication

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved withsequelae

11601 Female 67 Right kneereplacement

Acetylsalicylic acid 300 mg/day, bisoprolol(dose unknown), conjugated estrogens(dose unknown)

Ibuprofen 800 mg/as needed, cortisone(dose unknown)/as needed

4 4 recovered/resolved

11608 Male 76 Surgery for salivarygland adenoma

Enalapril maleate 10 mg/day, amiloridehydrochlorothiazide 5 mg/day, ramipril5 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved withsequelae

11609 Male 66 Coronary arterydisease, stent implant

No concomitant medications recorded Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg/day and bloodcoagulation factors 75 mg/day for 5 ½months, thereafter asasantin 1 capsule/day; bisoprolol 5 mg/day

4 4 recovered/resolved

11612 Male 71 Surgical treatment oflipoma

No information available No information available Discontinuedin order toplan forsurgicaltreatment ofthe lipoma

Discontinued ongoing

11811 Male 64 Hand surgery(Dupuytren’scontracture)

Dermatologicals 1 mg/day cream,enalapril maleate 0.5 mg/day,hydrochlorothiazide and 0.5 mg/dayheparin-fraction/sodium salt 2500 IU/day(day prior to surgery)

Heparin-fraction/sodium salt 2500 IU/day,ibuprofen 600 mg/as needed

3 3 recovered/resolved

11814 Male 43 Laparoscopic surgery(inguinal hernia)

Ibuprofen 800 mg as needed,levothyroxine sodium/potassium iodide75 μg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

11901 Female 71 Surgical elevationof bladderRadius fracturesurgery

Surgical elevation of bladder: ginkgo bilobaextract 80 mg/day, acetylsalicylic acid100 mg/day, calcium compounds1500 mg/day, bisoprolol 5 mg/day,estrogen 0.6 mg/day, omeprazole 20 mg/day, diclofenac 75 mg/prn, hypericumperforatum 1350 mg/day, losartan 50 mg/day Radius fracture surgery: acetylsalicylicacid 100 mg/day, bisoprolol 10 mg/day,bromazepam 6 mg/as needed, calciumcompounds 1500 mg/day, diclofenac75 mg/as needed, dimethindene drops4.5 mg/day, estrogen 0.6 mg/day,furosemide 40 mg/day, ginkgo bilobaextract 80 mg/day, hypericum perforatum

Surgical elevation of bladder: enoxaparin40 mg/day, magnesium 1500 mg/day,ethinyl estradiol 20 mg/day,promethazine 25 mg/day, midazolam3.75 mg/day, sultamicillin 1125 mg/day.Radius fracture surgery: tilidine 100 mg/day

0.5 0.5 Surgical elevation ofbladder: recovered/resolved Radius fracturesurgery: recovered/resolved








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Table 1 Characteristics of the patients included in the post-hoc analysis (Continued)

1350 mg/day, losartan 50 mg/day,omeprazole 20 mg/day, prednicarbatecream (dose unknown). Prior to surgery:metamizole 1000 mg/day, tilidine 100 mg/day, enoxaparin sodium 0.4 mL/day(prophylaxis of thrombosis), cefuroxime1.5 mg/day (inflammatory prevention),bupivacaine 10 mL, mepivacaine 40 mL(anaesthesia), clorazepate dipotassium10 mg (tranquilizer) midazolam 6 mg(sedative)

11902 Female 66 Surgical elevation ofbladder

Esomeprazole 20 mg/day, pantoprazole20 mg/day, methotrexate 25 mg/week,prednisolone 5 mg/day, metoprolol25 mg/day, calcium folinate 6.35 mg/week, leflunomide 20 mg/day,nitrofurantoin 50 mg/day, vitamin C +calcium (dose unknown)

Sulfamethoxazole (dose unknown) 4 4 recovered/resolved

12102 Female 59 Repair of incisionalhernia

Diclofenac 75 mg/as needed, ibuprofen(unknown dose)/as needed, oestradiol/norethisterone acetate (unknown dose)/day, levothyroxine sodium 50 μg/day,omeprazole 20 mg/day

