The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SATURDAY MARCtf 25 1SG5 yiMicaiL SATURDAY MORNING MARCH 25 1864 Gold opened at New York yesterday at 150 3 fell to 141 1 2 the lowest quotation reported since December 1863 and then advanced to 153 the market having been largely oversold and closed at 190 1 4 in the afternoon and 155 1 4 in the evening The stock quotations were generally a little lower than on Thursday the New York Central leading the railroad shares that declined Cotton sold at 40c and the general markets diowed lower prices No important failures are reiorted and none are hkely to take place ex cept it may be speculative dealers who have bor rowed money to buy goods expecting advanced prices and now have falling prices a dull market and large notes to pay If the bears change to bulls some of these days it will be no strange thing The brokers always play the sole that pays best Sun Unmnces for Cattle Under Blass The matter of lighting and wanning houses by the sun is getting to be understood partially at least But the barns have thus far been neglect ed There are very few if any to be seen that are lighted either sufficiently to secure the health of the animals or for the purpose of economy It is an exceptional thing to find glass windows of any size opening into the apartments in which cattie or sheep or horses are kept Their place is supplied so far as it is supplied at all bv wood en doors turning on hinges or sliding These are opened on pleasant days and they let in a Mttle air but scarcely the suniight When the weather is cold they have to be shut and thus the light and warmth are kept out when they are most'needed armers have tried to remedy the evil as far as they might by making their yards open towards the South with sunny sheds and letting the animals spend the middle of the day in these fa severe weather however this is a poor shift And it often happens that a positive injury comes of the sheds for they are put on the south side of the stables and thus shut off the sun entirely from these and prevent its entering even at the little windows when they are open Now it is perfectly plain what should be done The stable should have its long south wall filled with glazed windows These should be furnish ed wi th board shutters to close at night or in cold cloudy weather to prevent the rapid cooling from the surface of the glass The expense involv ed at first would not be large the saving ever after wards weuld be great If any room is well closed around half its from the west point by the north to the east and set with glass in the other half there are few days of none except the dark ones that it cannot be kept at a comfortable temperature There is no doubt about this at all In such a room the stock will thrive Care will be needed in some of the warmest weather to see that the heat does not become excessive which of course the shutters may regulate Besides the gain in health and better thrift we have no doubt the saving in fodder only would pay for the glass fa a single season Cattle have to eat as we do I to keep warm Burning up meal and hay to warm them is a costly process Yet this is exactly what many an economical farmer does who would grudge the expense of a cheap window that would let the sun to do it Then when it is ail the beast can do to make up fire enough to keep itself from freezing it has nothing to spare to be stored up in fat or sent off if it be a cow fa milk Jbit is ennoentrntod forwl laid np milk is concentrated food given away To be sure the animal system needs food for other purposes be sides maintaining warmth yet this is a very important use of it and the only one with re spect to which we can economize except by spar ing the animal unnecessary or excessive motion which also makes waste The cheap and free gifts of nature men have always been apt to overlook We are only begin fa*g to find out how to use the air and sunshine for ourselves We have not thought of the animals that we have the care of yet at all We predict that fifty years hence the cold dark barns we now have will lie remembered and looked on if any of them are still standing as wonders of discomfort and wastefulness Nobody will think then of raising cattle in any other way in these cold climates except under glass California The San rancisco Bulletin of ebruary 221 contains accounts of the attempts to procure oil from the asphaltum of southern CaHiomia As many as a dozen refineries for this purpose were in operation in San rancisco atone thne and an oily substance was produced but not petroleum or anything that would answer its puroose The asphaltum was obtained in a semi Mqui state from the natural springs experienced chemists were employed and a great variety of experiments were tried but nothing was pro duced of any value and after sinking large sums of money the refineries all stopped business Not one of them is now in operation That there are many natural asphaltum springs in California is evident but nobody has as yet succeeded in pro ducing oil or any other valuable substance from them There may be petroleum in California en 1 so there may be in Massachusetts but there is no evidence that it has been found in either state This is the present position of the evi dence as set forth in the California papers and by ths state geologists and state assayer of Califor Dia Of course anybody has a right to bore for oil wherever he pleases and to spend all the money he chooses in the operation provided it be his own money and not that of his neighbor obtained by false pretenses The Museum of Comparative Zoology The annual report for 1864 of what is popularly known as Prof Agassiz's museum at Cambridge has been presented to the Legislature The mu tism has been enriched during the year with a large number of specimens many of them very rare and valuable It needs greatly an addition to its space The