SENSEABILITY What Would Moshe Do? Practitioner (2024)

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A newsletter of applications of the Feldenkrais Method ® of somatic education written by Guild Certified SENSEABILITY Feldenkrais Practitionerscm Issue # 48 Summer 2009

What Would Moshe do? Practitioner Spotlight with Jeff Haller: A New Definition of Strength SenseAbility is produced by the Feldenkrais® –by Gabrielle Pullen, GCFP Educational Foundation of North America (FEFNA) and distributed by In this month’s spotlight of those who trained directly Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitionerscm with Moshe Feldenkrais, I spoke with Practitioner and SenseAbility is published Trainer Jeff Haller. Since 1993, the primary focus of Jeff’s four times a year. work has been on teaching Professional Trainings in ISSN: None the Feldenkrais Method®. Jeff’s background includes an Cost: Free Content Editor: MA in Intercultural Education, a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Lavinia Plonka, GCFP Psychology, and over 20 years of study in Aikido. He Please e-mail all was a university level basketball player at Oregon State correspondence to: news@ University when he first encountered the Method. As or call 800.775.2118 a Trainer, he has worked around the world, been the educational director of eight graduating classes, and has Back issues and “Find a plans to initiate several other trainings in the future. Practitioner” are on our website: SA: Jeff, how did you first encounter theFeldenkrais Method? Check the website or call for a free Catalog of JH: In 1972, Moshe did a tour up the west coast. When he taught in Portland, Oregon, my speech Educational Materials. professor, a guy named Sam Keltner, went to the workshop. Our speech class included dynamic Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais group relationships so we often had a Charlotte Selver kind of sensory organization thing going Method®, Functional on, or there would be some kind of relaxation process…So, he brought back maybe five to ten Integration®, and Awareness minutes of Awareness Through Movement® (ATM), and I was stunned by this stuff. In a very short Through Movement® are period of time, it made a huge difference in what I could do, how far I could turn, how well I registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of could see, and in the way I internally perceived myself. It really struck me profoundly. I read the North America. Guild Awareness Through Movement book that came out in 1972 right after that. Certified Feldenkrais Teacher® and Guild Certified SA: On your website it says that you found more potential for learning in those little five minute Feldenkrais PractitionerCM are certification marks of ATM snippets than in the previous five years of basketball training. What did you mean by that? the Feldenkrais Guild of North America. Friends of JH: Well, I don’t know about today, I haven’t been on a basketball court in years, but back then, sm Feldenkrais is a service the emphasis was on motor skills training through effort, continuous repetitions, gymnastic mark of Feldenkrais® Educational Foundation repetitions and doing things over and over and over until you reached either the coach’s of North America. satisfaction or his frustration. But there’s nothing in that process of motor skills training to play basketball that requires you to really, really pay attention to your internal experience, or to use Contact us at: your senses as a basis for improving yourself. Everything is done through effort. During those FEFNA 5436 N. Albina Ave. few minutes when I was directed to attend to myself in a radically different way, it made such a Portland, OR 97217 USA profound difference in my ability to turn and to use my eyes. As a result of that attention, it gave me a glimpse of a potential based on internal experience rather than the use of effort, the use of 1.800.775.2118 force, or the use of will that takes place in most athletic training. I was deeply touched. There 503-221-6612 (local PDX) were probably thirty people in the class and I was the only one who walked out of there and became a Feldenkrais® Practitioner!

(continued on page 2) SenseAbility Summer 2009 23 ...Practitioner Spotlight with Jeff Haller: A New Definition of Strength