Certoparia sodium 9000 units/day,thereafter novaminsulfon 1 mL/day

3 3 recovered/resolved

12103 Female 56 Colon adenomaablation

Norethisterone acetate (dose unknown),estradiol (dose unknown), acetylsalicylicacid 750 mg/as needed

No concomitant medications recorded 1 1 recovered/resolved

12208 Male 66 Appendectomy Acarbose 150 mg/day, amlodipine 5 mg/day, clopidogrel sulfate 75 mg/day,fenofibrate 200 mg/day, ferrous sulfate50 mg/day, glibenclamide 7 mg/day,lisinopril 5 mg/day, simvastatin 20 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 3 3 recovered/resolved

12307 Female 59 Right kneereplacementLumbar disk surgery

Right knee replacement: diclofenac 75 mg/day (plus physiotherapy) Lumbar disksurgery: ibuprofen 600 mg/as needed,thereafter paracetamol/codeinephosphate 1560 mg/day and metamizolesodium 1500 mg/day

Right knee replacement: diclofenac150 mg/day, metamizole 1500 mg/dayLumbar disk surgery: oxycodone/naloxone30 mg/day, tilidine drops (doseunknown)/as needed, fentanyl patch50 μg/week

4 4 Right knee replacement:recovered/resolved withsequelae Lumbar disksurgery: recovering/resolving

12315 Male 46 Meniscus surgery Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg/day. No concomitant medications recorded 3 3 recovered/resolved

12401 Male 66 Prostate resection Bisoprolol hemifumarate 5 mg/day,flecainide acetate 100 mg/day,lansoprazole 15 mg/day, valsartan drops160 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded,no chemotherapy, no tumor markers

4 4 recovered/resolved

12603 Female 63 Vein stripping(both legs)

Biotin 2.5 mg/week, calcium 500 mg/day,ergocalciferol 0.025 mg/day, estradiol(dose unknown), zinc 25 mg/week,unspecified other urologicals, includingantispasmodics. Prior to surgery: 40 mg/

No concomitant medications recorded,compression stockings recorded astherapy

2 2 recovered/resolved








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Table 1 Characteristics of the patients included in the post-hoc analysis (Continued)

day heparin fraction/sodium salt for theprevention of thrombosis

12606 Male 63 Vein stripping(right leg)

Acetylsalicylic acid 300 mg/day, allopurinol300 mg/day, bisoprolol 5 mg/day, insulin48 IU/day, metformin 850 mg/day, ramipril1 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 3 3 recovered/resolved

12701 Male 70 Pelvic bypass surgery Acetylsalicylic acid 200 mg/day, nafti-ratiopharm retard 400 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 3 3 recovered/resolved withsequelae

13001 Female 72 Surgery for left orbitalfracture

Mesalazine 1500 mg/day, amlodipine5 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

13002 Female 49 Hysterectomy No concomitant medications recorded No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

13013 Female 75 Hip replacement (left)Hip replacement(right)

Hip replacement (left) and hip replacement(right):valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide (doseunknown), diclofenac 100 mg/as neededand 75 mg/as needed, diclofenacpotassium 50 mg/as needed, lercanidipine10 mg/day, metoprolol (dose unknown)

Hip replacement (left) and hip replacement(right): no concomitant medicationsrecorded

0.5 0.5 Hip replacement (left):recovered/resolved Hipreplacement (right):recovered/resolved

13102 Female 63 Vertebral fusion(spondylolisthesis)Vertebral fusion(spondylolisthesis)

Both surgeries: lercanidipine 10 mg/day,pravastatin sodium 40 mg/day, ibuprofen400 mg/as needed.