present building is crammed full from attic to cellar and although there is perfect order in the arrangement many things are inaccessible Three courses of lectures were delivered during the year two by Prof Agassiz and one by Mr A Agassiz The resources of the museum from private sources and its established funds amounted to $24210 Among the reports of Prof Agassiz assistants those on mammalia and birds are by Mr A Allen of Springfield who seems to be an earnest and industrious student of natural history if we may judge from his per sonal contributions to the different departments of the museum during the yoai to the mamma Ka 25 specimens birds 112 reptiles 26 insects 508 total J31 The Tribune in arguing for another peace proclamation to the rebels assumes that what the rebel leaders say is true and that the entire southern people are liable to be hung for treason and their property confiscated if they submit to the constitution and the laws therefore it is not reasonable to expect their submission The Tribune forgets the amnesty proclamation which offers full pudon to all but the leaders of the rc bellion whenever they choose to renew their al legiance aud swear by the emancipation procla mation Nor has pardon been withheld in any case when asked for from those not included in the amnesty offer President Lincoln is not apt to err on the side of severity and the danger is that ho will pardon too many rather than too few of the traitors who have brought so much suffer ing upon the country If the call of the Tribune now seconded by the Washington Chronicle is for a more liberal offer of amnesty than that already made very few of the forty mil lions" will agree to it The government of Nora Scotia has not yet acted upon the proposed plan of a confederation to include all the North American British provinces bnt there is no desire among the mari time provinces for a union with Canada and if a vote were to be taken in Nova Scotia it would doubtless result in defeating the pioposition But the maritime provinces are not averse to union perse and the government of Nova Scotia is about proposing a plan of confederation to New Brunswick Prince Island and Newfoundland There is a strong probability that this plan will be adopted and in anticipa tion of favorable action labor upon public works in Nova Scotia which was broken off when the larger scheme was propoaed has been resumed This will necessitate a change of policy on the part of Canada which has already voted by a large majority in favor of the confederation of all the provinces The Emigrant Aid company has made arrange ments by which women can go to Portland Ore gon from Boston by way of Aspinwall for about $150 each if they go in families The Oregonians say they do not want teachers but housekeepers women who can cook aud sew and do all kinds of domestic work Strong healthy girls are needed for There is no call for aud biue stockings The immediate in ducements are good wages with a fair prospect of matrimony As the emigration is not likely to be larger than the aid company can attend to it is presumed the legislature will not be called upon to take any action in the matter We are informed by telegraph that the Wash ington Chronicle had another peace article ri day morning regarded as significant in view of the president's departure for Grant's headquar The Chronicle advocates a liberal policy towards the rebel leaders to prevent further bloodshed and says there is a growing conviction that the leaders on both sides have now under discussion some project that points towards a suspension of hostilities All if not it is the first time anything not insignificant has appeared in the Chronicle The fast proclamation of Gov Buckingham of Connecticut is remarkable for its honesty It points out the reasons that actually exist for hu miliation and fasting and wastes no words in mawkish sentiment Our public faults and weaknesses are thus tersely set forth just claims of our national government are not yet fully recognized nor has rebellion against its authority ended Righteousness is not established nor is slavery abolished Our armies are not always victorious our eons are still falling in battle and suffering hunger dis ease and imprisonment at the hands of public enemies Selfishness and corruption are fouud in positions of responsibility and trust and are seen in efforts to avoid an equitable share of pe cuniary aud personal obligations to the nation The oath of fidelity to the constitution and to high official duty hasneccntly been taken with a stammering tongue in the presence of and to the reproach of the American people" Condition of the Confederacy ANOTHER SLAP AT DAVIS A report was made in the confederate house similar to that of the senate in reply to scolding message but no action was taken upon it It says that appropriations have been made for an army half a million strong which should be enough and that the conscription is already so sweeping as to impair the productive power of the country and injure the public service in other respects with no compensating advantage In fact like the senate document it tells Davis in substance that the congress aud the country have done all they can and if he cannot now conquer a peace there is no use in trying to do it NO IGHT IN THE NEGROES Richmond papers of Tuesday state that the first company of colored recruits was expected to parade ou Monday but the show was postponed because they had not received their uniforms and equipments The recruiting is reported to be going on rapidly One patriotic citizen offers to buy ten slaves and free them if they will enlist and another owing 50 will give half of them The Examiner says The conscription of negroes in Richmond and Petersburg is carried on with diffi culty Guards are posted at every avenue of escape and a camp of instruction is established at Belle Island where the colored