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SA: Right, and that’s a huge deviation from the way most posture is the freedom to move in any direction without people train: they don’t use the senses as a basis for self- hesitation or preparation. If you look at one of O Sensei’s improvement. statements – and of course, it’s interpreted in many different ways – he says, “There is no technique, only JH: I was very ready at that time. There was something unlimited creativity.” In the most refined form of either one inside me that was yearning for that. I had an internal of these teachings, the same outcome is taught, which is inclination and affinity for it. It’s amazing that Keltner was to be in the state of being free to move without hesitation. able to teach fifteen minutes of ATM that for me was the It’s about not being bound in any way, but to be as free to catalyst that took me into the internal move as the ever-changing environment exploration that could improve my life. is. Aikido is more martially based but you “It’s about not can see the martial basis of fighting and Following that experience, I went down Judo groundwork in the ATM lessons. to Mexico to work on a Master’s Degree being bound in But, there are preparations in ATM that go in Education. Afterwards, I came back beyond what you find in any martial arts and taught high school in a little town any way, but to be training process. If you study the materials called Monroe, Oregon. As a result of as free to move as from the training that Moshe taught in that, I was still close to Sam Keltner. Amherst, [1980], you’ll see that Moshe We helped put on a conference at the ever-changing has created the potential in that class for Oregon State that brought up all the every student to be able to go from any main teachers from Esalen. [considered environment is.” position to any other position without the first ‘think tank’ that put the human hesitation, to change orientation from one potential movement on the map] It position to another without hesitation. You included George Leonard, Michael won’t find many martial artists who have Murphy, Will Schutz, Betty Fuller the ability to lie in a position on the floor and a number of other people. During that conference, and to change positions, come to standing and face in a I saw George Leonard give an Aikido demonstration given direction without hesitation. and I literally turned in my resignation from teaching the next day to go to the Bay area to study Aikido. I was SA: I often think of this in terms of balance, but you’re fascinated with it because in basketball everything is done taking it up to the next level, into more dimensions, so to upright, and there it was, right in front of me, this three- speak. dimensional tumbling, and rolling and turning. And I just intuitively knew that for my own development, I needed JH: Moshe was very clear on this. At Amherst he said, “I’m to have that ability in my vestibular system [which governs teaching you to be strong.” By this, I believe he meant for balance] to be able to roll and go in every direction. us to have the internal resources to meet the necessity of the changing moment. It was all synchronous. Sam happened to have a brochure on his kitchen counter about the California Institute SA: What did he mean when he said, ‘I’m teaching you to of Transpersonal Psychology, as it was called then. be strong?’ And Moshe Feldenkrais was on the advisory board for the school. Feldenkrais classes were included in the JH: He wasn’t speaking in terms of athletic power. He curriculum as well as Aikido. By the fall of 1977, I was was speaking in terms of the ability to be in a quiet place enrolled and taking classes with Marty Weiner who was and to have the flexibility to act with choice rather than teaching both Aikido and ATM classes there. compulsion.

SA: You received your black belt in Aikido in 1981. Is SA: In other words, to respond to what’s in front of you. there an overlap between Aikido and [the] Feldenkrais [Method]? JH: Exactly.

JH: Yes, I think there’s a huge overlap, if you look at the SA: One of the criticisms I’ve heard of the Feldenkrais teaching of O Sensei (the founder of Aikido) and [the] Method is that it doesn’t address core strength. I have lots Feldenkrais lMethod]. One of Moshe’s tenets is that potent of friends who ride horses and the big thing in riding right now is Pilates, because you have to become stronger.

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SenseAbility Summer 2009 23 ...Practitioner Spotlight with Jeff Haller: 3 A New Definition of Strength