Both surgeries: no concomitantmedications recorded

4 4 Both surgeries:recovered/resolved

14007 Male 66 Osteotomy of rightdistal tibia

Heparin-fraction/sodium salt 40 mg/day, Heparin-fraction/sodium salt 40 mg/day,naproxen 1000 mg/day, pantoprazole20 mg/day

3 3 recovered/resolved

17005 Female 47 Hysterectomy Ibuprofen 600 mg as needed No concomitant medications recorded 3 3 recovered/resolved

17007 Female 71 Hip prosthesisreplacement

Chondroitin sulfate sodium 800 mg/day,glucosamine sulfate 1500 mg/day,ibuprofen 400 mg/as needed,paracetamol 600 mg/as needed

Acetylsalicylic acid 300 mg/day,enoxaparin 40 mg/day, alendronatesodium 70 mg/week, calcium 500 mg/day, ciprofloxacin 1500 mg/day,paracetamol 4 g/day, metamizole150 mg/day, omeprazole 20 mg/day,thiamine nitrate/pyridoxine hydrochloride,clonazepam 2.5 mg/day (for RLS,immediately after surgery)

4 4 recovering/resolving

17301 Male 71 Bladder resection Pentoxifylline 800 mg/day, tamsulosin0.4 mg/day

No concomitant medications recorded 4 4 recovered/resolved

a at start of open-label extension period.








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Table 2 Surgical interventions during the 5-yearrotigotine study

Surgical intervention Number

Orthopaedics 28

Gynaecology/Urology 9

Cardiovascular 8

Trauma 6

Abdomen 5

Other 5

Figure 2 Reported outcome of surgical interventions.

Högl et al. BMC Neurology 2012, 12:106 Page 8 of 10http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/12/106

related to their randomly assigned treatment in the preced-ing dose-finding study. They were excluded for severe appli-cation site reactions or noncompliance in the precedingdouble-blind study. During the open-label extension, admin-istration of concomitant treatments was kept to a minimum.Visits were scheduled at monthly intervals during the firstyear and at 3-monthly intervals thereafter. Both studies wereperformed according to the Declaration of Helsinki andGood Clinical Practice, and were approved by a central in-stitutional review board in Germany (Kommission für Ethikin der ärztlichen Forschung im Fachbereich Humanmedizinder Philipps-Universität Marburg) and in Austria (Ethik-kommission der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck). InSpain, review and approval was provided by the local ethicscommittees of the Hospital Universitario La Princesa,Madrid, of the Hospital de la Ribera, Alzira/Valencia, and ofthe USP Institut Universitari Dexeus, Barcelona.Written informed consent was obtained from all

patients before participation.The data of all 295 patients who had entered the open-

label extension (mean age, 58.3 ± 10.1 years; median,61 years; 66% female) were screened independently bytwo reviewers (ES, LB) for the occurrence of surgicalinterventions during the study period. They reviewed allclinical study report narratives of serious AEs and othersignificant AEs and crosschecked the obtained informa-tion against the Council for International Organisations ofMedical Sciences (CIOMS) suspect adverse reaction re-port forms. In case of inconsistent data, the relevant nar-ratives and CIOMS forms were re-examined by bothreviewers in order to reach an agreement about the case.The following data were extracted for all patients with a

surgical intervention during the study period: patient age,sex, surgical intervention and outcome, duration of hospitalstay, rotigotine maintenance dose at the time of surgery,rotigotine dose adjustment, and continuation/discontinu-ation of rotigotine treatment. All parameters were analyseddescriptively. No pre-specified efficacy assessments (e.g.IRLS scores) were available for the perioperative period, i.e.before and after the surgical intervention.

ResultsSurgical interventionsDuring the 5 year study period, 61 surgical interventionswere reported for 52 patients (17.6%). These patientshad a mean age of 60.4 ± 11.6 years (median, 63 years) atstudy entry; 67.3% were female. Table 1 lists demogra-phics and surgery details for each patient. Forty-fourpatients (84.6%) had one surgical intervention; seven pa-tients had two procedures and one patient had threeinterventions. The duration of patients’ hospital stayranged from 0 to 44 days. Surgeries consisted mainly oforthopaedic (45.9%), gynaecological/urological (14.8%),and cardiovascular (13.1%) procedures (Table 2). The