soldiers are kept under strict surveillance but many get away iu spite of till precaution There is a great panic amoug the blacks and much reluctance among whites upon the question of arming the slaves" Kirby Smith is reported to have 25000 negro troops organized and equipped in the trans Mis sissippi department TOO MANY MOUTHS IN RICHMOND The Examiner proposes that the families of all who have deserted the rebel cause and gone North shall ie seut after them It says there are five or six thousand such in Richmond and as the supply of provisions is now limited it will be a great gain to get rid of them THE LEADERS CALLED TO ACCOUNT The Milledgeville (Ga) Union protests its con tinued attachment to the rebel cause but asserts that it is time to have a reckoning with the lead ers It says men fear the people and well they may They do not want the books oveihauled They do not want to give an ac count of their stewardship for fear hey may no longer be permitted to be steward If the people want a convention it is their right and their privilege and we are not afraid to trust them If there is auy foundation for the report put forth by some of the administration journals that there is a disposition in some quarters to sell us out or give us away to England ranco and Spain and turn us over to colonial vassalage to those powers then certainly the people have a right to be heard in convention before the trans fer is made Or if that other report is true that our rulers have received proposals of recognition on condition of the abolition of slavery then the people should be heard in convention before any such bargain is made for neither the president nor congress nor both together have any right or power to abolish slavery without the consent of the people If the people waut a convention they will have one in spite of all the editors or soldiers in the state" LOW SPIRITS THE MATTER The Montgomery (Ala) Mail thinks that all that ails the confederacy is depression of spirits and of mon of men of men of all men who have their interest at stake owe it to that country to combat this disease of depression which is laying hold on the country aud sapping the vitals oi its power both at home aud in the army" Town Elections for ISO (J HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Clerk and treasurer Philo Chanfn se lectmen aud overseers of the poor Andrew White Charles Clark Madison Barton a sessoiu Cook 8 Nash Samuel Smith constable and collector 8 Terry school committee Dickinson The Wisconsin people think of changing their constitution sa as to have biennial sessions of the legislature instead of annual ones as now Dino has biennial sessions but ns the legislators ilmrn ftournetl session every other winter there iju much sated I HE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE a Action upon Questions of Local Interest rom Oar Ou Reporter Boston riday night March 24 SENATE A large amount ot business was put in by com mittees in each branch of the Legislature The Senate committee of conference conquered iu the matter of difference in receiving a bill concerning the United States steamship company A bill was introduced on leave in the Semite to incorpo rate Gen Rosecrans George Stearns red erick Marsh and others as the Bay State silver mining company with capital of $1000000 to develop mineral property in Nevada In the re ports of committees there were many in approval of Ileuso bills aud bills to incorporate the Linden house company with a capital of $1000000 for building a hotel in Boston to incorporate the Indemnity life insurance company of Boston to establish a board of harbor commissioners of five persons to hold office for five years to incorpo rate a hotel company in Hyannis that the bill relating to change of time for holding probate courts Hampden county ought to pass that the bill to incorporate the Benner of Light print ing and publishing company ought not to pass bill concerning the storage of petroleum and other explosive substances The debatable matter in the Senate was the bill to incorporate the ranklin telegraph company indicating that some senators had a personal in terest existing lines which they feared might be injured Others were desirous of competition but tbeir experience had shown that new lines are swallowed up by old ones making them greater monopolies The bill to authorize towns and cities to reimburse money paid for reciuiting pur poses was slightly debated and assigned for con sideration on Tuesday next The bill to establish a free bridge on the Con necticut river at Springfield was taken from the table when the motion to refer the bill and sub stitute to the judiciary committee was withdrawn and the matter was recommitted to the committee on roads aud bridges HOUSE In the House there were reports granting leave to withdraw on many petitiens showing a par ticular antipathy to a supply of pure water which might be considered strange in a Legisla ture opposed to selling liquors The petitions of the people of North Adams and of Great Bar rington also of the city of Cambridge for water measures aud of the Cambridge water works for amendment of charter were all reported against under the rule for waut of proper notice and leave to withdraw on petitions for the establish ment of an asylum for children subject to fits and for the prevention of running freight trains on Sunday A bill was reported to prohibit rail road companies from abandoning depots estab lished on their lines for more than five years to meet a case brought in from Lynn The bill to establish the county seat of Berk shire county was amended to provide for sub mitting the question to the people by a vote of 122 to 83 when it was ordered to a third reading by a vote of 186 to 81 The bill to incorporate the Holyoke and South Hadley bridge company was laid on the table A motion to reconsider the vote rejecting the bill