Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Lexington Herald-Leaderi

Lexington, Kentucky

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toFyprvwwrrt World Deaths The Lexington Leader Market Classified And General News People You Meet In The Leader Lexington Kentucky Monday Afternoon March TO 1969 15 Gen Abdel Moneim RIad CAIRO (AP) Gen Abdel Moneim Riad chief of staff of the Egyptian army died Sunday of wounds suffered during an Is-raeli-Egyptian artillery battle across the Suez Canal Riad 50 the nation's No 2 soldier was commander of the Jordanian front during the June 1967 Arab-Israeli war DES MOINES Iowa (AP) Jerry Leo Burch 22 says the Army told him two years ago to go home and await orders He did and the last he heard from the Army until he was arrested over the weekend on charge of being absent without leave he said When told to go home Burch said' he was in the process of seeking a hardship discharge because of the illness of both his parents Misis DeBoer Wins Danfortli Fellowship Miss Rebecca DeBoer daughter of Dr and Mrs Jesse DeBoer 753 Lynn Drive has won a Danforth Graduate- Fellowship for advanced study for the PhD degree The fellowship provides tuition and living expenses for four years of study in preparation for a career of college teaching Miss DeBoer was nominated for the fellowship by Calvin College where the is presently a senior YT Pyun SEOUL (AP) Former Premier YT Pyun 76 died today a few months after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage Pyun was premier for five months in 1954 and served as foreign minister from 1951 to 1955 during and after the Korean War Charles Brackett HOLLYWOOD (AP) Writer-producer Charles Brackett who won an Oscar for best story and screenplay for the movie died Sunday He was 77 Brackett also teamed with Billy Wilder to win Oscars for the movies "Sunset and Lost Robber Hite Restaurant HOLLYWOOD (AP) The back pains suffered by actress Elizabeth Taylor are of serious nature and there is no surgery her physician says Dr Rex Kennamer treating Miss Taylor in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital denied a Detroit report that the 37-year-old actress was undergoing cancer tests has a little back Kennamer said He said there was a in Miss spine the result of an operation several years ago to fuse two discs MRS NIXON Named By Scouts Sir Ilormasji Mody BOMBAY India (AP) Sir Hormasji Mody a leading banker and industrialist and former fovernor of Uttar Pradesh died unday He was 87 Sir Hormasji was chairman of the Central Bank of India and Indian Hotels Co Ltd FOR MORTAR Three Lexington coeds were among the 16 University of Kentucky women for Mortar Board the senior honorary in ceremonies Sunday night They are (from the left) Mary Lou Swope Leslie Ann Ostrander and Susan Rhodemyer 4 AT LAW Col Charles Burton a former Lexington resident was chairman for the Air Force-Industry System Safety Conference held last week at Las Vegas where system safety matters were discussed in light of recent federal court decisions Col 4n other Mrs Burton resides at 228 Catalpa Road He was graduated from the University of Kentucky with degree in economics and law and is a member of the Kentucky Bar Association He is shown with Coie vice-chairman for the panel Top Students At UK Receive Awards getting so common -getting to be a routine a police spokesman said today after a restaurant was robbed at gunpoint Joyce McDonald 26 Tates Creek Pike waitress et the Catalina Restaurant 208 New Circle Road Northwest told police riie was alone in the restaurant before opening hours about 6:45 am today when a man armed with a small pistol entered through the unlocked front door and demanded the cash She said the bandit described as a male Negro in his early about 5 feet 6 inches 145 pounds wearing wrap-around sunglasses flourished the weapon and told her is a He left with about $280 in currency about $12 in change and at least two checks police said NEW YORK (AP) Mrs Richard Nixon has been named honorary president of the Girl Scouts of America the GSA announced Sunday Both daughters of President and Mrs Patricia and have been Girl Scouts Since 1917 the wife of an incumbent president has been named to the post Dr Jack Masur WASHINGTON (AP) Dr Jack Masur 59 assistant surgeon general of the US Public Health Service died Saturday after an apparent heart attack Dr Masur was chief developer and director of the clinical center cf the National Institutes of Health NO IIURRY TOKYO With a few years Japan will liberalize export award to the outstanding junior Top University of Kentucky miles to a Salt Lake City hospital for examination and rest He looked weary but obviously was in