Are Claussen Pickles Fermented? (+ tips on how to find fermented pickles) (2024)

No. The popular claussen pickles are not fermented, they are pickled. These are two different preservation methods; fermenting is pickling, but pickling is not fermenting.

Let me explain, plus let’s talk about brands of fermented pickles, how to find fermented pickles in the grocery store and how to make pickles at home.

Pickling is done by pouring a boiling acidic solution over vegetables. Which is typically hot water bathed canned afterwards. Which means there’s heat applied at two different times, this eliminates any chance of live probiotics.

Are Claussen Pickles Fermented? (+ tips on how to find fermented pickles) (1)

Fermenting at home pickles on the other hand is a room temperature process.

Begin with a solution of salt, herbs and spices (usually dill, peppercorns, garlic and grape leaves) which is layered in with the cucumbers. The cucumbers will sit on your counter for four to seven days or more, depending on your preference of sour.

Each day you release the produced CO2, from the bacteria and wait for the flavor to come to life! Once your ferments taste good to you, move them to your fridge to slow the fermentation.

In summary; fermenting is a process involving time to create bacteria (time + sugar + bacteria = acid) to create the desired outcome. Pickling, on the other hand, is achieved when an acidic brine is used to create the outcome.

Wildbrine does a nice job of explaining the differences between pickling and fermenting.

What kind of pickles are best for probiotics?

Fermented pickles made with fresh cucumbers, salt and herbs and spices will create wild probiotics in time, usually after four days or so. Wild ferments create probiotics that vary depending on the crop and season.

So wild fermentation is best for gut microbiota diversity!Plus I love adding horseradish leaves to my fermented pickles to keep them extra crisp.

But if you don’t want to ferment your own, or don’t have the time, look for one of these store bought brands of fermented pickles.

Brands of fermented pickles

Fermented pickles will be found in the refrigerator section of your store, look for one of these brands.

I included where they’re made since many of these brands, with the exception of Bubbies, aren’t sold in mass grocery stores. If you’re local, you may have better luck!

  1. Olive My Pickle – made in Jacksonville, Florida
  2. Wildbrine (a personal fav!) – made in Sonoma County, California
  3. Bubbies (the easiest to find in stores, in my experience) – made in Ventura, California
  4. Sonoma Brinery/Cleveland Kitchen – made in Cleveland, Ohio
  5. Oregon Brineworks – made in Hood River, Oregon
  6. Barrel Creek Provisions – made in Austin, Texas

How do you tell if store bought pickles are fermented?

Here are a few quick ways to find a fermented pickle when you’re shopping in the grocery store.

  • The ingredient list will not include an acid, such as distilled vinegar
  • The label may state “contains live & active cultures”
  • Found in the refrigerator section of your grocery store
  • The label will state “unpasteurized” or “perishable”
  • The label will not state “heat treated” or “pasteurized”
  • The solution may be cloudy due to natural fermentation

True fermented pickles are never heat treated. Instead pausterizing/heating at or above 161 degrees is a practice put in place by food safety regulations as a way to sell to the masses without concern of food borne illness.

Natural fermentation causes the pH to become acidic enough to make the solution inhospitable for pathogenic, or potentially harmful, bacteria. Instead lactic acid bacteria thrive in this low pH environment which are the source of good bacteria, or probiotics.

Are Claussen Pickles Fermented? (+ tips on how to find fermented pickles) (2)

Are Claussen pickles good for you?

It depends. Claussen pickles do not contain probiotics as they are not fermented. However, they may help expand a diet limited to other vegetables. Or, perhaps be a source of sodium on a hot day for an athlete.

Plus, If I have veggies that are going a little limp, like carrots or cauliflower, I will throw them in a jar of pickle juice. Since pickle juice doesn’t go bad, this is a great way to reuse the juice before throwing it out. Just do this once though, then pitch it.

But just don’t look to Claussen pickles for gut health.

What if I don’t want to ferment cucumbers but still want the probiotics?

You can, sort of. This is achieved by making refrigerator pickles with apple cider vinegar. Since ACV with the mother contains its own probiotics you’re essentially adding a controlled dose of probiotics. Better than Claussen pickles, but not as good as fermented.

Alternatively, you can buy a pre-made fermented tonic that you pour over your fresh cucumbers which greatly reduces the time it takes for you to make your own ferments!