to establish a board of commissioners on military claims was debated and lost The Senate bill to authorize the New Haven and Northampton railroad company to extend their road and connect with the Connecticut River road was ordered to be engrossed and re port leave to withdraw on petition of the town of Wilbraham for an allowance for uniforms was accepted The bill concerning the Springfield and Longmeadow railroad company and the bill authorizing the South Wilbraham manufacturing company to increase its capital stock were also ordered to be engrossed ROM WASHINGTON By Telegraph to The Republican Washington riday night March 23 ayetteville IN Armorers at Wash ington SUPPLIES SENT TO SHERMAN Sixty refugees who were allowed to come through from ayetteville by permission of Gen Sherman have arrived at Washington This party consists of armorers from ayetteville ar senal and their families all of whom are in a destitute condition The men were formerly em ployed at erry and moved to ayette ville in 1861 when the machinery of erry arsenal was taken to that place by the rebels They report Sherman as greatly en cumbered with refugees there being 600 with him now who followed him through from Co lumbia Several transports including the Europe and the Everman sailed from Washington and Alex andria Thursday for Beaufort 0 with cloth ing for Gen army The China Steam lUail Service PROPOSALS WANTED OR CARRYING IT Post master general Dennison has invited pro posals for cariying mails by means of a monthly line of first class American sea going steamships between San rancisco and ports in the Chinese empire touching at the Sandwich islands and Japan The act of congress authorizing this mail service provides that no bid shall be consid ered amounting to more thin $500006 for twelve round trips per annum nor unless the same is from a citizen or citizens of the United States More rond in Transportation A Edmunds late an agent of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company was arrested at Washington Thursday by the militaiy authorities upon the charge of being connected with the recent fraudulent issues ot government transpor tation tickets over the railroad from Washington Edmunds has been committed to the old capltol to keep company with some eight others who are confined there upon the same charge A Barge Squad of Bebel Deserters The largest squad of rebel deserters that has yet reached Washington at one time arrived Thursday from Ci ty Point This squad number ed 215 including one officer Lieut JPillmar of the of the 50th Georgia regiment They all came within the lines of the army of the James many of them bringing their muskets for which they received liberal price in money The New York Central Railroad Acci dent THE DETAILS AND THE CASAULTIES By Telegraph to The Republican The accident on the New York Central railroad Thursday occurred near Oriskany and a few miles wet of Utica and resultedin the death of two per sons and the injury of between thirty and forty The train consisted of two regular trains which had been united at Syracuse on account of being behind time and there were two locomotives six regular passenger cars and four sleeping cars be sides baggage and express cars The train was ranning at a very rapid rate of speed and en countering a rail broken iu two places it wont off the track and a general breaking up followed The two engines with baggage and express passed over the broken rail and remained on the track but the smoking car and six passenger cars were thrown off five of them being precipitated down the embankment into a ditch where the water was from two to five feet deep Dr Charles Stark of Lee and Charles Higgins of Higginsville were killed and some others were so badly injured that they are not expected to survive among them a Sirs Van Jlittendorf who was on her way to Europe Mrs Dr Ogden of Cleveland and James Ward the conductor of the train were also injured severely The others who were injured were: Heath and Near brakemen one very badly James Brock way West Gilboa George Hemming way Rock Prospect Margaret Oneida county rank Alien Troy Jewell and Mr Redmond Jefferson county Mrs Howard Mr Neimeiger Louisville Ky Bowers Chicago Mr Robinson Mrs Sauer Susan Van Neitendorf Cincinnati II Ogden Cleveland A Deln rand Plntisburg Hill New York Major A Adams of Gen staff A Hale Mrs Moulton Delta Oneida county James Blakesley Albany There were three violent gales at Baltimore on Thursday and considerable damage was done The boiler house of the Vulcan works of Hazle hurst Wiegand was blown down and one work man was killed another fatally injured and sev eral hurt seriously The roof of the new govern ment hospital on Townsend street was blown off and a colored boy killed The chimney of the Eutaw House was prostrated aud fii through the attic THE UAH BY TELEGRAPH TO THE KEPBBIKMG1 THE CAROLINAS Position victory a small affair The situation in North Carolina scams to be about as follows: Sherman was at ayetteville cn the 15th and on the 19th was twenty five miles west of Goldsboro and Schofield moved part of his force up from Kinston on the JGtli left joined right wing on Tuesday morning 21st eleven miles east of Goldsboro At that time center col umn was there while his left wing was marching in the direction of Station on the rail road to Raleigh to destroy the bridge across the Neuse at that point The reported rebel victory at Bentonville is regaided as only a temporary check of the advance of Sherman's left column Uatest Rebel Accounts THEY CLAIM TWO VICTORIES Gen Grant forwards through the war depart ment the following from the Richmond Dispatch in regard to recent military events in North Car olina The rebels claim to have beaten two col ums of forces one on the IGth arrf the other on the 19th If Secretary Stanton has advices that either confirm or disprove these statements of the rebels