high spirits want a he shouted think I need The echo rang down the hospital corridor He got a bath instead Then he shaved himself had a dinner of ham and eggs and watched a television replay of his rescue A hospital spokesman said there would be no immediate interviews It was a tearful joyful scene when the tunnel train carrying Jones to safety reached the surface after a 4V4-mile ride from the shaft in which he was trapped by a cave-in March 1 A cheer went up from more than 300 persons crowding the tunnel opening including entire family Her eyes glistening Mrs Jones cried I love you!" His children shouted Hi the weary bearded Jones said to his wife Then the two spent a private moment in the covered mine car before fellow miners carried him to an ambulance NOTICE TO CREDITORS UK Newman Center Gives To Hospital The University of Kentucky Newman Center has presented! a check for $350 to the Cardinal Hill Convalescent Hospital The funds represent the proceeds from the Newman Mardi Gras Ball Pledges of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity at UK have also been helping Cardinal Hill by assisting in the spring cleaning Lt Gen Ralph Chile WASHINGTON (AP) Lt Gen Ralph Cinine director of the National Security Agency through the intelligence agency's first six years died Saturday after a long illness Cinine 73 headed the agency from 1951 through his retirment in 1957 Nslka li hcraby given that Many A Ritchit hos boon appointed oscular of tho oitota af Earl Stofa-hauor and that all panam having clalmi against tha astata ihaH prosant them varilM according la law If uld Exacatar at 1711 Blue RMg Drtvo Lexington Kentucky la tar than tha 17th day af Jana lift Youth Week Set In April ROCHESTER (AP) The wife of Secretary of State William Rogers was elected a trustee of the Frank Gannett Foundation succeeding her husband in the post it was announced during the weekend Paul Miller president of the foundation and Gannett Co Inc said Adele Rogers was elected a trustee of the foundation that provides support for charities and philanthropies in areas served by Gannett newspapers and broadcasting stations William Rogers was a trustee and a Gannett Co director He resigned when named to President Cabinet NOTICI TO CREDITOaS Prof Domenico Macaggi GENOA Italy (AP) Prof Domenico Macaggi a prominent Italian expert on legal medicine and vice president of the Italian Senate die Sunday cd-a heart ailment He was 77 li hanky itvm Mat Miss Woadfard has tan appointed administratrix rt Ita mill Emm Woodford oil that all imnani havlnt claims against Ida oafafo shah prasmt thorn vorlflod according I law la laid admloisfr-trix at Whltnay Avo Laxioftoa Ky MB aa la tar than the 11th Ay of Jana lNt NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice li given that Martha Sharkey hat bean appointed admMs-tratrlx wwa af tha astata at Owan Sharkey and that all panam having claims agefnit tha astata Shalt pra-sant thim verified according to low tu uld administratrix cs 711 Security Trull Bldg Lexington Ky no litar than tha 17th Ay at Jim IMS Youth Week will be sponsored April 14-19 by Youth for Equality among Students (YES) in cooperation with the Council of Neighborhood Organizations Plans for the week include special programs each day in the schools and a pot-luck dinner at one of the local church es to which each child is to bring his parents The purpose of the dinner is to get Negro and white parents together with the students in order for them to get to know each other better YES is composed of students from the four Fayette County high schools Bryan Station Henry Clay Lafayette and Tates Creek NOTICE TO CREDITORS LARK Utah (AP) Tough grizzled William Jones relaxed in a hospital bed today freed from the tiny cell of rock that held him captive deep in a Utah mountain for eight days Jones Sl-year-old father of 11 was brought to safety Sunday night by rescuers who had tunneled tediously through 25 feet of rock to his cubicle After an emotional reunion with his big family at the mine entrance Jones was whisked 20 Natica harahy give that Sank Com mores and Trust Company hai bean appal ntad at Exacutar af tho Estate of (Ttiomai J) WIHmnoa Deceased and that all pariam having claims agahnt tha uld Eilat are roguosted to pra-ant them verified according It law to' uid Exacutar at Bank af Cam mom and Trait Campany Trait Department Jig East Main I Lexington Kentucky no Ihu 7th day af June lfif NOTICE TO CREDITORS Natica is hereby given that Martha Sharkey has bean appaintsd administratrix wwa of tha osfste if Jamas Sharkey and that aU punas having claims against tha (Mata Malt pmant lham vorlliad according ts law ts Mid administratrix ca 711 Sacarlty