Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (2024)

Ragnarok is here. Will you meet a warrior’s end and find your destiny in the Valkyries’ embrace, or will you send your foes hurtling to the ashen depths of Helheim? Embark on an epic new saga in Wolves of Ragnarok, now available as a free update in Conqueror’s Blade!

Table of Contents:

  • Story
  • Campaign
  • Units
  • Runes
  • Maps
  • Battle Pass


The Sons of Fenrir – demented worshippers of an ancient wolf-god – are unleashed. Seeking to enthrone their leader as king by any means necessary, they ravage the land of Ungverija and issue dire threats of ritual sacrifice to any who oppose them. Rising to the threat, a brave band of Northmen marches into the unknown to put an end to the madness of their wayward kin and save the land from destruction...


The Baron's War

March 18 - April 5th, 2021

This season's core region is Ungverija: fiefs in this land will yield bonus Influence. The Border Forts between Ostaria and Ungverija, and between Anadolou and Ungverija will open on March 29th.

Only Anadolou and Ostaria are accessible until the Border Forts open, at which point the Territory War will begin in Ungverija.

Heart of the World

April 5th - 26th, 2021

Border Forts into the Borderlands will open on the 12th of April. The Territory War will begin in the Borderlands.

The territory war now encompasses Ungverija, Anadolou, Ostaria, and the Borderlands.

The Chaos Spreads

April 26th - May 17th, 2021

Fiefs in Ungverija give more Influence this season.

The territory war now encompasses Ungverija, Anadolou, Ostaria, and the Borderlands.

Usurp the Thrones

May 17th - 31st, 2021

Fiefs in Ungverija give more Influence this season.

The territory war now encompasses Ungverija, Anadolou, Ostaria, and the Borderlands.

Augolia and Regionopolis can now be captured.

Imperial Dawn

May 31st - June 14th, 2021

Fiefs in Ungverija give more Influence this season.

The territory war now encompasses Ungverija, Anadolou, Ostaria, and the Borderlands.

Turul Varos, Augolia and Regionopolis can now be captured.

Territory Wars Schedule

1Mar-20The Baron's War
2Mar-27The Baron's War
3Apr-3The Baron's War
4Apr-10Heart of the World
5Apr-17Heart of the World
6Apr-24Heart of the World
7May-1The Chaos Spreads
8May-8The Chaos Spreads
9May-15The Chaos Spreads
10May-22Usurp the Thrones
11May-29Usurp the Thrones
12Jun-5Imperial Dawn
13Jun-12Imperial Dawn


With Ungverija teetering on the brink of war and wolves clawing at the gates, you need warriors.Three brand-new unitsare coming in Season VII inspired by the ferocious Vikings who once ruled the waves and raided across the shores of Europe and beyond. Complete Unit Challenges throughout the season to reinforce your armies with Northmen, then embark on a new Seasonal Campaign with seasoned warriors at your side!

Shield Maidens - Tier 5

Shieldmaidens are unique because they’re a hybrid unit, equipped with not only shields but two different weapons. You can switch between fighting with swords and spears to your tactical advantage, with spears inflicting debuffs on enemies and benefiting from a longer reach, and swords dealing more damage at a closer range. Spear-wielding Shieldmaidens are also especially effective against cavalry units. Ensure that you switch when necessary to adapt to your current situation!

In the spirit of the iconic shield wall tactic, Shieldmaidens can encircle their commanding warlord, and move while holding formation and offering excellent protection. When using this ability with spears equipped, the unit will maintain formation and defend, whereas equipping swords will make the Shieldmaidens act more aggressively if enemies get too close.

Core Unit Statistics

Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP1,206Piercing DMG990Piercing DEF530
Slashing AP1,192Slashing DMG1,134Slashing DEF644
Blunt AP1,355Blunt DMG975Blunt DEF668

Terrain Effects:

  • Desert - Bad
  • Plains - Good
  • Hills - Bad
  • Steppe - Bad
  • Urban - Great

Unit Traits:

  • Staunch Defenders - This unit is excellent in defence, making it ideal for blocking an enemy advance. Damage taken is also reduced.
  • Two Weapons - This unit carries spears and swords: Wielding spears and shields improves defence and blocking, wielding swords improves attack capability. They also stay in formation while switching weapons.
  • Stand Firm - Takes less damage from cavalry charges when wielding spears.
  • Northlanders - Leadership value is decreased by 10 during Season VII.


  • Block - A dense formation intended to enhance the unit's defenses.
  • Shield Wall - The shield wall is a tightly packed formation intended to defend in one direction.
  • Shield - Soldiers stand in a tight defensive formation, countering frontal attacks. Enhances impact resistance.