we should like to have them is understood tn official circles no fighting has occurred in North Carolina since Sunday and from all we can learn it appears Sherman lias attempted no advances since his check on that day Gen victory on the 16th was a very important one and as regards the enemy a most bloody affair Gen Johnston telegraphs that in that battle the confederate loss was 450 while that of the enemy was 8800 The fight took place at Averasboro on the Cape ear river half way between Raleigh and ayetteville Gen Johnston's defeat of the enemy last Sunday the 19 th occurred at Bentonville near the Neuse river By these facts we are informed that Sher man is pushing toward Raleigh in two columnsne moving duo north from ayetteville the other northwest from Newbern Gen Hardee fought the former Gen Johnston the Various Items A company of deserters from Hardee or Bragg arrived at Whitesville a few days since where there was a considerable quantity of com missary stores intended for their army They demanded the surrender of the place took the stores and then distributed them among the poor of the place and surrounding country The rebels say that a party of their cavahy lately dashed intooit McAllister near Savannah and captured the working force of negroes engaged in dismantling the work About 40 were brought away together with a number of horses The Richmond Dispatch learns that the Yankees posted at Charleston send out daily foraging par ties devastating the plantations on the Santee All able bodied negroes are being dragged from their homes to fill the Yankee ranks ROM GRANT Tho Rebels Uncommonly Active A great deal of firing has taken place lately the rebels opening fire upon some of our working parties as well as at the Avery House signal sta tion and upon passing railroad trains but so far they have done no injury Picket firing on some portions of the line is kept up constantly at night to prevent desertions from the rebel army The rebels still refuse to exchange Rich mond papers The report is repeated that part of Sheridan's command had succeeded in reaching and tearing up sixteen miles of the Richmond and Danville railroad somewhere between Richmond aud Burkesville ROM THE SOUTHWEST Earge Captures of Catton Admiral Thatcher reports: On tlie 2d of eb ruary the gunboat Panola captured the schooner Bn Welles with 116 bales of cotton On ebru ary 1th bouts from steamers Bienville and Prin cess Royal cut out of Galveston harbor schooner Pet with 256 bales of cotton On the 10th of ebruary the United States gunboat Penobscot captured steamer Matilda with an assorted cargo On the 16th the same vessel destroyed schooner Louisa with an assoited cargo On the 18th the gunboat Panola captured schooner Annie Dale She grounded under the guns of a fort was fired into and destroyed On the 19th steamer Gertrude captured brig Echo with an assorted cargo Steamers Will the Wisp and Acadia were run on shore shelled and destroyed The steamers Granite Wren and Lark grounded and were shelled while under the protection of the rebel battery but they finally run in Our naval officers and men in the gulf depart ment captured by the rebels have all been ex changed and retained to duty MISCELLANEOUS WAR NEWS The 1st Massachusetts cavalry is now doing provost duty at City Point Ya by virtue of long and gallant services in the field Many' deserters are returning under the presi late proclamation not only from the Cana das but from places where they were secreted In various parts of the country The Charleston correspondent of the London Times undertake? ta tell why ort isher finally capitulated Ho says seems that ort ish er fell because the guns on its land face were too light to cope with iron clad vessels because its two ablest leading officers were wounded at the outset and because its garrison was inexperienced incoherent and loosely coupled and finally be cause the confederates in 1865 do not fight with the vigor and elan of 1862 and 1863 Iu the garden at the military hospital at Chat tanooga there were grown one thousand aud eighty eiglil varieties of flowers last year and from these floral beauties nearly six thousand pa pers of seeds were put up and given to the sol diers to send home The Christian commission has a new machine iu the shape of a large coffee boiler on wheelswith boxes for sugar milk and other supplies at tached which is very convenient in distributing supplies to the army The Spanish government has refused to allow the rebel pirate Stonewall to makojfurther repairs in the port ot errol or to take on board its armamen This will probably end her career as she is in no condition to go to sea A letter from ort Smith Arkansas says that the Kansas jayhawkers who have been stationed there have robbed loyal and disloyal citizens alike and have driven thousands of the citizens from their homes Under the eyes and with the sanction ol the highest authority this whole country has been stripped of all the horses mules cattle carriages and fine furniture which has been hauled and run off to Kansas and sold The ex reverend Hutchinson lately sent to St Louis in irons was one of the jayhawkers There are now no indications of any rebel or ganizations in the vicinity of Culpepper Court House Va saving occasional visits ot naming bands of guerrillas The United States steamer Santiago De Cuba Capt Glisson arrived at Baltimore riday from ori ress Monroe During a heavy blow' in the bay she lost overboard Acting Mate Silas Kipton who greatly distinguished him self in the assault on ort isher A Nashville letter of the 11th announces the departure of Gen grand cavalry expedi tion on a raid through Alabama and adds that the first news wc shall hear of them will be from Mobile The same letter says the 4th corps Gen Stanley commanding is now ou the way to Knoxville to co operate with Stoneman's caval ry now pushing through into Western