Trait Bldg Lmdagtss Ky na later man tha 17lh day if June ISM Engineers Group To Meet Wednesday The Lexington chapter of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers will meet at 7 pm Wednesday the Quality Courts Restaurant New Circle Road and Newtown Pike The subject of the meeting will be in Industry Myth or of Real Practical A discussion of the topic will be led by i panel composed of Harrison Sparks Sylvania Co Wayne Monske Trane Co John Wathen Square Co Chuck Kuhlman Co Mike Flynn IBM Corp and Prof William Gard University of Kentucky Matt Lindgren of North American Rockwell Corp and chapter program chairman will he the moderator in the field of sciences Mathematics department Sallie Pence award to outstanding woman student Kathleen Walker Louisville Beta Alpha Psi accounting honorary awards to outstanding accounting students: Haskins and Sells award Ronald Geary Louisville Ernst and Ernst award Carlos Plaza Lexington Yeager Ford and Warren award Ronald Geary Russell Grady award Joseph Blackburn May-field The School of Home Economics recognized Rebecca Lee Becnel Shepherdsville Borden Scholarship for academic achievement Sandra Boatright Lancaster Statie Erikson Scholarship in Home Economics Mrs Sedahlia Crase Berea American Home Economics Rehabilitation Services Administration Traineeship Charles Edward Glassco*ck Frankfort was the recipient of the Student Center Board outstanding student award Sorority Awards Mrs A Kirwan Lexington Delta Zeta Outstanding Woman of the Year award David Lee Wilson Louisa Delta Gamma sorority award to Outstanding Blind Student Jane Pouw Ghteng-mai Thailand Alpha Delta Pi Outstanding International Student award Carolyn Purcell Flemingsburg Kappa Kappa Gamma Pattie Lebus Berryman award to the outstanding independent senior woman Sue Glenn Powers Owensboro Alpha Lambda senior book award Mary Lou Traugott Lexington Kappa Alpha Theta Mothers Club Jessie Clark Scholarship Judy Schroeder Louisville Pi Beta Phi Outatand-Unaffiliated Freshman arbara Elizabeth Payne Paramus Zeta Tau Alpha Medical Technology award Gretchen Marcum Lexington Alpha Xi Delta Creative Arts Award Lynn Betxler Louisville Kappa Delta Outstanding Junior Woman award Sara Logan Va Alpha Gamma Delta Outstanding Sophom*ore Woman- award Kappa Delta Pi Award for Outstanding Senior Woman in Education Janice Barthle Lexington TJnlra Scholarship to Outstanding Junior Connie Webb Hyattsville Md Computer System Credited With 750 Arrests Recoveries FRANKFORT Ky (UPI) Kentucky State Police credit some 750 arrests and stolen property recoveries during 1968 to the tie-in with the computerized National Crime Information Center And during the first two months of 1969 the system resulted in 175 arrests or recoveries in Kentucky on even higher rate than last year the KSP says The system allows state troopers to check within seconds the identification of persons and automobiles against national records of fugitives and stolen cars The 16 KSP posts plus the Jefferson County Louisville Lexington Owensboro and Pa ducah police departments are tied directly to the NCIC termi nal point at Frankfort Other agencies use the system by first contacting their district state police post students were honored for out standing achievement Sunday night in Memorial Coliseum Dr Stuart Forth acting UK vice president for student affairs served as master of cere monies for the program which was sponsored by the UK Stu dent Activities Board The University Choristers and a ragtime band composed of UK students provided musical selections during the program Sixteen new members of Mortar Board senior hon orary were by old members during the ceremony New members were not notified in advance that they had been chosen for membership New Mortar Board members are Susan Marie Furnari Arlington Vs Vicki Fudge Burkesville Lynette Branson Hobbs New Mexico Peg gy Diane Brown Nashville Tenn Carol Bryant Miami Fla Kate Elliston Frankfort Janice Engsberg Lebanon' Mo Vonda Lynn Grise Owensboro Linda Lennon Indianapolis Ind Virginia Robin Lowry Oak Park Ill Leslie Ann Ostrander Susan Rhodemyre and Mary Lou Swope all of Lexington Linda Parker little Rock Aik Catherine Sockfield Louisville and Connie Webb Hyattsville Md Omicron Delta Kappa senior honorary tapped 12 new members: Robert Fears and Michael Buchanan both of Lexington John Adams Rising Sun Ind Brian Gorrell and Douglas Overhults both of Owensboro Bob Brown May-field Larry Wells Falmouth Joe Jacobs Hobbs New Mexico Lawrence Catlett Hodgen-ville Steven Short Ashland George Rice and Jim Wood both of Lexington Other students recognized were: Sarah Dodson Moore Lexington College of Nursing Outstanding Senior Eileen