Unit Orders:

  • Freyja's Charge - While wielding swords, the Shieldmaidens roar to encourage their surrounding allies and charge towards the target point, hurting enemies along the way.
  • Triple Strike - While wielding swords, the Shieldmaidens launch three consecutive strikes at the enemy with their shields, greatly reducing the enemies' armour penetration for a short period of time. The third strike deals double damage.
  • Cover Commander - The unit forms a ring around their commander, and will endeavour to follow and maintain this formation.
  • Guardian - The unit will defend a designated area, forming a smaller shieldwall and boosting the protection of nearby allies.

Veterancy Bonuses:

Core Path:

  • The Soldiers Life (1) - Increases Health by 3%

Top Path:

  • Move as One (1) - Increases movement speed by 3%.
  • Toughen Up (3) - Each Level Increases piercing defence by 3%
  • Stand Fast (3) - Each level increases blocking by 40.
  • Second Wind (2) - Each level reduces Vanguard cooldown by 3 seconds
  • The Soldiers Life (3) - Each level increases Health by 3%
  • Cold Blood (3) - Each level Increases Piercing Damage by 3%
  • Move as One (3) - Each level increases blocking recovery rate by 20%.
  • Bloodbath (3) - Each level increases slashing defence by 3%
  • Second Wind (2) - Each level reduces Freyja's Charge cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Facehardened (1) - Increases blunt armour penetration while wielding spears by 30%

Bottom Path:

  • Unswerving (3) - Each level increases blunt defense by 3%.
  • Razor-Sharp (3) - Each level Increases piercing defence by 3%
  • Breakthrough (3) - Each level increases block break during Triple Strike by 10%.
  • Second Wind (2) - Every level reduces Valkyrie's Touch's cooldown by 3 seconds.
  • Hone (3) - Each level Increases slashing armour penetration by 3%
  • Move as One (1) - Each level increases movement speed by 3%
  • The Soldiers Life (3) - Each level increases Health by 3%
  • Second Wind (2) - Each level reduces Triple Strike cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Razor-Sharp (3) - Each level increases slashing damage by 3%
  • Razor-Sharp (1) - While wielding swords, the unit's slashing and piercing armour penetration is increased by 30%.

Berserkers - Tier 4

There is no subtlety to a Berserker unit. It exists for one purpose and for one purpose only: to engage an enemy directly and to tear them apart as quickly as possible so that the frenzy can begin anew. There are unit formations for the Berserker commander to consider, one to lessen the threat of incoming ranged attacks and another to brace against a foolhardy foe, but these are game formalities. Simply put, if a Berserker unit isn’t engaged in battle, it should either have been wiped out or the battle declared over. Any other scenario would be a dereliction of duty on the part of the warlord.

As well as swinging their double axes with ursine efficiency, Berserkers can deploy a devastating charge that will claw into almost any enemy, before engaging the floored foe. Having consumed large quantities of certain substances prior to battle, Berserkers are also able to enter a frenzied state for a short period of time, during which the unit will be able to increase its already savage attacks while apparently laughing in the face of death itself.

Core Unit Statistics

Basic Attributes
Health14,248Strength (Units)8
Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP0Piercing DMG0Piercing DEF437
Slashing AP1,560Slashing DMG1,521Slashing DEF482
Blunt AP0Blunt DMG0Blunt DEF472

Terrain Effects:

  • Desert - Poor
  • Plains - Good
  • Hills - Fair
  • Steppe - Bad
  • Urban - Great

Unit Traits:

  • Rage - This unit builds up Rage by fighting, which then powers its other skills.
  • Frenzy - Berserkers can go into a frenzied state if they are in combat long enough. This greatly enhances their attributes, but renders them uncontrollable.
  • Battle Madness - Each time the Berserkers launch an attack, their slashing damage is increased by 20 points and their damage resist is increased by 5%. Lasts 4.5 seconds. Can stack up to 10 times. Upon reaching 10 stacks, Berserkers recover HP.
  • Northlanders - Leadership value is decreased by 10 during Season VII.


  • Dispersed - This unit stands in a loose formation to lesson the impact of enemy attacks.
  • Line - This unit forms two lines, ideal for launching attacks.

Unit Orders:

  • Odin's Charge - The Berserkers charge with their axes, knocking the enemy down, inflicting a lot of damage and acquiring a small amount of Rage.
  • Berserkers Assault - The Berserkers swing their axes quickly and unleash an area attack which consumes a small amount of Rage. Berserkers also get 4 stacks of High Spirits.
  • Frenzy - When Frenzied, the unit takes significantly less damage, inflicts more damage, and is immune to crowd control debuffs, but cannot be given orders.