most frequent surgery outcome was recovered/resolved(77.1%, Figure 2). According to the very detailed casedescriptions, no complications, adverse events or othersurgery, RLS or medication related issues were observed.A sub-analysis of the IRLS scores at time of surgerycould not be conducted in this post-hoc analysis, becausedata were not available; the overall study population pre-sented with a mean IRLS score of 27.8 ± 5.9 at baseline,indicating moderate to severe RLS [21]. Although eli-gibility criteria of the original study stipulated the consis-tent use of two combined effective contraception methods(including at least one barrier method) unless sexually ab-stinent, one patient became pregnant and had a plannedabortion. The investigator considered the abortion as notrelated to trial medication. The subject had been exposedto the trial medication for 607 days and was withdrawnfrom the study 17 days prior to the abortion.

Rotigotine dosing during the perioperative periodThe rotigotine maintenance dose at the time of surgeryis listed for each patient in Table 1. The mean dose was3.1 ± 1.1 mg rotigotine/24 h (median, 3.5 mg/24 h). Forthe majority of interventions (n = 58, 95.1%), rotigotinedose regimens were maintained during the perioperativeperiod. Administration was temporarily suspended in a49-year old female patient for leg fracture surgery.Treatment was later resumed and the patient comple-ted the study. Two patients permanently discontinuedrotigotine treatment prior to surgical intervention; a

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30-year old female patient stopped rotigotine adminis-tration 17 days before her surgery due to pregnancy(study withdrawal criterion) and a 71-year old male pa-tient withdrew in order to prepare for upcoming lipomasurgery on his right lower leg. Tumor growth had beennoticed by the patient prior to the start of the study.

Study completionIn total, 50 (96.2%) of the patients undergoing surgeryremained in the study following the perioperative periodand 30 of these patients (61.2%) completed the 5-yearstudy. The other 19 patients discontinued prematurely;reasons were lack of efficacy (6 patients), adverse events(4 patients, one case each of gambling, hallucinations,application site pruritus, and osteoarthritis), unsatisfac-tory compliance (3), major protocol violations (3), with-drawn consent (1) and others (2).

DiscussionBed rest, forced immobilisation, pain-induced sleep de-privation, iron depletion owing to intraoperative bloodloss, and medications can all exacerbate RLS symptomsduring the perioperative period [9]. Additionally, the tem-porary discontinuation of oral RLS medication before sur-gery and resumption at full dose postoperatively which iscurrently recommended for the perioperative RLS man-agement [13] might worsen symptoms during surgery andlead to the occurrence of side effects when re-establishingthe medication postoperatively. Administration of a medi-cation such as rotigotine transdermal patch whichprovides stable plasma concentrations over 24 h withonce-daily application may allow an uneventful con-tinuous management of RLS symptoms in the peri-operative setting.To investigate this hypothesis, a retrospective analysis

was carried out to obtain information about the periope-rative management of RLS with rotigotine transdermalpatch. Data from all patients undergoing surgery duringthe study period were extracted from the database of a5-year open-label rotigotine study [18]. As can be expec-ted from a database with a median age of 61 years, surgicalinterventions occurred frequently [22]: nearly one fifth ofall patients underwent surgery during the 5-year studyperiod, consisting mainly of orthopaedic, gynaecological/urological, and cardiovascular procedures. Treatment withrotigotine transdermal patch could be continued through-out the perioperative period in all but 3 of these patientswithout a change in rotigotine maintenance dose.Rotigotine transdermal patch might be useful in the

perioperative setting for the continuous alleviation of theusual RLS symptoms experienced by the patients. Addi-tionally, the continuous drug delivery might counteract in-voluntary movements during surgery or during recoverytriggered by bed rest and immobilisation, illness- or pain-

induced sleep deprivation, iron depletion, (concomitant)medications, or certain anaesthetics. Several case reportshave described the transient occurrence of RLS and peri-odic limb movements with epidural or spinal anaesthesia[10,23-28] which might worsen the symptoms alreadypresent in RLS patients and might lead to interferencewith surgical procedures and a prolonged recovery time.This investigation was a retrospective analysis and not

