The Difference Between Pickling and Fermenting (2024)

Pickling and fermenting are some of the oldest known methods to preserve food and yet they are frequently mistaken for one another. The processes do have some overlap even though they are independent of one another. They are also independently awesome.

What is Pickling?

Pickling is loosely defined as using an acidic brine to preserve a food. This method of food preservation dates back thousands of years, with records of pickled cucumbers existing in the early 2000's BCE in India. Pickling requires very little work. With the introduction of an acidic liquid to a food, the pickling process can begin. This process changes the taste of the food, usually making it more sour. Pickling changes the texture of the food as well, typically making it softer.

Quick pickling can be done right at home. This is when some mixture of vinegar, sugar, salt, and water are brought to a boil and then poured over vegetables, for example, and left to sit for a few days. Sometimes spices, like a pickling spice mix, are included in this boiled brine. The use of heat in this process destroys bacteria and other microorganisms.

What is Fermenting?

Fermentation is also quite a simple process, with an origin story even older than pickling. It got its start in China, with records of fermenting that date back to as early as 7000 BCE. It made its way around the world slowly but steadily, with fermentation gaining popularity in pre-Hispanic Mexico in 2,000 BCE. Fermenting is the use of microorganisms such as bacteria or yeast to convert carbohydrates to alcohol. This process also tends to take place in a brine, though this brine is devoid of acidic ingredients.

Two types of fermentation exist. Both kinds work on the same principles, though one is a more advanced form of the other.

  1. Alcoholic- this is common in bread, beer, and wine. It is the process of pyruvate breaking down into ethanol and carbon dioxide by bacteria and yeast. There is no pickling involved, even though you will sometimes hear drunks being referred to as "pickled."
  2. Lactic Acid- the process of pyruvate molecules further breaking down into lactic acid.

Fermentation encourages probiotics to thrive and is thus good for the human digestive system. Eating fermented foods is thought to be part of a healthy diet. Fermented foods are also important to some religious practices, particularly in Judaism and Christianity.

One of the most popular fermented foods out there is kimchi, but sauerkraut and miso paste are also fermented foods. The origins of sushi lie in fermentation, as well!

Are Pickles Pickled or Fermented?

It depends on the kind of pickle! Today's pickles are usually pickled, but they are pickled in a brine that has been fermented. Usually this brine is vinegar. However, when pickles first appeared on the scene, they were fermented. Dunked in a salty brine and left to ferment for a few days, these pickles are still produced in small batches by artisanal foodies and home cooks across the world. You are extremely unlikely to find fermented pickles in the grocery store, but if you do they are worth the purchase! Some people think that fermented pickles are even better than pickled pickles.

Pickled foods aren't usually touted as health foods since they don't do much for the digestive system. They are pretty tasty snack though, so it doesn't hurt to eat a few here and there.

What's the Difference?

The bottom line is that not all pickles are fermented, and not all fermented foods are considered pickled. It's easy to use the names interchangeably because they are such similar processes, but each has unique features that mean the results do different things in terms of taste and in terms of potential health benefits.

An easy way to remember the difference between the two despite their overlap is that pickling involves putting food into an acidic brine to produce a sour flavor, whereas fermenting gives food a sour flavor without any added acid.

Pickling is often the least healthy choice in terms of these two foods. Despite the expensive price tag on pickled and fermented foods, you can usually make similar products at home for a fraction of the cost, and the homemade stuff is often better for you than the store bought anyway.

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The Difference Between Pickling and Fermenting (2024)


The Difference Between Pickling and Fermenting? ›

An easy way to remember the difference between the two despite their overlap is that pickling involves putting food into an acidic brine to produce a sour flavor, whereas fermenting gives food a sour flavor without any added acid. Pickling is often the least healthy choice in terms of these two foods.

What is the difference between fermenting and pickling? ›

An easy way to remember the difference between the two despite their overlap is that pickling involves putting food into an acidic brine to produce a sour flavor, whereas fermenting gives food a sour flavor without any added acid. Pickling is often the least healthy choice in terms of these two foods.