Veterancy Bonuses:

Core Path:

  • Razor-Sharp (2) - Each level Increases piercing defense by 3%

Top Path:

  • Hone (3) - Each level Increases slashing armour penetration by 3%
  • Bloodbath (1) - Cannot be stunned by ordinary attacks while using ordinary attacks.
  • The Soldiers Life (3) - Each level increases Health by 3%
  • Reflexes (3) - Each level reduces ranged damage taken by 5%.
  • Red Mist (1) - Upon using Odin's Charge, a 10% Damage Resist buff is applied for 10 seconds.
  • Cold Blood (3) - Each level increases slashing damage and slashing armour penetration by 3%.
  • Move as One (3) - Each level increases movement speed by 10%.
  • Breakthrough (1) - Increases the number of enemies each soldier can attack with a single normal strike by 1.
  • Greater Wrath (1) - When Frenzy finishes, the unit will immediately recover 2000 health.

Bottom Path:

  • Second Wind (3) - Each level reduces Odin's Charge cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Reflexes (3) - Each level increases ranged resistance by 5%.
  • Recklessness (1) - Rage is increased by 25% upon hitting an enemy with Odin's Charge.
  • Hone (2) - Each level increases slashing armour penetration by 3%.
  • Frenzy (3) - Each level increases Berserker Assault damage by 5%.
  • Uncouthness (2) - Each level increases Odin's Charge damage by 5%.
  • Razor-Sharp (3) - Each level Increases piercing damage by 3%.
  • Recklessness (1) - Rage is increased by 25% upon hitting enemy with Odin's Charge.
  • Bloodbath (1) - Increases Frenzy damage by 20%.

Sons of Fenrir - Tier 3

The Sons of Fenrir add fanaticism and cunning to the Northmen’s arsenal, being able not only to spot for and provide support for heavier units but effectively substitute for them as well.

The unit is agile enough to avoid most entanglements due to its speed but is also able to reduce the effectiveness of incoming ranged attacks by rearranging into a Dispersed formation. This can be combined with a skill that allows the Sons of Fenrir to maintain its movement speed while reducing piercing damage even further.

But it’s the unique method employed to engage with an enemy that is more characteristic of the unit, more than any effort to maintain distance from it. A perfectly-timed leap allows the Sons of Fenrir to scramble over the front ranks of the enemy, whereupon the unit can summon itself to tear into the heart of the enemy with a primal, beast-like fervour. Were there anyone left standing to tell testament of such an assault, it would truly be a bloody sight to behold.

Core Unit Statistics

Basic Attributes
Health6,374Strength (Units)18
Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP0Piercing DMG0Piercing DEF246
Slashing AP840Slashing DMG1,170Slashing DEF268
Blunt AP317Blunt DMG276Blunt DEF187

Terrain Effects:

  • Desert - Bad
  • Plains - Fair
  • Hills - Great
  • Steppe - Fair
  • Urban - Bad

Unit Traits:

  • Lithe - This unit is agile and has a high resistance to ranged damage.
  • Featherweight - Minimal weapons and armour allow this unit to move quickly.
  • Northlanders - Leadership value is decreased by 10 during Season VII.
  • Undisciplined - This unit fights like a mob, unable to adopt formations.


  • Dispersed - This unit spreads out a little to lessen the damage from ranged attacks.
  • Scatter - A closer formation suitable for combat.

Unit Orders:

  • Wolf's Leap - The unit sprints in the designated direction. If it is moving fast enough when it makes contact with an enemy unit, the unit will leap over the enemy.
  • Beast - The unit gains a temporary buff to the damage it deals. Every time you kill an enemy during this period, the cooldown time of Preditor will be reduced.
  • Predator - For a short time after the skill is used, the unit will continue to move at a high speed and will enjoy a higher resistance against ranged damage.

Veterancy Bonuses:

Core Path:

  • Hone (1) - Increases slashing armour penetration by 5%

Top Path:

  • Razor-Sharp (2) - Each level Increases piercing defence by 3%
  • Second Wind (2) - Each level reduces Wolf's Leap cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • The Soldier's Life (3) - Each level increases health by 3%.
  • Hone (1) - Increases slashing armour penetration by 5%
  • Reflexes (2) - Each level reduces ranged damage taken by 5%.
  • Toughen Up (1) - Increases piercing defence by 6%
  • Second Wind (2) - Each level reduces Beast's cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Wolf Cubs (1) - Each attack on an enemy increases slashing damage by 5% and movement speed by 2%, for 5 seconds. The effect can stack up to 3 times.