Pitman Moneyhon Ft Knox College of Nursing Mary Winternitz award Karen Maria Kemper Cincinnati Ohio Dantz-ler Award to the outstanding English major in the senior class Sue Glenn Powers Owensboro Alpha Lambda Delta senior book award Caroline Patrick Wade Lexington Blue Grass Auxiliary Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers-Outstanding Woman Engineer-fog Student Jean Paul Pegeron Louisville Preiser Scientific Inc NOTICE TO CREDITORS Chandler To Visit Devotion Lodge Is harahy given that Pram Laid has basn appointed executrix of th eita to of Lothor Mc-DawsH Laid and that aH parsans having dalms against Mall prvnat them hg la law to Mid gxacutrlx at IN Duka Raid Laxingtan Ky Kill na tha 10th Ay if Jana 1M Three Candidates File For Primary Election FRANKFORT Ky (UPI) Three more candidates from multicounty districts have filed declarations with the secretary of state for the May 27 primary election For circuit judge Roy Steers Franklin cross filed Democratic and Republican 49th District Simpson and Allen counties Sanders of Shepherdsville Democratic and Republican 10th District Bullitt Nelson LaRue and Hart counties For state Arthur Brown Pafotsville Republican 97th District Johnson and Martin counties John Chandler grand master of Masons in Kentucky will make an official visit to Devotion Lodge No 160 144 North Broadway at 7:30 pm today Mr Chandler recently returned from a Grand Conference in Washington where he represented more than 100000 Kentucky Masons NOTICE TO CREDITOES Notice Is hereby (Ivon that Prank McCarthy As bam appaWad Executor of hit estate af Mrs Maria ref Elskrty and that all parsons hiving claims against Itw sstilt stall present thorn verified according Is law ts Hid Exacutar at MS First Federal Building Lcxfngtsa Kentucky no talar than Ita 74th Ay af Jane itw Teamsters Endorse Corman For Jailer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Natica Is harahy given that First Security Notional Bank aad Trait Com piny hM haaa appointed Executor of th Estnta if LsuiM Witch Brnnaagh and that all panam having claims against mid Eitats shall protest lham verified according to law la said Executor at Sacorlty Trmt ranch 171 West Shari Shift the Twsoty fiorth day af March IN Kentucky no la lor than Hallam Awards Scheduled At UK Meeting Tuesday Nttka hereby given that Tad Estes km baca appointed exacutar af Ita astata of Elbatalh OaBoghor and that all parsons having claim gainst tho sstsla Mall pmant thorn vtrilitd according ts law la said xocuter at 277 Lafayotto Parkway Loxlagtoo Ky na talar than tha MU day if Jana IMF Local 779 of the Teamsters Union Sunday endorsed John Corman's candidacy for jailer The endorsem*nt came after Corman addressed a meeting of the local He promised if elected 24-hour day seven days a He said he advocates cleaning up the jail hiring women depu ties and better security to pro vent jailbreaks and fights within the cell blocks John Luby is jailer at present and has announced his candidacy for re-election Walter Stone is also a candidate for the office Owens Arrested For Break-In Daniel Owens 20 of 553 Jefferson Street was charged with housebreaking Sunday in connection with the theft of clothing a shaver and about $5 from the apartment of Kenneth Dudley and Joel Stanley 550 Smith Street on March 5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Natica Is harahy (Ivon Hist First Security Naltenol Bank and Trmt Company hn bam appolatod Exacu-ler of th Rstata af Fraderlck Leonard A that all porsoai havlas claims sgstnst Mid Estate Mill pre-smt thorn vorlliad according to law Is said Exacvtar at Security Trust roach J71 Wist Short Street Lax lagtM Kentucky aa talar than th Mfh Ay of March ltf Pursuant la Kan tacky Statutes aid Acta passed to ranting Raid Hamas places sf amusem*nt ate natica harahy given that Ciay Wallace 1M Idletwvr Drive Lexington Ky DBA Airport Catering Sorvtco Inc Vor-lalHas Rd Losing ton Ky hos honey applied for a permit to op rata said piac to ha passed on by tho mat court Mr Hatcher Dies Raymond Lawrence Hatcher brother of Miss Elvessie Hatcher Mrs Jean Arthur and Mrs Margaret Grossenbach all of Lexington died Friday in Alexandria Va Burial was to be today in Mt Comfort Cemetery Alexandria JOIN 12-Yeai01d Elopes PALERMO Sicily Marcella Rosciglione eloped with Giuseppe Greco over the weekend and became youngest bride She is 12 The pair received special dispensation for the wedding from the Roman Catholic church Normally girls must be 14 to marry but consent is given if younger girls elope with man for two days William Cooper Jr Stephen Fritz Walter Place James Robertson James Ramage Herbert A Thomas and Annell Vaughn all of Lexington Other students