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JH: I have a different view of “strength.” In this context, taking these kinds of classes without understanding – or I would add something to what Moshe said about being being able to feel, or attend to – where their base of able to move in any direction without hesitation. I would support is coming from. add, ‘based on the way you find support from the surface you are on.’ The endless succession of core strengthening exercises won’t necessarily improve the way a person rides their In other words, in standing, your support is based on horse. It won’t change their understanding of their own the way your feet make contact with the ground. Well, if balance, or their sensitivity. It won’t change their internal you’re imprecise in the way you find support through your environment that governs their ability to sense their skeleton, you’re going to have to engage more of your position in space. It won’t give them a more refined sense musculature to maintain your orientation. of what the horse is doing. It won’t give them a sense of moving on their horse so their hands can be soft. Nor will SA: And, you’ll be using muscles designed for fine motor it give them the ability to sense what the horse needs. control to stabilize yourself in space – which is not what ATM lessons can bring awareness to the sense of effort, so they were designed for… that athlete, rider and martial artist can free themselves of bad habits that interfere with true strength. JH: Exactly. Now, if I train myself in any exercise system, and I’m sloppy in the way I provide support for myself, all SA: Using too much effort is like getting in your own way, I will do is train muscles based on supporting myself the literally. So, what motivated you to study directly with way I am accustomed to. Until I’m able to fluidly change Moshe? from position to position, and use the entirety of all the surfaces of my body with clear intention, I would say that JH: I somehow knew that working with Moshe was of I’m not strong. I wouldn’t be able to completely access great personal importance to me. At the time, I was getting my own muscles, or use them fluidly for any activity. Core these nice lessons from Marty at the school and they were strengthening exercises will NOT change the dynamic affecting me profoundly. My mind would be quiet, my pattern with which you engage the environment. You’ll body would be in a very different place. But Moshe was continue to maintain the faulty support. the fountainhead of these lessons. Being in the sphere of Moshe was to be in the presence of the genius from which Now eventually, you might have a particular body all this stuff was coming. He brought no notes to the shape that is appealing to look at, but it’s not necessarily sessions. Each day he generated new material, all of which efficient. First of all, look at how many people go through was intricately interrelated. I didn’t witness this myself, but these kinds of rigorous strength training regimens and I’m told he would wake up at 4:00 AM and work out some end up with horrendous injuries. I’ve worked with many new ATMs then roll over and go back to sleep until it was people who have ended up in my office as a result of time for the training. Jerry Karzen, the organizer, would ask if he wanted to record them and he would reply that no, he’d just make up another thirty tomorrow morning! It’s very rare that a person gets to experience the kind of alive, creative, spontaneous process that was flowing out of him.

SA: How does that inspiration relate to daily life for you now?

JH: It has certainly profoundly affected the way my mind works. If you look at the flow of the material that he put together at Amherst, it’s absolutely unbelievable. All the pieces that he put together are remarkable: all the structural work, all the functional work, all the background work, the philosophical work. It was a very full time. Over the years since my Moshe Feldenkrais practicing Jiu-Jitsu. training, I was able to see that I needed to develop Photo courtesy of Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel. (continued on page 4)

SenseAbility Summer 2009 45 The Toddler in the Shower –by Judy Windt, GCFP

Next to me at the swimming pool shower is a little girl, Later, teaching a breathing lesson to my Awareness about 18 months old. She’s a tiny child, blond, with thin Through Movement® class, I think, This is how we create wet hair plastered over her scalp, wearing a pink bathing our self image—and I tell the class the story of the little suit. She’s turning and allowing the warm water to cascade girl. onto her back, her front, then on the top of her head, closing her eyes just at the right time to keep from getting In the lesson, we press down into the floor on each water in them. Lifting her arms to feel the rush of water at inhalation while we feel the floor press up into us. We her right side, her left side. Completely absorbed. arrange ourselves into unusual positions to allow every part of the outer housing of the lungs to contact the The water is on a timer and each time it stops, her mother, floor—the floating ribs, the long muscles next to the spine, at the next shower head, says, “More water?” and punches the collarbones, the top and bottom of the breastbone, the button to start it up again. the pectoral muscles, the arch of the front ribs, the lower neck vertebrae. While we develop awareness of the The child is acquiring an image of her volume, her lung’s volume and space from the inside by breathing, outsides, her shape, her sensuality. She is creating herself we discover their shape from the outside, as, with each by sensing from the inside the way the water sculpts her contact, the world meets us. from the outside. She keeps turning and feeling the sheer pleasure of the sensations, unwilling to stop, unsmiling, We become more ourselves, breathers, three-dimensional serious. beings, filled with space. We use the world outside, and the sensory information it proffers us, and the sensing of In a comical way, she looks like an adult in a TV soap dynamic volume inside, to create ourselves anew. Both commercial—evolving all the gestures that adults make in real-life experience and an Awareness Through Movement showers: rotating, twisting, lifting her head to allow water lesson can create or recreate our sense of self, and show to fall on her neck, lifting her arms. And it is as much us that we don’t end at the edge of our skins. the cascading of the water from the outside as her inner sensing that is helping her develop a complex human Inside/outside, inseparable, giving birth to who we are. action: taking a shower.