a prospective study providing efficacy data such as IRLSvalues for the perioperative period. It should also benoted that the original study from which these data wereobtained was not designed to assess the use of rotigotinetransdermal patch in the perioperative setting. To ourknowledge, no pharmaco*kinetic studies investigatinginteractions with medications commonly used duringsurgery have been conducted for rotigotine. The presentpost-hoc analysis can therefore only provide a first indi-cation that administration of the patch can be continuedsatisfactorily in the majority of patients undergoing sur-gery and should be confirmed by additional studies.Current guidelines recommend the use of oral opioid-

containing medications before, during, and after surgerywhen dopaminergic medication is suspended or slowlybeing re-established [13]. In case oral administration ofopioid-containing medications is not possible, parenteralroutes are suggested. The rotigotine transdermal patchavoids invasive routes of administration providing an al-ternative to patients’ regular oral dopaminergic medica-tion for the perioperative period. Although switchingfrom different dopaminergic medications to the rotigo-tine patch has not been investigated systematically in RLSpatients, overnight switching was effective and well tole-rated in patients suffering from PD [29,30]. Switching andre-switching of regular antiparkinsonian medication to thepatch was also considered feasible in perioperative PDmanagement [16].

ConclusionsAlthough the data were obtained from a study which wasnot designed to assess rotigotine use in the perioperativesetting, this post-hoc analysis suggests that treatment withrotigotine transdermal patch can be maintained duringthe perioperative period in the majority of patients andmight thus permit uninterrupted alleviation of RLS symp-toms. Rotigotine transdermal patch may be a feasibletreatment alternative in perioperative situations where ad-ministration of oral treatments is limited, unavailable, ornot applicable. Further prospective studies are clearly war-ranted to confirm this finding.

Competing interestsBH has been a consultant or acted on advisory boards for GSK, BI, UCB,Lundbeck, Jazz, Nycomed, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merz, Cephalon, and has been aspeaker for GSK, BI, UCB, Pfizer, Cephalon,

(PDF) Transdermal Rotigotine for the Perioperative Management of RLS - DOKUMEN.TIPS (10)

Högl et al. BMC Neurology 2012, 12:106 Page 10 of 10http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/12/106

WHO has received honoraria for consultancy and for serving on scientificadvisory boards, and travel support from UCB; and honoraria for consultancyand lecture fees from Teva, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim,Orion Pharma, and Merck Serono.ES and LB are employees of UCB Pharma, Monheim, Germany; both receiveUCB stock options.

Authors' contributionsBH participated in study conception, data interpretation, manuscript writing,and manuscript review and critique. WHO participated in data interpretationand critical revision of the manuscript. ES and LB participated in studyconception, data analysis and interpretation, and critical revision of themanuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsBoth the 5-year study and the current analysis which used data from thisstudy were sponsored by UCB Pharma, Monheim, Germany. The sponsor wasinvolved in the design of the post-hoc study, analysis and interpretation ofthe data, manuscript writing, and in the decision to submit the paper forpublication. The authors wish to thank E. Grosselindemann (Brett MedicalWriting, Bibra Lake, Australia) and B. Brett (Brett Medical Writing, Pulheim,Germany) for writing and editorial assistance which was contracted by UCBPharma, Monheim, Germany.

Author details1Department of Neurology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria.2Department of Neurology, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany. 3UCBBiosciences GmbH, Monheim, Germany.

Received: 8 December 2011 Accepted: 31 July 2012Published: 25 September 2012

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doi:10.1186/1471-2377-12-106Cite this article as: Högl et al.: Transdermal rotigotine for theperioperative management of restless legs syndrome. BMC Neurology2012 12:106.

(PDF) Transdermal Rotigotine for the Perioperative Management of RLS - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


Why was NEUPRO taken off the market? ›

Why was Neupro taken off the market? Neupro was withdrawn from the U.S. market in April 2008 due to a manufacturing error that resulted in problems with dosing. Those problems were addressed by the manufacturer, and Neupro was re-approved by the FDA in April 2012 for Parkinson's disease and restless leg syndrome (RLS).