so honored are Jonathan Erlen Thomas Hale and Ann Kathryn Murphy all of Louisville Jane Bickford Auxier Peggy Dianne Brown Nashville Tenn Betty Sue Brandon Cook Cobb David Corcoran Bardstown Linda Duncan Chesapeake Ohio Mary Aileen Duvall Miami Fla Honda Foran Amarillo Texas Donald Ray Graham Elizabethtown Mary Estelle Hatcher Owensboro Andrew HuU Bay Village Ohio Mary Kathryn Layne Winchester Gloria Janet Mills Chattanooga Tenn Mary Elizabeth Parrott Lebanon John Robertson Padueah Jane Russell Roy Greenville SC Martha Weakley Rush Frankfort Mary Catherine Seelie Ft Mitchell Lynne Sanders White Plains NY Stephen Joseph Wester-field Hartford and Janis Miller Withers Henderson President of foe chapter is James Weldon Lexington Robert Lunde is faculty A pi-dminent biographer of Thomas Jefferson Dr Dumas Malone of the University of Virginia will be the principal speaker at the annual banquet of the University of Kentucky Tau chapter of Phi Alpha Theta history honorary at 7 pm Tuesday at the Springs Motel Dr Malone was co-editor of the 20-volume "Dictionary of American Biography and is a former Thomas Jefferson Foundation Professor of History at foe University of Virginia and currently is resident biographer there Announcements will be made at foe dinner of the Hallam Professor for 1969-71 the Alice Hallam Awards for foe beat book and article and the Phi Alpha Theta scholarship key winner The Hallim professorship was provided by a bequest in the will of Miss Alice Hallam of Covington daughter of Theodore Hallam Persons who will be Initiated into foe chapter during a 5 pm ceremony at the UK Student Center are Matthew Hodgson Robert Warth and Richard Lowitt faculty members of the UK Department of History and students Aim Louise Alexander Camf Hra Oiffc LOANS FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT In Will-Challenge Case Opens Here Hearing of an appeal challenging foe probation of a will opened this morning in Fayette Circuit Court Faye Tester Nora Tester Rebecca Roas and Paul Ross are challenging a document under which Virgle Newman and 14 others are named beneficiaries of the estate of the lata Addle Owens who died Jan 1 1968 Hearing of foe appeal which originated in Fayette Probate Court is expected to take two days Judge James Park is pro siding 255-S05S at FaErt-A WHd Band Parents Meet Slated Tuesday The March meeting of the Lafayette High School Band Association wil will be held Tuesday in the FAYETTE TAX AND BOOKKEEPING at 7:30 pm band mom plans will be discussed uding the trip to the Dogwood Festival in Knoxville taxi Advance Gifts Kick-Off Set For YM Fund Drive llb8fd hi laxlagtsa Over 275 Southland Dr Suit 204 i (Across from Central Bank) 171 Now Circle -Marina Bldg (Across from ABP) 31 Yn SCRVKI Consolidate your bills and improve your home in one long term loan OPTICAL let us fill your doctors proscription with the highest quality precision ground lenses Wo have hundreds of frame stylos to chooso from Phone 277-0452 HOURS 6 PM 5 PM Noon 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM AAon Fri Tues Wed Thurs Sat OTHER LOCATIONS Listen For Me William Young campaign general chairman said he hoped foe fund raised more than the $750000 minimum in order to purchase sites for future branches in foe south and to foe north With Lexington experiencing a population explosion he continued it will be necessary some time In foe future to have amall branch buildings in these areas "We need to acquire the land now while prices are within reason and he said The public phase of the drive wiH kick-off on April 21 with 625 volunteer solicitors under the chairmanship of Ben Cowgill Young said The advance gifts of the $750-000 Greater Lexington YMCA capital fund eamnaign will begin wife a kick-off breakfast in foe High Sreet YMCA beginning at 7:30 am Tuesday The big gifts division headed by Angus McDonald and the industrial division chaired by George Smith Jr will begin their solicitation immediately after the kick-off Forty-four men wHl call on largo businesses industries and individuals seeking $575000 quota of the total $750000 needed to construct a new gym and indoor swimming pool at the Second Street branch and to complete the unfinished portion of the High Street facility COMPIETI OPTICAL SBIVICI On Top Gun-WAXU YOUNGER OPTICAL CO I5t West Short Street Georgetown Ph 863-3467 Mt Sterling 498-5378 Harrodsburg 865-4021 1580 LA Nr Msdern Country Muik All Day Lung ond LOAN Ph 3 an! HICH ST PARK FRIZ and Transact BualrwM S5M232 Dnt to Central Saak) (Nm mi un uuim souici aw me IOPIN TONIOKTI dj 1 v----- ihr.

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Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.