...Practitioner Spotlight with Jeff Haller: A New Definition of Strength (continued from page 3) much more depth in myself if I was to help a person application of the lessons to daily life is rendered crystal with their life. It spurred me to look deeper, work with a clear. teacher to see how profoundly my past and conditioning rampantly drove me unconsciously. Moshe helped me His background as collegiate basketball player, athletics make some basic distinctions about strength and choice coach, and aikido black belt provides a depth of that eventually needed years of study for me to integrate experience to apply the principles of the Feldenkrais into how I work with and care for the people I work with Method to the precise functional movements required today. in high performance activities. Professional athletes in basketball, hockey and golf have improved their Jeff Haller, Ph.D. and founder of Inside Moves, is known performance under Haller’s instruction. for his profound understanding of function in human movement. A teacher of teachers, Haller has served as Educational Director of eight Feldenkrais Practitioner Training Dr. Haller studied directly with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais Programs in world wide. He has taught in many and is a 1983 graduate of Dr. Feldenkrais’ acclaimed international teacher training programs. He holds a Ph.D. Amherst Training. Haller has since plumbed the depths of from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and a Feldenkrais’ work. As a result of his research and dogged Masters degree in Intercultural Education. hunt to ferret out his own biases and habits, he offers a keen ability to articulate why the Feldenkrais Method Jeff Haller lives with his wife and two children in Bellevue is effective and valuable. Through Haller’s instruction, Washington. He maintains a private practice offering Functional Integration® lessons.

SenseAbility Summer 2009 45 One Person’s Woohoo is Another’s Woo: 5 Growing a Community for Scientific Research

–by Roger Russell, MA, PT, CFT & Pat Buchanan, PhD, ATC, PT, GCFT

Feldenkrais® teachers and students rely on our sensory mention truth. Science has a history of uncovering new experience as the foundation for our certainty that the facts and revising theoretical paradigms. What was truth a Feldenkrais Method® is effective. Indeed, some of us may century ago might now be a special case, if not overturned describe our experiences by exclaiming “woohoo!” Yet, outright by new discoveries. At the same time, for 500 what kind of support can we expect from science for our years Western science has had a pretty good track record claims about this effectiveness? in lifting the yoke of superstition and clarifying confusion about how the natural world functions. In the hands of Some scientists will be extremely sceptical until we amass its most brilliant practitioners, the scientific approach a large body of carefully designed and conducted peer- is among the most effective tools for discovery to have reviewed research papers. A notable recent example sprung from the fertile imagination of the human mind. comes from a physician/scientist blogger (Orac, aka, David Gorski; August 4, How does science work? 2009 at http://scienceblogs. How do we know something com/insolence ) who in a scientific way? While the critiqued the Feldenkrais What would happen if our experts continue debating Method after reading about belief in the ability of the these questions, Francis classes offered without Bacon, the granddaddy of charge to patients at the Feldenkrais Method to enhance scientific thinkers, tells us renowned M. D. Anderson that science begins with Cancer Center in Houston, human development were to unprejudiced observations. Texas. After a cursory review Curiosity awakened, of the limited research receive extensive, rigorous, scientists follow the path literature found on PubMed of the phenomena. The of the National Library science examination? information they collect of Medicine and with no enables them to form a direct experience with the general hypothesis that then Feldenkrais Method, Orac can be put to the test with concluded this method is a critical experiment. In “much more akin to faith healing than science. I’m left Karl Popper’s model, scientists cannot avoid prejudice to come to the opinion that the Feldenkrais method[sic] because we make assumptions about the world even borders on quackery.” As someone who is focused on before we begin to make observations. This prejudice can cancer research and the venerated randomized clinical be creative, which lets scientific discovery be fed by the trials model as the prime source of knowledge, Orac/Dr. same deep spring that feeds culture, art and literature. We Gorski is unlikely to be a “Friend of Feldenkraissm” in the invent a hypothesis and then try to falsify it by making near future. He proclaims “woo!” observations and doing experiments. If we cannot prove ourselves wrong, then we can say that we have discovered On the other hand, we have support from many other the best explanation, something akin to truth—for right physicians and scientists (e.g., Joan Borysenko, Norman now anyway. Doidge, James Gordon, Michael Merzenich, Oliver Sacks, Esther Thelen, and Andrew Weil). Still, it is true Thomas Kuhn sees that scientific revolutions occur that students, practitioners, and other stakeholders would when problems within the accepted scientific paradigm benefit from research that advances our knowledge and become impossible to ignore. An iconoclast then takes understanding of the Feldenkrais Method. What would a new perspective, a new way of looking. Perhaps happen if our belief in the ability of the Feldenkrais Moshe Feldenkrais was such a radical. Glancing behind Method to enhance human development were to receive the mirror, this scientist discovers a new answer to the extensive, rigorous, science examination? Further, same old question. Upsetting the applecart of accepted are there ways in which we might encourage such reasoning and giving conventional thinkers heartburn, examination? the scientist brings forth invigorating new opportunities to enable the human mind to capture how the web of the Science is a process for differentiating reasonable certainty natural world is woven. Regardless of our perspective, from beliefs and opinions. This makes science a valuable one thing is certain: The scientific approach persistently tool for our ongoing learning. Notice that we did not