Bottom Path:

  • The Soldiers Life (2) - Each level increases Health by 3%
  • Hone (2) - Each level Increases slashing armour penetration by 3%
  • Second Wind (3) - Each level reduces Predator's cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Razor-Sharp (3) - Each level increases slashing damage by 3%.
  • Bloodletting (2) - Each level increases Beast's damage bonus by 3%.
  • Impaler (1) - Gives Beast an additional Bleed effect.
  • Second Wind (2) - Each level reduces Wolf's Leap cooldown by 3 seconds.
  • Swift Step (1) - Using Wolf's Leap triggers an additional Predator effect. Lasts 4 seconds.


What destiny will the seeress unearth in your Runes? New to Season VII, Runes are sacred artefacts that can be attached to your warlord’s weapon, helmet, and armour toimprove attributessuch as health, attack, and defence, as well as providing other special bonuses. A number of Runes can be equipped at any one time, opening up entirely new possibilities for customisation and strategy in Conqueror’s Blade!

Runes unlock as your character gains season levels. You may use up to a Power Rating of 6. This means that if you slot a Golden Power Level 4 Rune, you can only place a single Blue Power Level 2 Rune or two Green Power Level 1 Runes. Golden Runes are 4 Power, Purple Runes are 3 Power, Blue Runes are 2 Power, and Green Runes are 1 Power.

Each season moving forward will have it's own special runes that will only be available for use during that season. When a new season arrives all runes will no longer be usable and a new set will be introduced for that particular season.


First Trial
Unlock by speaking to the War Scholar and completing a quest.
MimisbrunnrAny1Increases health by 250.
VingolfAny1Increases slashing damage by 15.
UrtharbrunnrAny1Increases blunt damage by 15.
HvergelmirAny1Increases critical value by 15.
VigrithrAny1Increases piercing damage by 15.
Second Trial
Earn Season Level 2
BifrostHelm4Healing can now be used while moving on foot, but its cooldown is extended by 30%.
FensalirHelm3For every hero you kill, your damage dealt increases by 10% for 20 seconds.
GladsheimrAny2Increases blunt damage by 40.
GiollAny2Increases slashing damage by 40.
GinnungagapAny2Increases Piercing Damage by 40.
Third Trial
Earn Season Level 5
HoddmimisPoleaxe4After the first strike of a normal attack, this grants invulnerability for 5 seconds. Can only be triggered once every 30 seconds.
VigrithrShort Bow4Poison damage dealt is increased by 100% but its duration is decreased by 50%.
UppsalaNodachi450% of the health gained from Life Drain is converted into damage and dealt against your enemy.
FornsigtunaArmour4While on a Capture Point, your damage dealt increases 8%.
BilskinirArmour3Damage dealt is increased by 15% while at or below 30% health.
Fourth Trial
Earn Season Level 8
IfingrGlaive4If your health falls below 50% damage taken is reduced by 10%
VadgelmirBow4Normal attack damage is increased by 25%, but the extra damage of critical hits and headshots is reduced by 50%.
KormtMaul3Maul carry range is increased by 20%.
AndlangHelm3Healing improved by 15%
GlasisvellirAny2Increases piercing armour penetration by 50.
Fifth Trial
Earn Season Level 12
ThrudheimrMusket4All normal shots are now Grape Shot.
MunarvagrLongsword4Recover 1% health per second while below 25% health. This effect last until your health exceeds 50% of its maximum.
BarriHelm3Healing cures poison and bleeding
ElivagarHelm3For every 10 soldiers you kill, damage dealt increases by 10% for 20 seconds.
VithblainnDual Blades3Upon killing a hero, you regenerate 8% health over 3 seconds.
Sixth Trial
Earn Season Level 16
OkolnirShortsword4Upon gaining a kill or assist on a hero, damage dealt by nearby allies is increased by 10% and damage taken is reduced by 10% for 10 seconds.
SindriSpear4Piercing, blunt, and slashing defence are all increased by 100.
HvergelmirPoleaxe3Push Back now also charges forward a short distance.
FvrisvellirArmour3Damage dealt is increased by 5%. Upon death, nearby allies deal 15% increased damage for 20 seconds.
GlitnirAny2Increases slashing armour penetration by 50.
Seventh Trial
Earn Season Level 20
FolkvangrArmour4While on a Capture Point, your damage taken decreases by 8%.
VimurShort Bow3Poison Arrow now fires 3 arrows in a cone-shaped area of effect, but the damage of each shot is reduced by 50%.
UrtharbrunnrNodachi3Fearless & Steadfast deals 25% more damage and removes control effects for 3 seconds.
BravellirArmour3Damage taken is reduced by 15% while at or below 30% health.
MimisbrunnrITEM3Earthsplitter's effective range is increased. Damage taken is reduced by 50% while charging.
Eighth Trial
Earn Season Level 25
YggdrasilDual Blades3Bo-Shurikens' range is increased by 25% and its cooldown reduced by 0.5 seconds.
KerlaugarGlaive3Hail of Blades now cannot be interrupted while casting.
ValaskjalfBow3Sharp Exit adds Marksman effect for 5 seconds.
ArmsvartnirHelm3Healing cooldown reduced by 20%.
GnipahellirAny2Increases blunt armour penetration by 50.
Ninth Trial
Earn Season Level 30
BrimirArmour3Movement speed is increased by 10% while at or below 30% health.
MvrkvithrLongsword3Martial Prowess effect changes to: Each strike that hits an enemy hero restores 1% of your maximum health with no limit.
GandvikHelm3Your health is increased by 800. Upon death, nearby allies recover 10% health.
ThrvmheimrMusket3Blackpowder Grenade's area of effect is increased by 15% and its cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.
SessrumnirShortsword3Centurion's Battle Drill cannot be interrupted or controlled while casting.
Tenth Trial
Earn Season Level 35
GalgvithrArmour3Damage taken is reduced by 5%. Upon death, nearby allies take 15% reduced damage for 20 seconds.
IdavollrPoleaxe3Weapon Dance now gives an extra 20% of your maximum health for 5 seconds, but increases the cooldown by 2 seconds.
SlidrSpear3Gungnir's Greeting distance is increased 100%, damage is increased 30%.
VingolfShort Bow3Reduces Wrath of Artemis's cooldown by 15 seconds upon killing a hero.
GimleAny2Increases health by 500.
Eleventh Trial
Earn Season Level 40
MimameithrMaul4Increases your stamina regeneration by 12%.
YdalirDual Blades4Killing a hero increases your damage by 3%, stacking up to 5 times. The stack is zeroed on your death.
ValhallaBow3Rain of Arrows launches an extra 3 arrows if fully charged.
UtgartharNodachi3Increases damage by 20%, and greatly increases the block damage value.
GastropnirAny2Increases critical value by 30.
Twelfth Trial
Earn Season Level 45
JarnvithrGlaive3Heat of Battle now reduces damage taken by 20%.
NoatunLongsword3When Clash of Shields is triggered, damage taken is reduced by 40% for 5 seconds.
OrmtShortsword3Ironside's defence boost is reduced by 50%, but nearby allies take 20% reduced damage for 5 seconds.
SingasteinnSpear3Hurricane's Edge no longer reduces damage, but the damage increase per stack increases from 2% to 3%.
ThrudvangrMusket3Using Fine Gunpowder now reduces the cooldown of Five Rounds Rapid and Grape Shot by 15%.