Virginia The Latest Markets By Telegraph to The Republican At Boston 24 th Western railroad 128 itcbbur 100 Old Colony and all River 105 Boston anl Providence 127 Bo tou and Maine Hl Concord (shares S50) 55 Eastern 91 Northern 78 Philadel phia Wilmington and Baltimore 63 United States debt certificates (June) 08J United States ten forties 92 United States live twenties 105 United States May coupons 149 American gold lai A New York 24 th stock closed stronger American gold 150 United States coupon sixes italK Uni ted states fivo twentks registered 106 United States five twenties with coupons 105 United states ten fordes witli coupons 9oj Canton tonipany 27 Cutr berlnud coal company ill Now York Central nii road 33 Erie 51 Hudson River 90 Reading 94 Michigan Central Southoin and Northern Indian 53 Unnft Central OT leveland and itti burg 514 nnd Rock Island 80 Pitt burgh ort ft'erne ilnd Chicago 7bJ Incngo Burlington mid QuinCV 1X Chicago and Alton 83 Chicago attl Northwestern 2V vp Columbus and Cincinnati 130 Pacific JLh 1 company 26 1 nni ylvania coal company Mariposa mm in com pi 102 At the evening board the attoTK large gold and stocks were active and Ne trnusacions IarA ffoM 155J New York a1 roadOOJ Erie 55 Reading 95J Hudson Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana tw Illinois Central 8SJ le eland and Pittsburg 54J Chicago and Rock island 87 Chicago and North 22j Chicago and Northwestern preferred 50 burg ort Wayne and Chicago 9U Ohio and 'uis" sissippi certificates 21 Cumberland eoal comp VW 83 Quicksilver mining company O' Mariposa rm 'I" ing company 11 After call gold fell to 152L but ra bed to 1533 At New York 24th cotton was lower with sales at 4 flour IfifeSOe lower state 893351980 Ohio 990011 western 935gl020 southern 1350 Canada wheat lower corn dull prime white southern 8182 new yellow Jersey 156 oats 9192c for Canada beef dull pork lower new mess 25 374: lard easier butter dull Ohio 12 whiskeyIower sugars quiet muscovado DJc Havanna ICJc coffee dull molas es dull Porto Rico at auction 60o61c naval stores dull wool dull GENERAL NEWS SUMMARY The draft commenced at Albany riday Snow storm In New York yesterday morning Gough has lost his voice temporarily and lecture orney joins Greeley in asking for a new peace proclamation Collector Draper of New York is on his way home from Savannah Look out for counterfeit March coupons on $500 ten forty bonds They are afloat Count Joannes Is going to start a weekly paper at New York in the New York Joannes Journal Clark Mills the artist says the letter to the governor of South Carolina published as his is a forgery The seven thirty subscriptions for riday were $2221000 including a $250000 subscription from Memphis Where is Aleck Stephens? The southern pa pers advertise him as lost Gobbled up by Sher man's perhaps The English government says it shall not pry the Gurnard steamers any subsidy alter 1861 when the present contract expires Several whisky manufacturers at New York have been fined lately for avoiding the tax law and one large distillery has been closed Mr Samuel Williams one of the best writing editors in the country retains his position on the Albany Journal under its new management Boole is cleaning the New York streets In six days he has carried off 800 loads of night soil 100 dead horses 31 dead gouts and nearly 200 dead dogs besides over 6000 barrels of offal The Richmond papers say Com Hollins was not killed by men as reported They admit the great damage to the canal and railroads and that it will take a long time to make repairs Gen Lew Wallace has gone to Matamoras Mexico by flrder of the government to inquire into the recent nn friendlyacts of officers there Vice President Johnson is preparing another address to the people of Tennessee He will leave for Nashville on Tuesday and will probably re main there for some time The New York democratic young mass convention at Albany is given up The leaders are not disposed show their hands yet Bush whacking is their game now There is a large majority in New York against the constitutional amendment to have a tem porary commission to help out the court of appeals The democrats rejoice The 6th corps of the army of the Potomac are going to raise $10000 for a monument to their beloved General Sedgwick The privates are to give 50 to I5c and officers from $2 to $10 A member of the New York assembly sent up the following resolution one day last week Re solved That the clerk of this house furnish a copy of websters una bridgged Dictionary to each member They ought to have them The late flood swept away 40000 barrels of oil from the Pennsylvania oil regions and 50 000 empty casks The loss of property will be between $2000000 and $3000000 though some of the oil will probably be recovered If the New Orleans Times may be believed the Louisiana legislature behaves quite as badly as the 8 Congress Some of its members ap pear in their scats drunk and the session is pro longed when there is nothing to be done The beginning with the draft at New York city has had so good effect in stirring up the people to get volunteers that it is being tried in the same way at Albany The men drafted are not to be called on if enough men are raised as volunteers The New York millineries on Thurs day Bonnets are dike last fall only more so flowers and laces predominate feathers scarce ribbons very rich and wide com and lavender preen and white ore the pet colors and noopen ing for years has been so rich brilliant and vari ous The handsome surplus of receipts over expendi tures just now is being used to pay off gthe suspended req nisi lions upon the treasury which had accummulated to a heavy amount So there is no chance to keep in part of the greenbacks paid in for seven thirties and so reduce the cur rency Mr Wood our new consular agent at Matamo ras is getting along finely with the rench au thorities who treat him