So there you have it; a list of 6 fermented pickle name brands, an honest answer to whether Claussen pickles are fermented and the easiest way to determine if the pickles at the grocery are pickled, or fermented.

If you’re interested in learning more about different preservation methods check out my complete Youtube video here.

Are Claussen Pickles Fermented? (+ tips on how to find fermented pickles) (2024)


Are Claussen Pickles Fermented? (+ tips on how to find fermented pickles)? ›

No. The popular claussen pickles are not fermented, they are pickled. These are two different preservation methods; fermenting is pickling, but pickling is not fermenting.

How to tell which pickles are fermented? ›

To determine if a pickle is fermented, you can check the label for ingredients. Fermented pickles will not include vinegar in their ingredients list but will include salt. They are often labeled as “lacto-fermented” or “naturally fermented.”

What is the best pickle for probiotics? ›

So, what you want to look for are unpasteurized fermented pickles, which can be found in the refrigerated section of grocery stores, often in the cheese section. It is always good to double-check the label as well. If vinegar or pasteurized is indicated on the label, chances are probiotics are absent.

How are Claussen pickles never heated? ›

Fresh cukes, every time: Unlike other pickle brands, Claussen cucumbers go from vine to brine in 10 days or less, and are pickled under refrigeration, meaning they are never heated or pasteurized. With minimal processing, Claussen refrigerated pickles deliver superior color, taste and crunch every time!

What has happened to Claussen pickles? ›

When it comes to the Claussen Pickles specifically, According to Food & Wine, their shortage is due to increased demand for groceries, decreased manufacturing schedules, and a 30 percent decrease in glass recycling. The COVID pandemic is the root of the majority of these issues.

Where do you find fermented pickles in the grocery store? ›

Bubbies makes naturally fermented dill pickles, which are located in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.

Are Claussen kosher pickles fermented? ›

It depends. Claussen pickles do not contain probiotics as they are not fermented.

How to tell if Claussen pickles are bad? ›

How to tell if pickles have gone bad? Here are a few signs your pickles are a little too far gone: Visible mold: This is an obvious sign that your pickles have gone bad. Unusually sour taste and smell: If things smell and taste a bit more sour than usual, in an unpleasant way, this may not be a good sign.

Why are my Claussen pickles soft? ›

Using too weak a salt brine or vinegar solution may cause soft or slippery pickles, as can using moldy garlic or storing the pickles at too warm a temperature.

Are store-bought pickles fermented? ›

Quick pickles, the most common type of pickle found in grocery stores, are not fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine. However, Lacto-fermented pickles are fermented because they follow the lactic acid fermentation method, which only uses water and salt in its brine.

Why do pickle jars not say pickles anymore? ›

Olive all use the term on their websites, in advertisem*nts, and in the product descriptions of their pickle varieties. When asked why the word isn't on the front of the jars, all three companies provided nearly the same answer: They feel the word “pickle” isn't necessary on pickles packaged in clear glass containers.

Why are Claussen pickles cold? ›

Claussen pickles require refrigeration because they are not processed in the same manner as canned pickles, which are heated to a high temperature to create a sterile environment inside the jar.

Is it okay to drink Claussen pickle juice? ›

While pickle juice offers some health benefits, it may also pose some risks. Most of these risks are tied to the extremely high levels of sodium that pickle juice contains. Those who have or are at risk for hypertension (high blood pressure) should avoid drinking pickle juice.

Which pickles are not fermented? ›

Are Pickles Fermented? Quick pickles are not fermented, but lacto-fermented pickles are fermented. Quick pickles, the most common type of pickle found in grocery stores, are not fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine.

How can you tell that your fermented pickles are not safe to eat? ›

If it feels very soft and mushy, or the texture is different than usual, they're definitely not safe to eat. If you're ever unsure or if you feel like your pickles might be bad, it's always better to err on the side of caution. Remember, to avoid foodborne illness — when in doubt, throw it out.

Are refrigerator pickles considered fermented? ›

The pickled cucumber is preserved in vinegar, so it's not fermented. The pickle preserves some of the cucumber's nutrients but doesn't offer any probiotic benefit like how a fermented cucumber would add. A vinegar pickle is safe to store outside of the fridge because the vinegar protects the pickle from bad bacteria.

Are all kosher dill pickles fermented? ›

Yes. In fact, a typical kosher dill pickle is a fermented dill pickle, made in the traditional manner of Jewish New York City pickle makers. These pickles are typically made with a generous addition of garlic and dill to salt brine.

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