A completely new Siege map will be joining the roster as part of Season VII: Wolves of Ragnarok. It's inspired by the iconic Viking settlements from which raiders would terrorise much of Northern Europe, and named after the Nordic band whose atmospheric music can be heard in the new Viking-inspired season.

Established by Guthrom Red-Eye as an outpost from which to command the Sons of Fenrir and launch their vicious attacks, Heiling Fjord’s Northmen-inspired buildings are a sight that’s rarely seen or spoken of in Ungverija. However, with the recent increase in activity from Northmen tribes, the name Heilung has travelled far and wide, to be uttered in hushed tones across royal courts as a byword for insurgents. These whispers have caused many warlords to circle the location on their battle maps, with plans that are less about sampling the town’s unique architecture, and more to do with bringing its citizens to heel.


Spoils fit for the Æsir can be earned by completing Seasonal Challenges, amassing Glory, and levelling up throughout Season VII! The Battle Pass grants access toover 100 levels of Premium rewards, with Thegn’s Hero Attire available as an instant unlock when purchased. Take arms to add Sleipnir’s Mount Attire, Tyr’s Warband Unit Attire, the legendary Odin’s Hero Attire, and lots more treasures to your armoury throughout Season VII! If you want to play for free, theFree Pass includes a generous trove of rewards too, including a new weapon skin and player title.

Data Gathered By: Foghladha of Gaiscioch | Last Update: June 7th, 2024 at 2:00PM PDT

Season 6 History

The War Report
Hosted by: Foghladha

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (1)

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (2)

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Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (5)

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (6)

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Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (16)

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (17)

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (18)

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (19)

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (20)

Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (21)

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Conqueror's Blade Wolves Of Ragnarok (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.