with great courtesy They refused to recognize his predecessor Etchison who was sent out a few months before because he was accredited to the Republic of Mexico No provision was made by the last Congress In Its appropriations for the removal of the naval school from Newport to Annapolis but Maryland is so anxious to get it back at once that the lower branch of her legislature has voted to lend $50000 to the navy department to enable the removal to be made The Maryland legislature has ordered a new election for judge of the eighth circuit court iu Baltimore county Mr Grason was elected but the legislature decides that ho hold the office under the new constitution as he belonged to a military organization that acted against the gov ernment at the commencement of the war About twenty five stores were swept away at Rochester during the recent flood tliere and scarcely a dry building can now be hired at any price There was great suffering there 'The water rose so suddenly that many families es caped drowning only by getting upon the roofs of their houses and many business men were kept at their stores unable to get home The farmers in that vicinity lost their stock their buildings and even the surface soiL A Polish lady who was the blight luminary of a late ball in Paris had adopted the emblems of the peaco*ck and every ornament aud article of dress brought to mind the glittering colors and shining plumes of bird The dress was of white tulle embroidered all over with eyes A tunic reaching from the waist to a little below the knee was composed of striped velvet recall ing the colors of the peaco*ck bunches of pea feathers everywhere hold together by bou quets of emeralds and diamonds and a peaco*ck this time uot dismembered and dismantled but perfect in form shape and color adorned her forehead The ornament was composed entirely of the finest brilliants and emeralds the neck of tlie bird with its crest being formed of the most splendid sapphires Accounts from the West and Southwest report unusual high water in the Illinois Cumberland Tennessee mid Mississippi rivers A recent steamer between Memphis and Ciiiro was fre quently hailed by families along shore who bad been driven from their hom*os by the rising flood and had constructed rafts of rails upon which they had placed their families ami meager eflfccts and were riding at the mercy of a flimsy clothes line or bed cord A house Abated down to Cairo in which were found the bodies of a man and two children At Easport Miss the landing was eight feet under water 50000 sacks of grain were drowned and ether government property to a largo amount mined The steamers took soldiers out of trees whor* they had been for many hours Two or tnree large cetton warehouses at Eastport landing were floated off and one was met with sixty miles below right side up the the roof high above tho water floating serenely down the rapid current Johnsonville was also completely submerged tlie railroad thence to Nashville was inundated and bridges were swept away which will requhe weeks to repair Dueda! Notices Jcln JR ilobert lunter export their flue nii Iom'on tnck Gin nd tt Is Lo Uul In znericibv a U'ir It Is he t0 wld nu 4 m25 14 Llnaeccl Oil MVlilto Ilnsaej on or ute (Raw nn Kollel tho beet "ua eheanerti Itv dorized nziue Varnlsb a 7 Ac paJ'dSi rs and consumer to nk ourjrices when InyiL KA WHI'IINO CO m2 5d1J IM Water et New York finisher removes Pimnieson the 4 nee reckies Ac It also ficus ttn ft tn 75 Hi? No toilet is complete it Pnce 50 conUj Mailed to any address for 7B cp nta hv UPHAM 25 South Eighth street rhllad'X LKEWEi: 263 Main st agent for Sptinsfieid 11 WaSJmo The Japanese Hair Stain colors the Hair Whis Kers and Moustache a beautiful black or brown It eon slsrs of only one preparation Color will not fade or wash K'UL Only 50 cents a box Mat ed to any add ess for 75 cent3 by UPHAM 25 South Eighth street Phila dek 'hia Is BREWER 263 Main st ae ents fr Wa83m Hail Uprooted Horn all parts of the body in five minutes wijhout injury to the skin by De pilatoev Powder Ask or send for Depila tory Powde 'r: and take no other Price 81 Welled to any address by UPHAM 2 5 South Eighth street Philaa ebtbta Pa fc BREWER 263 Main BL agents for inngfleid fl WaS3m Ir Kt llev 111 be in attendance at his Medical Of flee 32 EASTSTa IE ST cor Dwlgi Springfield on Tuesday and sn 'bsday the 4th and 5th of April to consult with patleutk bo sick on ell discuses of the Blood Liver Lungs Nlaney Heart Spleen Spine ie ADVL REE Lad'X fuO Gentlemen areinvitedto call A competent person 13 at aH tunes in atteroarce to prescribe ana sell Medicine m9 eoaltrd Honey Soap This celebrated Toubt Soap In snch universal de tn and is made from the choicest hater'als Is urtD and emollient in Its nature feagbanVi bcestep and extremely beneficial In its action upem the skis or tale by all Druggists and ancy Goods Dealers IB eodly Hlltor Insoluble Cement or wood leather crockery and other substances Is the best aid to economy that the housekeeper can haves It Is in a liquid form and insoluble in water or oiL It will adhere oily substances completely Two ounce bottle with brush (family package) 25 cents each Bold every where HILTON BROS CO Proprietors Providence I On receipt of 50 cents a family package will be ent by J31 Smdaw Hair Jsyet Hair Dye! Haib Dye Is the best In the world Th only true and perfect Instantanec us an produces a splendid Black or Natural Brown remedies tho ill effects of Bad and frequently re stores the original rxlor Sold by oil Druggists The genuine is signed A Batchelor 81 Barclay street New York 10 eodly Arnica Liniment an infallible enr for Burns Scalds Sprains Rheumatism Gun Shot Wounds Pains in the Limbs end Back Chilblains A single application allays the pain from a bum or scald tho Instant tt is applied No family should be without lb or sale by all Druggists f27'mod Thing ef Beauty la a