Does NEUPRO cause weight gain? ›

Increased weight and fluid retention can occur in patients using NEUPRO. NEUPRO can cause your body to keep extra fluid, which leads to swelling and weight gain. Tell your doctor if you have swelling or fluid retention, especially in the ankles or legs, or have an unusually fast increase in weight.

What is the new pro for restless leg syndrome? ›

Neupro (rotigotine) is a dopamine agonist that binds to and stimulates dopamine receptors in the brain. This raises the levels of dopamine, which is a chemical that can help lessen movement problems for people with Parkinson's Disease or restless legs syndrome.

What is the first line drug for restless leg syndrome? ›

Medicines that increase dopamine in the brain.

Rotigotine (Neupro), pramipexole (Mirapex ER) and ropinirole are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of moderate to severe RLS . Short-term side effects of these medicines are usually mild and include nausea, lightheadedness and fatigue.

Why is ropinirole being discontinued? ›

The manufacturer discontinued the brand-name product called Requip for business reasons. But lower-cost generic versions of the medication are still available and being used today. Is ropinirole a controlled substance?

What is a substitute for NEUPRO? ›

Neupro Alternatives Compared
Neupro (rotigotine)RopinirolePramipexole
Generic Availability
No lower cost generic approvedLower cost genericLower cost generic
Pricing and Coupons * Prices are without insurance
40 more rows

What is the strongest medication for restless leg syndrome? ›

The medications ropinirole, pramipexole, and rotigotine are FDA-approved to treat moderate to severe RLS. Levodopa plus carbidopa may be effective when used intermittently but not daily because long-term use of dopaminergic drugs can eventually worsen symptoms and cause other complications.

What is the gold standard treatment for restless leg syndrome? ›

Drugs that target dopamine receptors are one of the most effective treatments for RLS. Dopamine agonists can be taken in pill form approximately two hours before bedtime or administered continuously through a patch. The FDA has currently approved three dopamine agonists for RLS: pramipexole, ropinirole, and rotigotine.

What is a quick fix for restless leg syndrome? ›

During an episode of restless legs syndrome, the following measures may help relieve your symptoms:
  • massaging your legs.
  • taking a hot bath in the evening.
  • applying a hot compress to your leg muscles.
  • doing activities that distract your mind, such as reading or watching television.

What drink helps restless legs? ›

Drinking a 6-ounce glass of tonic water each night before bed might calm your restless legs. Tonic water contains quinine, which stops repeated muscle contractions. Some people say even a sip or two before bed helps.

What food calms restless legs? ›

Diet for Restless Leg Syndrome

Incorporate a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet with an emphasis on dark leafy greens. Eat a variety of iron-rich foods like lean meat. Include seeds, tree nuts, and legumes in your diet‌. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and fried foods that may make you gain weight.

What vitamin stops restless leg syndrome? ›

Conclusion. Taking magnesium and vitamin B6 supplements can reduce the severity of symptoms of RLS/WED patients and improve their sleep quality.

Can you just stop taking NEUPRO patch? ›

It's important to follow your doctor's instructions for tapering off Neupro for Parkinson's disease. Suddenly stopping Neupro when used for Parkinson's disease can cause additional withdrawal symptoms, including: high fever. rigid muscles.

What is equivalent to rotigotine patch? ›

Maximum dose of Rotigotine is 16 mg/24 hours. Patches are available in 2mg/4mg/6mg/8mg strengths. Do not cut patches to achieve correct dose. *100 mg of levodopa CR is approximately equivalent to 2mg/24 hours Rotigotine, therefore if patient is on CR levodopa preparations please increase equivalent by 2mg/24 hours.

How does NEUPRO make you feel? ›

The most common side effects in people taking NEUPRO for Restless Legs Syndrome are application site reactions, nausea, difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, sleepiness, and headache. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA.

Is there a new drug for Parkinson? ›

Safinamide (Xadago) is the newest drug approved for Parkinson's disease. It is used as adjunct therapy to levodopa/carbidopa (Sinemet and others) when Parkinson's symptoms are not well controlled by that medication alone.

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