(continued on page 6) SenseAbility Summer 2009 67 ...One Person’s Woohoo is Another’s Woo: Growing a Community for Scientific Research (continued from page 5) (continued from page 6) uncovers elusively obvious facts and extends our and information. The Feldenkrais Science Network understanding. (available soon at will change that. This project of the Esther Thelen, Ph.D., GCFP Research So we return to the question, will our practice stand the and Education Fund of FEFNA is the first step in making test of rigorous scientific examination? We think so. it easier for the Feldenkrais Method community and scientists to interact with, inform, and include each other Will the examination be done with tools and designs that in their deliberations. match the complexity of the Feldenkrais Method? Maybe. If we are part of the research process. Interact: The new website will provide a venue for discussion among scientists, scholars, and Feldenkrais We must ensure that our conversation with the scientific teachers interested in contributing to research projects community is well informed about the theories and or theoretical discussions. We will explore the realms in methods of science. Through dialogue, we can help which the science and practice of human development interested researchers find appropriate questions, cross paths. The website will be open to everyone who approaches and measurements that are coherent with wants to read about scientific developments relevant what we know from our experiences. Students can to the Feldenkrais Method, including book reviews, volunteer as study participants and practitioners can conference reports, and more. collaborate with researchers to conduct lessons and gather information about their practices. Inform: Once connected, we want to inform all participants. Feldenkrais teachers, students and other Until now, Feldenkrais teachers, scientists with relevant stakeholders who are not scientists need to inform research interests, and others supportive of research have ourselves about science. How can science help us had few places to meet and exchange ideas, resources, demonstrate that the Feldenkrais Method is safe and (continued on page 7)

©2007, Rosalie O’Connor. All rights reserved.

SenseAbility Summer 2009 67 7 ...One Person’s Woohoo is Another’s Woo: Growing a Community for Scientific Research (continued from page 6)