Joy MARTHA WASHINGTON HAIR RESTORER IS A PEBS CT success Dr A Pettee Wilmington Vt says Please send me fifty bottles Martha Wasningten by first express We have used and sold all you left In this place and my neighborhood think as well as myself that there nothing like it Mr A Merchant flloncest'r Maes Messrs Simonds send me one dozen 'Martha Washington' by Express I have used other Hdr Restorers but never found anything that works so nice as this Try it and be convinced 8IMONDB CO Proprietors lrzwltliam Goodwin Co Burr Bo ton SV inner IL Hutchins Springfield Sold ever) where 129 2md Gray Hair Restored to its Oi Iglnal'X'outh ftil Baldncos tret ented dor Restorer" Co or Color (no DYE) Color Color "London" "Hair Color It 4s tho Only Known Restorer of Color and Petfcct Hair Dressing Combined Delicately perfumed DOES NOT SOIL HAT BONNET OR THE INEST LINEN It is the only attested article that will absolutely with out exceplion restore the bair to its original color and beauty cansing tt to grow here it has fallen off or be come thin Price 75 cents per bottle or six bottles Sold by D'B SWAYNE SON 330 North Sixth street Philadelphia: BREWER Springfield GEO GOODVHK Co Boston fl3 MWaS Braiwlceth's Tho Weak the Consumptive Bheumatlc Costive Bilious and Delicate after some use will find renewed strength and lift pervade every organ of their frames Every done makes the blood purer The nerves com mence in the arteries and terminate In the veins These pills as a first eflect act noon the arterial blood increas Ing the circulation by which Impurities are deposited In the veins and they throw off such co'lectlons into the bowels which organs by the energy derived from Bran dreth's Pills expel them from the system When first used the Pilis may occasion griping and even make the patient feel worse This is an excellent sign and shows the disease will soon be cured Ne great good is eften achieved without some trouble in its attainment and this rule applies to the recovery of health Sold by 3 BREWER JOHN HOOKER SKINNER and by aH respectable dealers In mediclues ml eodaeowlm A New Article for the Toilet LIQUID GLYCERINE COMPOUND Roughness of the or Eruptions reckles Sun burn Chapped ace Ups Hands and Cold soree or Sore Lips are almost Immediately cured by using Col ton's healing and soothing liquid article called Ebaqbant Glycerine Compound It renders the Skin soft and delicate and the delightful fragrance makes It a desirable article for the perfume He has been some time In perfecting ft and though onlv a short time oefore the public the proprietorhas re ceived the strongest praise for it as possessing almost magic curative properties for the above fils Also as a Cosmetic to soften whiten and beautify the kin ft is not surpassed Try It It is free from every injurious ar tide being entirely vegetable Be sure you get RAGRANT GLYCERINE COMPOUND Sold by Druggists and ancy goods Dealers generally Prepared by Colton proprietor of Select lavors 4tc GEO COODWIN CO Wholesale Agents )18WaS3m 33 Hanover tree: Boston Mass The Bitter ruita of Bnd BlttoraInrafid reader do you know what nine tenths of the Bitter com pounds you are solicited by the proprietors to accept ae universal panaceas are composed ot? Give heed for a moment They are manufactured from unpurifled alee hoi containing a considerable portion of fusel oil a pot son almost as deadly as prussic acid The basis ot the regular tinctures of the Materia Medica Is the same No amount of extracts" can overcome the bad ten dency of this pernicious element The Essence of sound Rye thoroughly rectified is the only stimulant which can be safely used as a component of a Tonic alterative and anti Mllous medicine and STOMACH BITTERS the only medicinal preparation in the world in which this article is used as an Ingredient Hence tho extraordinary effects of this great specific It gives strength without producing excitement No other Tonic does this All tho ordinary Bitten flush tho face and affect the brain Hostetter's Bittebs diffuse an agree able calm through tho nervous system promote diges tion and produce sleep No other Tonic so quickly re vives the exhausted physical energies restores the appe Ute and removes the gloom and depression which accompanies weakness of the bodily powers New York House 59 Cedar street m23 2wdaw IT el mb Concentrated xtraeb Bwelin IS THB GREAT DIURETIC Rf Concentrated Extsact Barsafajulla IS THE GREAT BLOOD rUBII ER Both are prepared according to rules of Pharmacy MXt Chemistry and are the most active that can be mode A THING BEAUTY IS A JOY OREVER Those who desire brilliancy of complexion must ptubf and enrich the blood which Holmbold's Concentrate Extract Sarsaparilla invariably does Recollect it tsi no patent medicine Ask for Helmbola's Take no othoa Beware of Counterfeits and Unprincipled en deavoring to dispose of their own and other prepay j0M on the reputation attained by HelmboklN Genato pre parations Helmbold's Extract of Sarsaparilla cleanses ai id reno vates the blood instils tho vigor of health it th0 si temand purges out the humors that make dlso JSBi To Purify Enrich the Blood and Beautify the plexlon use Highly Concentrate nuld Ex tsact arsaparilta One bottle equals in strgth one gal Ion of the Syrup or Decoction Why Injure tho Complexion byPowdrrs and Washes which choke or fill up tho pores of tire skin and in a short time leave ft harsh and dry? It fr in the bloodand if you want smooth end soft eklnuee Ex tract of Sarsaparilla It gives a btl'Ulancy to the com pletion A Clear Smooth Skin and BeVutlfUI Complexion fol lows the use of Helmbold's Concentrated luid Extract Sarsaparilla It removes blank siots pimples aud all eruptions of the skin Not a few of the Worst iaonlers flint afflict manktaJ arise from corruptions of the blood Extra of SarsaparalUa Is a remedy (fie utanst vnlue ia29 3md.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.