What is the difference between fermenting and canning? ›

Canning stands out for its ability to preserve the flavours and textures of vegetables over time. However, it requires more equipment and effort and destroys some nutrients. Fermentation transforms fruit and vegetables into living foods, improves their nutritional value, and gives them new flavours.

What is the difference between brine and fermenting? ›

Fermenting vegetables is different from pickling vegetables. Pickled foods are sour because they are soaked in acidic brine, while fermented foods are sour because of a chemical reaction between naturally present sugars and bacteria.

What's the difference between brining and pickling? ›

Brining = preserving and/or flavoring with salt. Marinating = preserving and/or flavoring with acid. Pickling = preserving with salt (fermented pickles) or preserving with acid (unfermented pickles) Curing = all of the above.

What is the fermenting process? ›

Upon a strictly biochemical point of view, fermentation is a process of central metabolism in which an organism converts a carbohydrate, such as starch or sugar, into an alcohol or an acid. For example, yeast performs fermentation to obtain energy by converting sugar into alcohol.

What is the difference between pickling and canning? ›

The main difference between canning and pickling is the brine. Pickles are canned most of the time so they will last for a long period. You can pickle almost anything, even some meats, but the classic items are cucumbers. You can also pickle but not can, but these need to be held in the refrigerator and used quickly.

Is it safe to ferment in Mason jars? ›

Mason jars are the best vessel for fermenting food and here are all the reasons why. You probably already have a collection of Mason jars around your home. Even if you don't, they're inexpensive and available at grocery stores, home good stores, craft stores, hardware stores, dollar stores and online.

Can I open jar during fermentation? ›

Be careful not to open your jar during the fermentation process!

Is sauerkraut fermented or pickled? ›

Sauerkraut is made by a process of pickling called lactic acid fermentation that is analogous to how traditional (not heat-treated) pickled cucumbers and kimchi are made. The cabbage is finely shredded, layered with salt, and left to ferment.

Can I use pickling salt for fermenting? ›

Pickling salt is similar to iodized table salt, but without the iodine and anti-caking agents, so it can be used for fermenting vegetables. It is highly refined, though, so it may not be the optimal choice if you are looking for an unrefined, natural salt.

Are pickles fermented or brined? ›

Quick pickles, the most common type of pickle found in grocery stores, are not fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine. However, Lacto-fermented pickles are fermented because they follow the lactic acid fermentation method, which only uses water and salt in its brine.

How long do you leave pickles in brine? ›

These guys aren't ready right away – they need some time in the fridge to soak up the brine and become really flavorful. Dill pickle chips will be ready in 24 hours, while spears will take at least 48. They'll keep in the fridge for several weeks, and they get better as time goes on. For best flavor, wait about 5 days.

Do you have to boil brine for pickling? ›

It's actually a liquid brine, which is used to preserve fruits and vegetables. Do you have to boil brine for pickles? No, there are other methods for pickling, including quick pickling and refrigerator pickling.

Does brining chicken in pickle juice make it taste like pickles? ›

After a couple hours, the chicken will be vastly more flavorful and tender than when you bought it (and no, there won't be an overwhelming pickle taste after cooking, so long as you don't use something like gherkin brine).

Which is healthier pickled or fermented? ›

The differences in their preservation does result in several differences in their available health benefits. The main difference in the health benefits between pickled and fermented foods lies in their probiotic properties. Fermentation generates more beneficial bacteria in foods, making them probiotic.

Are store bought pickles considered fermented? ›

Quick pickles, the most common type of pickle found in grocery stores, are not fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine. However, Lacto-fermented pickles are fermented because they follow the lactic acid fermentation method, which only uses water and salt in its brine.

Do fermented pickles taste the same as vinegar pickles? ›

Taste: Fermented pickles tend to have a more complex, rounded sourness compared to the sharper tanginess of vinegar pickles.

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