effective, and provide explanations for the techniques we employ? Which scientists Research-focused networking website might be best able to help us utilize the research resources that are available? In previewed at August Annual Meeting addition, we need to inform the scientific by Pat Buchanan, PhD, ATC, PT, GCFT community about the Feldenkrais Method in a language that scientists can Attendees at the Feldenkrais Guild® Annual Meeting in August were understand. After all, we are entering introduced to the development website. FeldSciNet, or their world by asking them to share their Feldenkrais® Science Network, is a project of the Esther Thelen, Ph.D., resources and help us demonstrate the G.C.F.P. Research and Education Fund of the Feldenkrais® Educational effectiveness of what we are doing. Foundation of North America (FEFNA). As stated on the home page, FeldSciNet is for people interested in actively doing or supporting research Include: Shared interests and common concerning the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education. It is a space in language will enable us to include which Feldenkrais practitioners with research interests and researchers who competent, skilled, and thoughtful are exploring human development in educational, clinical, and research professionals in our own ongoing circles can all cross paths. Through this forum, we can discover common discussion about the theory and practice interests, combine resources, and share our findings with others. This website of the Feldenkrais Method. Reflecting on should go live and become available this fall. each other’s contributions, we can create a community of rigorous thinkers. This The Esther Thelen Research and Education Fund welcomes contributions in will be a partnership in which scholars, any amount. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. researchers, practitioners, students and Please consult your tax advisor.* other stakeholders can look into the mirror provided by this network to clarify Donations to the Esther Thelen Fund may be designated to support 1) the our thinking, express our experiences FeldSciNet website project to promote research endeavors, 2) research grants, accurately, and then begin to ask new or 3) left unspecified for use where most needed. questions. This cooperation can then be brought back into practice to sharpen our We invite those who can afford larger contributions to apply to become competence as Feldenkrais teachers to founding sponsors of FeldSciNet. Founding sponsors (Bronze $500, Silver better meet the needs of our students. $1000, Gold $2500, Diamond $5000 or more) who make their contributions before FeldSciNet goes live (targeted for late 2009) will receive prominent How can you support this effort to placement of their name(s) and link to their website on FeldSciNet for three rigorously examine the “woohoo” years. Sponsorships may be used as tax deductible contributions or business responses and reduce the “woo” reactions? expenses to the extent allowed by law.* • Become a member—a FeldSciNetter— and join the forums once the FeldSciNet For more information about becoming a founding sponsor, please contact website goes online. FEFNA at 800-775-2118. • Read the open access pages. • Tell colleagues, researchers, and friends Thelen Fund contributors who donate by check may leave the memo blank to about the website. allow us to use your contribution where it is most needed, or specify its use • Become a sponsor or contributor. for “FeldSciNet” or “research.” For more details about the FeldSciNet Checks may be sent to: FEFNA, 5436 N. Albina Ave., Portland, OR 97217 website and the Thelen Fund, see the USA accompanying sidebar. Persons wishing to donate by credit card may call FEFNA at 800-775-2118.

*Consult your tax advisor. FEFNA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to promoting understanding of the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education. The Esther Thelen Fund and FEFNA reserve the right to refuse any sponsorship application. Note that sponsors may only refer to the Feldenkrais Method.

SenseAbility Summer 2009 89 Intelligent, Injury-Free Dance Intensive Workshop Review (continued from page 8) -by Tammy Rosen, GCFP

I was in a rut as a dance teacher. It had been a year or two since I’d been to New York to soak up the latest moves and even those trips were getting to be too predictable. I always took class with the same favorite teachers at the same favorite studio… I even ate at the same favorite restaurants while I was there! I wanted to learn something new that I could offer my students. I was craving growth of some sort.

A couple of dancers in my Pilates class mentioned the Feldenkrais Method® as something valuable for dancers so I went home and Googled “dance” and “Feldenkrais.” I came across “Intelligent, Injury-Free Dance Intensive,” Photo by Lenny Foster. a six-day workshop focused on injury prevention for impossible (such as asking students to arch the upper dancers, dance teachers and health professionals spine). We learned how to teach turnout in a way that is working with dancers. It was only a month away, so at functional and preserves alignment. first I dismissed it as impossible to swing that year. It just seemed like too much to wrap my head around—the It turns out that Winslow Bradley was injured early in her expense, the logistics, not to mention the fact that I was career as a ballet dancer in New York and spent four years trying to get pregnant and that requires that I at least be in trying to rehabilitate chronic ankle and back pain. When the same state as my husband. But I kept chewing on it, she discovered the Feldenkrais Method she made a quick and started to ask myself “why not?” I called to see if there and remarkable turnaround in her ability to continue was still room in the workshop and found out there was. to enjoy a professional career in dance as a performer, I talked to my husband and he agreed to come along and choreographer and teacher. She eventually trained to make a vacation out of it and I discovered I could apply become a Feldenkrais Practitioner and is passionate about for a travel grant from my local arts council to defray some educating dance teachers so that they do not unwittingly of the cost. Four weeks later I was in a big beautiful studio train their students in a way that could create instability, in Taos, New Mexico. strain or injury.

I had no idea what to expect. We began immediately During the workshop, we watched videos of dancers and ® ® with a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement looked at photographs in dance magazines to generate lesson, in which Prisca Winslow Bradley, a Guild Certified fodder for discussion of alignment and functionality. cm Feldenkrais Practitioner and the facilitator of the People in the workshop asked a lot of questions about workshop, led us through a series of small movements their own injuries or strains and I found my understanding that resulted in a greater sense of ease or mobility. These of body mechanics actually simplified. Flexibility happens continued for the first three days. Still, I didn’t understand when our spines are longest, when our pelvises are not how it connected to dance or when I was going to learn tipped forward or back or twisted to the side, when how to prevent injury in my students. Most everyone our movements are unencumbered by what Moshe in the workshop had some experience with Feldenkrais Feldenkrais called “parasitic” muscular contractions. It Method and they kept asking me what I thought. “I like was really elegantly simple. it. But I don’t get it,” was my reply, to which they would smile knowingly. It seems that the Feldenkrais Method I scheduled an optional private hands-on session with is designed to allow for self-discovery rather than have Winslow Bradley for a Functional Integration® lesson. Like anyone spoon-feed you a lesson that can be readily many dancers, I am a body-work junkie. You name it, brought home and applied to class. I later learned that the I’ve tried it—chiropractic, Rolfing, shiatsu, acupuncture, major lessons are embedded in the methodology—to look reflexology, massage, craniosacral, etc. I found this session for more pleasure in my movements, to reduce my level to be quite different from anything I’d experienced before. of effort and to listen to my own body for answers, rather I told her I had a nagging shoulder problem and she took than looking to an outside authority. During the latter half my hand and made tiny movements with my forearm. of the workshop things began to unfold for me. We spent Her touch was very subtle, like craniosacral, except she time looking at a skeleton and discussing some of the was clearly working with my bones. I lay on her table and things that dance teachers demand that are anatomically she continued with the little movements of my skeleton.

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The sun was streaming through the big studio windows of an authority of my own mechanics and to help others to and with my attention focused on listening to the subtle find that for themselves too. movements, I drifted off into a hypnotic state. I found an hour had disappeared in what seemed like fifteen minutes When I taught my first class after returning, I was when she had me sit up and notice a new relationship of thrilled to see that by allowing the students to explore my arm to my ribcage. Remembering the intense effort and discover movement on their own they learned involved in a Rolfing session, I was stunned at what major spontaneously. Every student attacked the final shifts in my alignment she was able to make with such combination in a way I had only hoped for in the past. seemingly little effort. The shoulder problem completely What an amazing shift! I set my intention to make the disappeared in just one session and later I was able to workshop an annual event in my life to continue my rehabilitate an old hamstring injury myself with just a few professional development. After attending the workshop movements that she suggested. a second time I decided to enter a Feldenkrais training program myself. By the sixth and final day I found myself quite changed. My body was feeling more flexible with more room to On a side note, it wasn’t long before I discovered that breathe. I felt deeply relaxed. I returned home bubbling it wasn’t the high altitude in Taos that had made me over with enthusiasm for what I’d learned, eager to start feel at times queasy during the workshop—I was finally to weave it into my teaching. I wrote my final report for pregnant! the grant funding I’d received and had a chance to reflect on the benefits I derived. I found that I wanted to teach Prisca Winslow Bradley is available to teach one to six in a way that would allow my students to discover their day workshops for dancers. For more information, see alignment and body mechanics, the way that Awareness the website or contact Through Movement lessons did. I didn’t want to be that Prisca Winslow Bradley at 575.758.2840 or info@ outside authority that comes up behind them and pokes and prods various body parts until I see a position that my eye finds to be “correct alignment.” I wanted to be more Tammy Rosen, Director of The DanceLoft 520-250.4664

©2007, Rosalie O’Connor. All rights reserved.

SenseAbility Summer 2009

SENSEABILITY What Would Moshe Do? Practitioner (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.